Industrial Temperature Calibrator Selection Guide

Industrial Temperature Calibrator Selection Guide

A temperature calibrator, often called a thermometer calibrator, is used to remove inaccuracies in installed thermometers and temperature sensors, because temperature measurement is a critical parameter in many industrial processes. Although simulators are sometimes called temperature calibrators or thermometer calibrators and may be used to provide calibration for the electronics in an installed system, a temperature source with a calibrated reference sensor is still required to provide a complete and meaningful calibration. Fluke Calibration offers a complete selection of dry-block calibrators, Micro-Baths, and infrared calibrators (i.e. blackbody calibrators) for temperature calibration at the accuracies required by today’s industrial processes.

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Field Metrology Well thermometer calibrators

9142–25 °C to 150 °C± 0.2 °CLight-weight portable and fast
Reads and documents °C, mV, W, and 4-20 mA
24 volt loop power
Includes accredited certificate of calibration
914333 °C to 350 °C± 0.2 °C
914450 °C to 660 °C± 0.35 °C at 50 °C
± 0.35 °C at 420 °C
± 0.5 °C at 660 °C
9190A–95 °C to 140 °CAccuracy: ± 0.2 °CHorizontal thermocouple furnace.  Flexible configuration for calibrating thermocouple bundles, spools, and sheathed thermocouples.

 Micro-Bath thermometer calibrators 

Model Range Accuracy Description/Features 
35 °C to 200 °C 
95 °F to 392 °F 
±0.25 °C World’s smallest calibration bath. 
Stability to ±0.02 °C. 
Stirred 2.5-inch-diameter tank. 
–5 °C to 125 °C 
23 °F to 257 °F 
±0.25 °C Portable bath to –5 °C. 
No refrigeration—solid-state cooling. 
Stability to ±0.015 °C. 
–30 °C to 125 °C 
–22 °F to 257 °F 
±0.25 °C Ultracold Micro-Bath reaches –30 °C. 
No refrigeration or external cooling needed. 
Stability to ±0.03 °C. 

 Handheld dry-well thermometer calibrators

Model Range Accuracy Description/Features 
35 °C to 375 °C 
95 °F to 707 °F 
±0.25 °C at 100 °C 
±0.5 °C at 375 °C 
World’s smallest dry-well. 
Fixed block with 4-inch well depth. 
Four hole patterns available. 
–10 °C to 122 °C 
14 °F to 252 °F 
±0.25 °C Handheld unit cools to –10 °C. 
Two 0.5-inch-diameter, removable sleeves. 

 Field dry-well thermometer calibrators

Model Range Accuracy Description/Features 
Dual-Block Calibrator 
–15 °C to 350 °C 
5 °F to 662 °F 
Cold block: ±0.2 °C 
Hot block: ±0.6 °C 
Dual-block industrial dry-well. 
Each block has two wells with removable sleeves. 
Water- and air-tight enclosure. 
Field Dry-Well 
–25 °C to 140 °C 
–13 °F to 284 °F 
±0.25 °C Small, lightweight field calibrator reaches –25 °C. 
Stability to ±0.02 °C. 
Calibrates up to six probes at once. 
Field Dry-Well 
35 °C to 350 °C 
95 °F to 662 °F 
±0.5 °C Portable field calibrator. 
Choose from four multi-hole, removable inserts. 
Field Dry-Well 
50 °C to 650 °C 
122 °F to 1202 °F 
±0.5 °C to 400 °C 
±1 °C to 650 °C 
High-temp field calibrator. 
Interface-it software and RS-232 included. 
Extremely small and fast for temperature range. 
Surface Calibrator 
35 °C to 400 °C 
95 °F to 752 °F 
±0.5 °C to 200 °C
±1.0 °C to 400 °C 
Calibrates surface sensors. 
Plate stability of ±0.3 °C. 

 Infrared calibrators 

Precision Infrared Calibrators

Model Range Accuracy Description/Features 
4180–15 °C to 120 °C± 0.40 °C at –15 °C
± 0.40 °C at 0 °C
± 0.50 °C at 50 °C
± 0.50 °C at 100 °C
± 0.55 °C at 120 °C
Fast, portable and easy to use
Correct target size for most thermometers
Calibration solutions from –15 °C to 500 °C (5 °F to 932 °F)
Radiometrically calibrated for traceable and consistent results
418135 °C to 500 °C± 0.35 °C at 35 °C
± 0.50 °C at 100 °C
± 0.70 °C at 200 °C
± 1.20 °C at 350 °C
± 1.60 °C at 500 °C
9132 50 °C to 500 °C 
122 °F to 932 °F 
±0.5 °C at 100 °C 
±0.8 °C at 500 °C 
Certifies most handheld pyrometers. 
Short heating and cooling times. 
9133 –30 °C to 150 °C  
–22 °F to 302 °F 
±0.4 °C Calibrates at cold temperatures. 
Gets to desired temperature quickly. 

 Metrology  Well high accuracy temperature and thermometer calibrators

Model Range Accuracy Description/Features 
9170 –45 °C to 140 °C 
(–49 °F to 284 °F) 
±0.1 °C Best-performing industrial heat sources (accuracy, stability, uniformity) in the world. 
Immersion depth to 203 mm (8 in). 
Optional ITS-90 reference input reads PRTs to ±0.006 °C. 
Temperature range from –45 °C to 700 °C. 
9171 –30 °C to 155 °C 
(–22 °F to 311 °F) 
±0.1 °C 
9172 35 °C to 425 °C 
(95 °F to 797 °F) 
±0.1 °C at 100 °C 
±0.15 °C at 225 °C 
±0.2 °C at 425 °C 
9173 50 °C to 700 °C 
(122 °F to 1292 °F) 
±0.2 °C at 425 °C 
±0.25 °C at 660 °C 

 Zero point dry-well

Model Range Stability Description/Features 
9101 0 °C 
32 °F 
±0.05 °C Solid-state cooling. 
Replaces messy ice baths—easy to operate. 
Three wells, each 6 inches deep. 

 Dual block dry-well 

Model Range Stability Description/Features 
Hot Block

Cold Block 
50 °C to 670 °C 
122 °F to 1238 °F 
±0.15 °C at 100 °C 
±0.65 °C at 600 °C 
Combined ranges from –30 °C to 670 °C. 
1 unit – 2 blocks. 
Two independent temperature controllers (hot and cold side). 
Stability: ±0.01 °C. 
Multi-hole inserts hold up to 8 probes at once. 
–30 °C to 140 °C 
–22 °F to 284 °F 
±0.25 °C (insert wells) 
±0.65 °c (fixed wells) 


Model Range Stability Description/Features 
9150 Thermocouple Furnace150 °C to 1200 °C 
302 °F to 2192 °F 
±0.5 °C Benchtop thermocouple furnace. 
Interchangeable insert sleeves. 
Fast heating and cooling. 
9118A Thermocouple Calibration Furnace300 °C to 1200 °C± 0.2 °C (without block),
± 0.1 °C (with block)
Horizontal thermocouple furnace.  Flexible configuration for calibrating thermocouple bundles, spools, and sheathed thermocouples.