PPC4E v1.2.6.15 Embedded Software

PPC4E v1.2.6.15 Embedded Software (.bin)

Download the file by clicking on "PPC4E v1.2.6.15.bin".

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver (2020 Mar 07)
Fix: Issues related to BG model IL bypass valve not closing to allow normal operation if a vent process is aborted before the vent process is complete.
Fix: An issue (on PPC4 Basic front panel interface only) where a date greater than 20191231 cannot be entered on the front panel calibration or Time&date menus
Ver (2017 Mar 26)
FIX: (PPC-625) Improved control performance for low negative gauge setpoints.
Ver (2016 Jan 11)
FIX: (PPC-620) Control may not respond to a new target after 24.5 days of being on.
FIX: (PPC-621) PPC4 phase 2 high pressure controller unable to reliably float 200 kPa/kg PC (IP & DP commands not working right)
Ver (2014 April 14)
ADD: (PPC-614) Increase max number of exercise cycles from 50 to 999999
ADD: (PPC-613) Allow 30 Advanced AutoTests instead of 20
FIX: (PPC-386) PPC4 AutoTest does not permit negative gauge mode setpoints
FIX: (PPC-389) Watchdog error if IH Q-RPT was last in negative gauge mode and switch to X1H Q-RPT in RPM4 in absolute mode and set pressure lower than atm
FIX: (PPC-393) Decrease sensitivity of knob operations
FIX: (PPC-394) PPC4 vent valve opens and then closes during data acquisition at gauge 0 point at the start of COMPASS test
FIX: (PPC-397) Autotest not allowing pressure less than FS
FIX: (PPC-405) Control reference setting resets to "Manual Atmosphere" after power cycle
FIX: (PPC-410) ARANGE= command will accept negative absolute range requests when RPT to use is explicitly given
FIX: (PPC-385) Memory Fault 3.127
FIX: (PPC-398) mmH2O,20 and mmH2O,60 units are incorrect.
FIX: (PPC-399) Unit designation for inches and mm of water need to be changed to the current convention of inWa and mmWa from the inH2O and mmH2O.
FIX: (PPC-362) Default hold limit minimum for G15k should be 10 ppm of 30 kPa (0.0003 kPa)
FIX: (PPC-160) It is not necessary for config to be in absolute or gauge units. It should be able to run in either [GUI].
Ver (2011 June 16)
CHG (PPC-374): The version format has been changed to an all numeric format, comprised of 4 numeric fields. These are the major version, minor version, revision and build fields. They are separated by a '.'

FIX (PPC-367): When using the front panel or remote Jog feature, the PPC4E would not achieve a ready condition after a new jog increment was defined.
Ver 1.02a (2010 Dec 29)
FIX(PPC-365): The PPC4E could not properly control negative pressures while in a negative gauge pressure measurement mode. 
Ver 1.02 (2010 Sep 30)
Initial release
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