WinFlash Free Utility

WinFlash Free Utility (.exe)

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WinFlash64™ 2.20 (64bit OS) (.exe)

PC Based
Free Utilities - WinFlash™

PPC2+, PPC3, PPC4, PPCH, PPCHG, PPCK+, MFC-CB, molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFM, PG7000, RPM3, RPM4, RPM4-AD, RPM4-AF, RPM4-E-DWT
(64bit OS)
PPC2+, PPC3, PPC4, PPCH, PPCHG, PPCK+, MFC-CB, molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFM, PG7000, RPM3, RPM4, RPM4-AD, RPM4-AF, RPM4-E-DWT
Firmware upgrade utility. This program writes new releases of embedded software to the FLASH memory based products listed above.
Use WinFlash to load a *.bin file to update the firmware of an instrument. The *.bin files are located on the support firmware download page ». Use WinFlash to update their firmware. Review the details on the specific product download page to ensure that WinFlash is the proper tool to update the firmware. The flash process requires that the instrument be connected to the host PC via RS232.
Use the WinFlash 64Bit option for 64bit operating systems and use the standard WinFlash choice for 32bit operating systems. Download and run the installation program. The installation program will prompt you through the installation process. Use the Custom installation option to exclude the PPC4 USB driver option because it will generate an error when using the Complete installation option. After the software is installed, launch the WinFlash program from the PC shortcut to run the program.

To upgrade a product you must download the corresponding .bin file from the products' embedded software page prior to running the WinFlash program.

Run the WinFlash program. An initial prompt is used to determine the interface between the PC and the host instrument. To begin flashing an instrument, use the Run menu Write to Device Flash option. The first choice will be the COM port or the USB instrument followed by a selection for the .bin file. If the proper bin file and instrument to PC connection is made the flash process will begin after one final confirmation. Depending on the instrument the process will take from 5 minutes to 3 hours. A completion status prompt displays when the process is complete.

PG7000 Piston Gauge models with version 2 firmware require a null modem cable connected to the COM2 port. other instruments use a straight through RS232 cable to their COM1 port. Refer to the product documentation or specific flashing instructions on the product page.
Updates Include:
Ver. 2.2 (2011.10.05)
ADD WF-12Support .NET 4.0
ADD WF-4All data flashed is now read back from the host instrument and compared to the original flash file. The exception is for products that support a CRC32 check-sum mechanism.
FIX WF-10Resolved errors reading the Winflash.setup file.
Ver. 2.00 (09 April 20)
Initial release of next generation flash upgrade utility.
Ver 1.01 (08 AUG 20)
ADDSupport for flashing the PPC4.
FIXThe COM port entry is preserved when the device Flash is not detected and flashing is reinitiated.
Ver 1.00i (02 AUG 12)
ADDFlash Header Check menu choice to verify the integrity of the BIOS prior to flashing. This option is necessary only under special instruction from DHI.


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