Die Fluke Corporation hat ein Sicherheitsproblem identifiziert, das bestimmte zweipolige Spannungsprüfer Fluke T110, T130 und T150 betrifft. Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme hat Fluke beschlossen, alle betroffenen Produkte freiwillig zurückzurufen und den Kunden neue und gleichwertige Ersatzprodukte mit verbesserter Messleitung anzubieten.
Fluke Corporation ha identificato un problema di sicurezza relativo a determinati tester di tensione a due poli Fluke T110, T130 e T150 ("T-Pole Tester"). Come misura precauzionale, Fluke ha deciso di richiamare volontariamente tutti questi prodotti e fornire ai clienti interessati prodotti sostitutivi equivalenti nuovi e migliorati.
Fluke Corporation has identified a safety issue concerning the Fluke SM100, SM200 and SM300 Electrical Socket Testers. As a precautionary measure, Fluke has decided to voluntarily recall all of these products and provide affected customers with free replacement products.
Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain 707Ex Intrinsically Safe mA Calibrators shipped between March 1, 2016 and November 30, 2016. The affected Fluke part numbers and serial numbers are listed in the table below.
Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeters that were manufactured between July 1, 2012 and November 30, 2012.