RPTLoad™ Free Utility | 1.04c | All products with quartz crystal based RPTs or Q-RPTs | |
Instructions: | |||
Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process. | |||
Description The RPTLoad program is designed to transfer RPT coefficients to and from DHI products. In addition to updating coefficients, RPTLoad can also be used to configure RPM1 reference pressure monitors. | |||
Updates Include: | |||
Ver 1.04c (03 OCT 20) FIX: Corrected support of BG TYPE QRPTS FIX: Improved the method used to read coefficients from all QRPT's. Ver 1.04b (03 JUN 03) ADD: A verification scheme was added to confirm that coefficients are always correctly written to products. Ver 1.04a (03 JUN 03) ADD: Support the writing of QRPT serial numbers to devices which support it. Ver 1.04 (02 DEC 19) ADD: Support for new Q-RPT technology in PPC3 and RPM4 products. |
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