RPM3 v1.02j Embedded Software

RPM3 v1.02j Embedded Software (.bin)

Do Not use with HGC-30000-AF!

Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center ».

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Rev 1.02j (2005 Jun 27)
FIX: When RS232 test is run, COM2 to COM1 no longer always fails.

Rev 1.02i (2003 May 16)
CHG: Display mode (e.g. Rate, Average, Freeze) is retained when power is removed from the unit.

Rev 1.02h (2002 Sep 20)
FIX: remove 'a' and 'g' reference characters from the pressure unit when the unit is 'ft' or 'm'.

Rev 1.02g (2001 Dec 17)
CHG: A0015 RPT range H3 to 16 psia/0psig in US version and 110 kPaa/0 kPag in SI version.
FIX: Operation of local "Device Clear" GPIB command.
FIX: "INIT:CONT?" command query now replies.
FIX: GPIB bus would hang if a single char was sent as a command.

Rev 1.02e (2001 Feb 26)
FIX: Older style RPTs without temperature compensation now read at normal internal (1.2 sec at idle) instead of 3.2 sec.

Rev 1.02d (2001 Jan 10)
Factory level changes only relating to G0002 RPTs in SI units.

Rev 1.02c (2001 Jan 02) 
FIX: Upper & lower limit for the zero warning on an abs RPT to include worst case RPT error.

Rev 1.02a (1998 Dec 29)
ADD: the new command "SYSTEM:RANGES?" that replies the defined ranges for the RPT(s) in gauge and absolute modes.
ADD: New command "DISP:RPT?" that replies the actively displayed RPT channel number and range.
FIX: incorrect error reply if the TIME remote command arg is invalid.
FIX: The Head Fluid/Liquid menu selection would select the incorrect type. Selecting "oil" actually selected "H2O", "H2O" selected "User" & "User selected "H2O".
FIX: Restructure data to prevent a RESET ALL from occurring when upgraded future versions. This should be the last ver requiring a RESET ALL as part of the upgrade. RESETS: This rev will execute a "RESET ALL", setting all USER settings and Calibrations to defaults.
FIX: COM1 compound reply that included "OK" is missing the seperator ';' between "OK" and the next reply ("OKOKOK" instead of "OK;OK;OK").
FIX: Correct the clock date entry fields to correct for leap years. (YYYY02DD where DD limited to 28/29 instead of just 29).
FIX: The leak check period entered when leak checking would not be saved for the next leak check, and a 15s period would be used to calc the leak rate instead of the entered value.

Rev 1.02
Expand res of factory baic barometer cal fields.
ADD: PPT diag menu select to help diag PPT communications errors.
ADD: Diag disp screen to disp the Baro vs RPT pressure ("AmbChk")
ADD: A2d cfg menu in DIAG menu so chgs can be made to the A2d sys config.
ADD: Reset the COM port settings if a memory failure causes a reset ALL.
FIX: Possible IEEE initialization error. Would cause FATAL EXCEPTIONS.
FIX: Diag COM test to work with COM5,6,7. Used to give INVALID indication.
FIX: Possible problem in parsing common commands ("*XXX") due to a length of command table being used incorrectly.
FIX: Change "G0002b" MID range from 15.2 to 16.2 psi.
FIX: Use of ZOFFSET when cal the final pressure on a gauge RPT is not determined by the tare eneable/disable, but is randomly determined meas to meas.
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