PPCK+ v1.00m Embedded Software

PPCK+ v1.00m Embedded Software (.bin)

Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver 1.00m (2005 Jan 05)
Fix: Setting fluid head medium to Air would cause a memory error when power was cycled.

Ver 1.00l (2004 Apr 13)
ADD: Support use of newer 20bit barometers in PPCK (added resolution is not used).

Ver 1.00k (2003 Jan 02)
CHG: "PASSTHRU" and "#" commands no longer time out after waiting 2 sec. PPCK+ will reply to any messages received from COM2 until the next remote command is sent
FIX: Allow remote command delimiters ',' and ';' to have leading and trailing whitespaces
CHG: Pass thru command separator (';') when using the '#' command
FIX: Allow Down excursions when over the UL pressure.
FIX: Reply as expected to Enhanced mode GPIB queries "ZNATERR:XX?" and "ZOFFSET:XX?"
FIX: First excursion after executing the "*RST" or RESET command could be erratic.
FIX: VENT operation failing after executing the "*RST" or RESET command
FIX: The internal clock's seconds would be set to '00' each time the time menu is entered.

Ver 1.00j
(factory only)

Ver 1.00i (2002 Mar 22) 
FIX: Power up in the last range used rather than in range H3 with last range used indicated.

Ver 1.00h (2002 Feb 18)
FIX: In static mode, if the hold setting was very tight (10 % of the default) the PPCK+ would never achieve a READY condition.
FIX: GPIB bus would hang if a single character was sent as a command.
ADD: If the pressure on the RPT exceeds the user UL setting, "OL" will appear as the first 2 char in reply to a "SR" or "PR" remote command.
ADD: If the pressure on the RPT exceeds the factory over pressure limit, "OP" will appear as the first 2 char in reply to a "SR" or "PR" remote command.
FIX: "Down" generations are allowed when the RPT is over the upper limit.

Ver 1.00g (2001 Dec 03)
FIX: Negative head entries would revert to positive values if no entry in the menu made.
FIX: "Head" remote command response.
FIX: Boolean replies to remote commands using the GPIB interface in enhanced mode would include the original command instead of just the reply of '0' or '1' as expected
FIX: Non query remote command errors when using the GPIB interface in enhanced mode would result in a "ERR# nn" reply. Only query type commands should reply.
FIX: The "MSS" bit of the "STB" status register was being set even if all events are masked (SRE=0) ADD: "RSE" and "RSR" remote commands

Ver 1.00f (2001 Oct 18)
FIX: Pass through communications on COM2 ("#" command).

Ver 1.00e (2001 Oct 04) 
FIX: The "PASSTHRU" command ("#xxxxx) now functions.
FIX: Occasional GPIB communications avoid interface hang ups when the local GPIB "DCL" command was sent.
IMPROVE: Static control mode operation with hold limits of < 10 % of default limits.

Ver 1.00 Rev d (2001 Feb 28)
FIX: InWa ref temp menu selections."
ADD: Allow selection of ""none"" in the punit setup to allow deleting a previously setup pressure unit."
CHG: Enhance pressure control.

Ver 1.00c (2001 Jan 16)
Enhanced pressure control for certain situations.
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