PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility

PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 32bit Installer (.exe)

Additional Downloads:

PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 64bit Installer (.exe)

PPC4™ Cockpit
Free Utility
PPC4™ Cockpit
Free Utility
PPC4Reference the PPC4 Operation and Maintenance manual for details on the operation of the PPC4 Cockpit.
Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
The PPC4 Cockpit is a free PC based application that emulates the advanced interface of the PPC4 using an RS232 or a USB interface.
All cockpit menu choices and operation are the same as the PPC4 advanced display. The key difference is that navigation and data entry is handled by a mouse and keyboard instead of the knob and number pad of the PPC4. Use the PPC4 Cockpit instead of the standard display to get all of the user interface benefits of the advanced display. Multiple instances of the PPC4 Cockpit can be run at the same time to support more than 1 PPC4.
Updates Include:
Ver 2.00 (2010 Mar 02)
ADD: Command line arguments for interface selections are now displayed.
ADD: Support Ethernet as a standard interface.
ADD: A remote API is provided to control the cockpit with an external application.
ADD: API Help file and the PPC4 User's Guide are installed with the PPC4 Cockpit.
ADD: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish are supported languages. Choose Settings and Preferences to access the language selection.
ADD: Animated dialog displays while loading the PPC4 information.
CHG: Exercise now displays the time at ready.
CHG: Display a warning if user attempts to connect to the PPC4 while it is in interpreter mode.
FIX: The result value is not removed when removing test points from the auto test.
FIX: 'Purge: On' always displays on the secondary pane.
FIX: Uncertainty values might be reset to 0 / blank after running RPT search.
FIX: Start screen is off when using 120DPI Windows setting
FIX: Lower limit does not function.

Ver 1.01 (2008 Sept 16)
ADD: Keyboard shortcut legend to initial program interface selection dialog.
CHG: Use "c:\dhi" directory structure.
CHG: Increase number of auto tests from 10 to 20.
FIX: International decimal separator issues.
FIX: Measurement mode might not be updated correctly when changing range.
FIX: An error occurs when running an Auto Test in a pressure unit other than the current unit.

Ver 1.00 (2008 July 25)
Initial program release.
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