PPC2+ v2.02f Embedded Software

PPC2+ v2.02f Embedded Software (.bin)

Do Not use with PPC2-AF!

Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center ».

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver 2.02f (2002 Aug 13)
ADD: Second argument to the factory cmd "!GENMETHDn" that allows generation to use default hold limits for generation control speed & trim threshold limits. This option is disabled by default.

Ver 2.02e (2002 Jul 02)
FIX: Reply to the IP and DP command.
CHG: Allow the query operator "?" to be used correctly with any command when using the GPIB interface in enhanced mode command operation (like PPCK+).
FIX: Reply to "READYCK" query in enhanced mode.
ADD: Various pressure control enhancements.

Ver 2.02d (2001 Nov 27)
FIX: Head calculation improvement at vented condition in gauge mode.
FIX: Gas selection menu under the head menu would not default "He" when gas was previously set to "He".
FIX: Neg head entries would revert to positive values if no entry was made in the menu.

Ver 2.02c (2001 Jul 27)
ADD: Purge valve does not open when venting from a vacuum.
FIX: Upgrade from versions older than v2.01b could result in start up errors.

Ver 2.02b (2001 Jun 29)
FIX: RANGELO and RANGEHI commands would report incorrect ranges on a BG0002.

Ver 2.02a (2001 Jun 21)
FIX: Repair lower target entry limits that may prevent valid targets from being entered.

Ver 2.02 (2001 May 21)
ADD: Support for BG0002 model operation.
FIX: Close the purge valve automatically when the auto purge function is disabled.

Ver 2.01d (2000 Oct 14)
CHG: Improve low pressure gauge control on PPC2+ units that have a high absolute RPT and a low gauge RPT while the low gauge is active.

Ver. 2.01b (2000 May 16)
CHG: Set point of -1 is interpreted as -1 in current pressure units rather than vent.

Ver 2.01 (2000 Oct 14)
FIX: Elimination of potential zeroing problem when leaving vented condition in gauge mode of low pressure absolute transducer.
CHG: Quick sequence FS entry field can now accept tenths of a percent in FS resolution.
MOD: Improved control of pressures around atmosphere when using a gauge RPT.
MOD: Improved pressure control at very low absolute pressures using a vac reference.

Ver 2.00i
Modifications to internal factory commands only.

Ver 2.00h
Restructured data to prevent RESET ALL from occurring when upgrading future versions. Generally, only a RESET SETS will occur when upgrading. Note when upgrading to this version a RESET ALL will occur.
FIX: *cls command to correctly clear the error queue.

Ver 2.00g 
FIX: Overflow problem that could cause a fatal exception and a memory fault #2 in automated application or in systems where power to the PPC2+ is rarely cycled.

Ver 2.00f 
FIX: Ensure status is NOT READY at the very start of a generation to ensure that the PPC2+ does not show a momentary ready when venting while vented.
FIX: Occasional on-board barometer glitches of about 150 Pa due to a calculation timing error.

Ver 2.00e 
FIX: Allow trims to be used for neg gauge targets. Previously, if pressure control settled under the (neg) target and the pressures (ga or abs) were neg, trim was not used.
ADD: Optional second argument to the PS= command to allow the ext volume to be specified, skipping the auto config at the generation start.
ADD: Add a diagnostic log that is cleared when a RESET ALL occurs. This LOG is currently used for just the glitch detect, but may have additions to it in the future.

Ver 2.00c&d
FIX: # reply to start with COM2instead of COM1.
ADD: Anti-oscillation agent in dynamic pressure control.
FIX: PCAL command in enhanced mode now does not need the = sign but will still accept it to work with previous workarounds.
FIX: Reply for READYCK command to include the text READYCK=n instead of just 0 or 1.
FIX: UDU command to not reply the UDU header, just data.
FIX: UDU command to accept 4 char string instead of 3 char max
FIX: Force the FAST generation direction to always down if a 0 abs target is given.
ADD: Support RPM3 for a ref in AZERO and NATERR menus (COM2 menu).
FIX: Change remote UNIT= cmd inWa temp argument from 1 ..3 to 4, 20 or 60.
FIX: Update the purge valve status when autopurge is enabled/disable to ensure it opens if autopurge is enabled while vented.
CHG: Display the rate instead of the target in static mode when not valving but unstable.
FIX: ABORT closes all generation valves if not generating a pressure to stop manual pressure valve operations such as IF or DF.
CHG: Factor generation defaults closer to actual values (new unit only).
FIX: Enhanced query COMx? will now reply in IEEE instead of no reply.
>than the ATM midscale), then new correct factory midscale values are loaded.
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