GFSTools PC Based Software

GFSTools PC Based Software (.exe)

GFS 2102
GFS Tools is a PC based application used to operate the GFS 2102 Gravimetric Flow Standard.  
GFS Tools is the PC based interface to the GFS 2102. All necessary features are included to log data for up to 2 DUTs in comparison to the GFS from 1 sccm of N2 to 10 slm of N2. Options are provided to set manual or automatic flows using an MFC and to define a test sequence of flow points to fully automate a calibration. GFS Tools also provides maintenance functions required to ensure consistent functionality of the GFS 2102.

GFS Tools is specifically designed to operate a GFS 2102. This program cannot be used without complete GFS 2102 hardware.
Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
Updates Include:
Rev 1.01 (2010.12.03) 
CHG(GFS-11):The About dialog now uses the new FLUKE Calibration logo.
CHG(GFS-10):The splash screen was updated to use the new FLUKE Calibration logo.
CHG(GFS-9):The [Setup][Configuration]‹System› tab options are all limited to acceptable values.
CHG(GFS-7):The balance weighing settings are changed to standard mode to increase the success rate of internal calibrations. The settings used during normal GFS operation are unnecessarily restrictive.
FIX(GFS-8):The GFS dew point calculation incorrectly used the ambient temperature and humidity. The calculation is now based on TH Probe#2 which is located near the gas cylinder.
FIX(GFS-4):Resolved an "Overflow Error" that could occur when testing a low flow accumulation when using a Min Mass per GFS sample that was relatively large compared to the flow rate.
FIX(GFS-3):A flow stability test is no longer applied to the last accumulation of a test point when a flow pause per accumulation is used. The stability test was waisted as it achieved stability at the current test point even though a new test point was sent immediately following stability test.
FIX(GFS-2):Resolved Runtime Error 91 that could occur when accessing the [Tools][PC Timer Calibration] menu prior to running an accumulation.
FIX(GFS-1):The [Setup][Configuration] menu choice did not save the Time Tolerance limits between executions of GFS Tools.

Rev 1.00h (2009.09.29) 
ADD: Support molbox1+ Ver6.00X and higher.
FIX: Corrected spelling issues in menus and messages.
FIX: Modified the GFS sample filter to prevent bad data fits from corrupting the GFS Flow

Rev 1.00g (2009.04.24) 
Internal software release.

Rev 1.00f (2007.11.29) 
ADD: Improved error handling on instantaneous mass rolling best fit.
FIX: The maximum cylinder probe temperature offset value is not used.

Rev 1.00e (2007.03.08)
ADD: Support the option to tare a molbox during a GFS AutoZero
ADD: A new configuration option is available to determine how many balance readings are used to determine the mass for any given GFS sample.
ADD: Support for Win XP restricted users.
CHG: A value of 0 will defeat the rolling avg configuration settings
CHG: Delete files to the Recycle bin instead of a permanently deleting them.

Rev 1.00d (2006.11.16)
ADD: Custom data file naming is available in [Tools], [Options], [Data File].
ADD: Support extended 64K molbloc EEPROM calibration information.
CHG: Removed options to regulate flow to the GFS outputs.
CHG: GFS and DUT *.sdf files are sequenced according to the active test data file name.
CHG: Tests that regulate to DUT2 will regulate to DUT1 when only 1 DUT is calibrated.
CHG: Changed the main form and shortcut icon.
CHG: Changed default balance sample period to 100ms instead of 300ms.
FIX: The DUT Reynolds number is stored using "RE" as the unit of measure.
FIX: The gas compressibility factor is used in an iteration to determine the pressure inside the GFS reference gas cylinder.
FIX: Automated tests will now get a flow Ready indication when regulating to the second DUT.
FIX: The data file only contains data from accumulations actually run.
FIX: The air-buoyancy correction is removed prior to determining the actual change in mass of the cylinder.
FIX: The test averaging time is based on the averaging time value in the Test Definition.
FIX: Hold and stability unit selection fields in the Test Definition Editor, are in alignment with their numeric entry fields.
FIX: The template selected in the active test definition is used for report generation when the test is complete.
FIX: Faulty cursor highlighting.
FIX: Provide option to manually close the flow isolation valve.
GFS 2102


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