COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Demo (.exe)

COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Upgrade (.exe)

for molbox™
for molbox™
molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFM
This download file provides 100 hours of fully functioning use of COMPASS for molbox. Licensed users can download this file to upgrade from a previous version of COMPASS for molbox.  
COMPASS for molbox is a complete flow calibration software package for users of Fluke Calibration molbloc/molbox mass flow calibration systems. Using COMPASS for molbox, you can create any number of calibration test scenarios; define characteristics of various devices under test (DUT); run tests; analyze test data and generate reports without ever leaving the program or you can export test data for analysis using other applications.

COMPASS for molbox is an application to automate flow calibration using molbox as the reference. It provides the missing link needed to get from automated hardware components to a fully automated flow calibration system... and without consuming your internal engineering resources or facing the uncertainty usually associated with getting automated systems on-line.
Download and execute the self extracting executable file. The file activates the COMPASS for molbox installation program. Follow the instructions to install the demo.

This demo expires after 100 hours of full use of COMPASS.

Download and install the upgrade into the same directory as your existing licensed version to automatically upgrade COMPASS. If you wish to install to a different directory or computer, you must first install the older version, then the upgrade, or copy the "COMPASS. lis" file from the installation directory of the licensed version to the installation directory of upgrade.
Updates Include:
Rev 4.06 (2010.10.28)
CHG (CMB-731) Changed the program splash screen to include FLUKE-Calibration.
FIX (CMB-730) Resolved a problem that could generate an invalid setup error when running a test on a voltage/current DUT.
FIX (CMB-720) DUT temperature may display a value that is off by a conversion factor between temperatures (e.g. C -> F).
FIX (CMB-2) Corrected a problem that can generate "The molboc has not changed. Continue anyway?" when switching blocs in the middle of a test.
FIX (CMB-1) Version 4.05 was incorrectly displayed as 4.5 in the About dialog.

Rev 4.05 (2009.12.15)
ADD: Support molbox1+ v6.00 and named calibration molblocs.
FIX: “Object variable or with block variable not set…”, error 91, occurs when running a test without a molbox.
FIX: Unexpected message box displays when the "ESC" is pressed during hardware setup.
FIX: When running a "Run molbox" test, the DUT temperature unit is not updated on DUT screen.
FIX: File Upgrade Wizard menu enabled while running a test.
FIX: MFC-CB Reference does not apply K factor to Flow value.

Rev 4.04a (2008.10.14)
FIX: Copy COMPASS Configuration feature did not work properly.
FIX: Compass tries to create a file in \Program Files\Compass for Molbox, which yields an error on Vista with User Account Control turned on.

Rev 4.04 (2008.10.14)
ADD: The ability to verify and change the molbox serial number during initialization if desired.
ADD: Default file locations and installation modified to be compliant with Windows Vista.
CHG: Updated help file.
CHG: Remove "What's this" help to be compliant with Windows Vista.
FIX: Demo COMPASS for molbox software does not work on computers with Regional Settings other than
"English (United States)."
FIX: When installed on a PC that already has COMPASS for Pressure, COMPASS for molbox looks for PROGAS.MDB in the C4P directory.
FIX: NI DeviceNet address was not saved properly.
FIX: [Setup][Hardware][Flow], and then "new" icon yields "Type Mismatch" error.

Rev 4.03b (2007.02.01)
ADD: Both molbloc SN's display on the report when A+B mode is used.
CHNG: Running a test with BPR Auto active in molbloc A+B mode generates a specific error message identifying BPR Auto mode as an A+B an invalid combination.
FIX: DUT records upgraded from versions prior to 4.02 are no longer lost.
FIX: The output of a DMM preceeded by "+" is now handled properly.
FIX: Actual flow units for the molbloc flow use the DUT's pressure and temperature for the flowing conditions.
FIX: A DUT that uses an actual flow unit and a proportional density correction caused a faulty reference flow in DUT's conditions value.
FIX: COMPASS does not properly report (on screen or in data file) when user selects A+B mode during test.

Rev 4.03a
FIX: Changing the DUT range now correctly updates the when the DUT outputs in a flow unit.
FIX: "Invalid Setup" error when running test no longer occurs when using analog output DUTs.
FIX: "Invalid flow unit" error on new COMPASS installs is now corrected.

Rev 4.03
ADD: Option for users to use new COMPASS Report Editor
ADD: Support Kelvin and Rankin temperature units.
CHG: A test stability setting of 0 uses the current value stored in the molbox.
CHG: The Report Editor now recalls the last path selected for file selection instead of always returning to the default directory specified in Options. The default directory applies only for the first file selection.
CHG: The use of N2 is no longer required in the Process Gas Editor.
CHG: The molbox flow unit is now set to the DUT flow unit during Test Initialization as long as the selected unit is supported by the molbox.
FIX: When a test is Re-Run from the post test dialog, a prompt to change molblox channel will display if the tests changed the molbox to an alternate channel.
FIX: Corrected international issues associated with using a "." in numeric fields of a DUT.
FIX: The stability error status value "s" no longer appears in RUN DUT or RUN molbox mode when the flow is stable.
FIX: Inserting a driver change no longer removes tests points in the Test Editor.
FIX: Corrected errors associated with a gas density correction applied when using actual flow units and separate process and tests gases.
FIX: A molbloc reference no longer indicates Ready when BPR HI or when the flow is flashing on the front panel of the molbox.
FIX: The DUT Search Tool now scrolls to display the actively selected record.
FIX: The change molbloc icon is now removed by clicking on it in a Test Definition.
FIX: Pressing Continue without taring no longer results in unstable flow in an automated test.
FIX: Actual flow units now function correctly.
FIX: Embedding window no longer displays when creating reports after a test.

Rev 4.02c
FIX: Corrected error message that displayed during report generation. Reports were not generated properly.
FIX: The Output Adjustment panel on the [Range] tab of the DUT Editor was not displayed.

Rev 4.02b
ADD: The test point fields in the Test Definition automatically highlight when selected. This simplifies test point editing.
FIX: Test records were not properly saved when COMPASS closed.
FIX: The MFC-CB communications test did not function properly even though the MFC-CB would work properly when used in a test.

Rev 4.02a
ADD: The DUT Editor, [Set] and [Read] tabs misspell the word "Baud" when DeviceNet is the selected interface.
FIX: A BETA time expired error message displays on released versions of COMPASS.

Rev 4.02
ADD: A new Tools options feature was added to calculate the water ratio given Pressure, Temperature and %RH. The [Options], [molbox] tab has a new feature to handle W when Air is the test gas on a molbloc. The choices are: force to 0, use current value, and calculate a new value.
ADD: An option to automatically print reports at the end of a test was added to the [Tools], [Options], [End Test] Tab.
ADD: Jog is now supported when flow regulation is active. These features were previously mutually exclusive.
ADD: A new option is present that allows a Test molbloc change to toggle the reference molbox channel. This allows fully automated testing using two molblocs.
ADD: The leak test and molbox purge can be skipped by pressing the forward arrow during a test.
ADD: The [Tools], [Options], [Maintain Lists] tab includes the ability to add and remove molbox supported calibration gases. Up to 21 calibration gases are supported.
ADD: Sonic nozzle leak testing is supported. A [Tools], [Options], [molbox] option is provided to enter the leak rate limit.
ADD: DeviceNet enabled MFCs and MFMs can be used as DUTs. Requires a National Instruments DeviceNet interface on the computer running COMPASS.
ADD: The default process gas data was updated to support new models of STEC, and Hastings MFCs.
ADD: The MFC-CB supports valve driver changes in a Test Definition.
FIX: Issues associated with using various channels on the MFC-CB and the molbox switchbox have been resolved.
FIX: Actual flow unit conversions from a "standard" flow unit were incorrect when used with gases other than N2. For example, "sccm" to "alm".
FIX: The flow controller setup saves gas conversion factors properly.
FIX: All changes to the test definition are blocked when running a test.
FIX: In some cases, an error occurred at the end of a test when the [Plot Data] option was selected.
FIX: A MFC-CB in the device editor sometimes displayed the remote command setup buttons. COMPASS has built-in support of the MFC-CB and does not require a remote command setup.

Rev 4.01b
ADD: There is no default DMM command setup.
ADD: %Rdg plots with tolerance bars and %FS DUT tolerances must exclude the low end points or have some limits, otherwise the tolerance goes to infinity at zero.
ADD: (DUT flow - Ref flow) data field and plot option. This value can be inserted in the Report Editor but does not display in the data grid.
ADD: Use arrow keys when selecting molblocs during test initialization.
ADD: An option to adjust the flow when zeroing and during a leak test is provided to allow MFCs to open internal valves to remove any differential pressure.
ADD: A message displays at the end of the leak test to indicate the results of the test and to prompt the user to adjust valving for normal operation.
ADD: An option to use the DUT error as the set error at zero set points has been added. When this is active, the DUT Set Errors are set to the DUT flow error values. The target must be exactly zero for this to take effect. ADD: The ability to insert a delay time and the change in state of molbox valve drivers between test points was added to the test insert options. A new Run Toolbar option to change molbox valve drivers was also added.
ADD: There is an option to enter the serial number and ID when using RUN DUT
with an DUT profile. This is provided to allow a complete data file to be created if desired
FIX: Averaging of the set point error value.
FIX: An error message incorrectly displayed when trying to ALT+Tab to the report editor from COMPASS after a test.
FIX: Report editor options are saved when the editor closes.
FIX: Taring during a test didn't log a "t" in the status code for the test point. The status code "E" was improperly logged in the status code.
FIX: The default molbox temperature unit was not saved between runs of COMPASS.

Rev 4.01a
• Correct version display from 4.1 to 4.01.
• Stability timeout status error code no longer takes priority over out of tolerance status error codes.
• Report editor has the following new field keys: "DUT-Ref", "%FS Error with opposite sign", and "%Reading Error with opposite sign". These can be inserted in reports.
• DUT square-root correction now works properly when the process gas and calibration gas are not the same.
• DUT editor allows a test to be removed by clicking the test box. Previously, tests could not be removed from
the editor.
• Corrected manual and common interface auxiliary data setups. Sometimes manual auxiliary devices did not prompt for entry of data when logging a point. Common interface auxiliary devices, (i.e. 2 devices using com1) sometimes logged data from only one command.
• Run Options menu choice is available to automatically apply the DUT's K-factor to the reference flow of manual entry references.
• Corrected report editor printing delays that occurred on some types of printers.
• molbox can be used as an independent DMM even though the output of current is in "mA" and not "A" like
other DMMs.

Rev 4.1 (4.01)
• New users manual.
• Stopped the flickering of the DUT and molbox output when running tests.
• Ability to setup independent auxiliary data devices.
• Added custom plot creation tool. New plots can be added to reports.
• Corrected use of mA flow controller with the molbox analog option.
• Data files can be created in Run DUT and Run molbox run modes.
• Corrected missing field keys in the Report Editor.
• Toolbars can be repositioned by right clicking and accessed with direct menu short cut keys.
• I/O Spy windows highlight command response pairs.
• Corrected MFC Switchbox use on MFMs.
• All COMPASS support devices have an output resolution selection.
• Any molbox supported flow unit can be selected as the front panel display unit in COMPASS.
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