CalTool for RPTs Free Utility

CalTool for RPTs Free Utility (57.61 MB)

CalTool™ for RPTs Free Utility1.10.0.25
PG7000, PPC2, PPC2+, PPC2 AF, PPC3, PPC4, PPCK, PPCK+, RPM1, RPM3, RPM4, PPCH, PPCH-G, molbox1, molbox RFM

CalTool for RPTs uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run CalTool then select the [Help] menu to access the help system.

(Note: As a result of PC specific security settings the help may not display correctly when viewed over the Internet. If this is the case, copy the HTML help system to the PC first, then open the file to view the contents.) 

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Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
CalTool for RPTs is PC based software that assists in the calibration of the reference pressure transducers (RPTs) in all supported Fluke Calibration products.
CalTool for RPTs is PC based software that assists in the calibration of the reference pressure transducers (RPTs) in all supported Fluke Calibration products. CalTool supports automation of the calibration process to the extent supported by the hardware available. All the necessary tools required to set test pressures, gather data, calculate optimum calibration coefficients, evaluate calibration results, write new coefficients to the device under test and generate calibration reports are provided by CalTool.
Updates Include:
Ver (2021 MAY 11)
FIX: Q-RPT zOffset value imports correctly to datafile for gauge mode (and BG) Q-RPTs.

Ver 1.01c (2009 AUG 24)
ADD: New QRPT ranges are available in the manual DUT range selection dialog.
FIX: Incorrect calibration date format is used when writing a new AutoZ value to PPC2-AF.
FIX: The [Help][On-Line Manual] menu option does not display the help file.
FIX: PG AMH PPC system does not always auto-generate pressure in a fully automated test.

Ver 1.01b (2008 DEC 03)
ADD: Support Windows Vista and protected PC directories.
ADD: Support new PPC4 pressure controller.
CHG: The ZOffset field is now enabled for PPC2-AF data entry.
CHG: The RPM4-E-DWT is now a selectable device. Previously the RPM4-E-DWT was supported by using the
RPM4 DUT selection.
FIX: Calibration information changed by using the [Setup][DUT Setup] menu choice could be reset when the
power is cycled on some supported products.
FIX: molbox and molbox-RFM data collected by COMPASS for Pressure or CalTool can be used by the
Data Manipulator.
FIX: Vista compatibility with CalTool for RPT report printing

Ver 1.01a (2008 MAY 16)
ADD: Support the E-DWT-RPM4.
ADD: Support calibration information extracted from COMPASS data files.
ADD: The last used DUT and corresponding remote settings are used by default between successive runs of CalTool.
CHG: Force AutoZ ON for all PPC2-AF DUTs to avoid conflicts with the CalTool AutoZ state and the PPC2-AF AutoZ state.
CHG: Calculate the PPC2-AF PazTare value using calibration data. The tare is determined at ATM instead of vacuum.
FIX: The PG7000 automated pressure control function was not properly used on international versions of Windows.
FIX: There are international issues with the decimal separator in the data file.
FIX: Loading RFM w/o microrange generated a "Script out of range" error
FIX: The product serial number in data files was not validated with the remote product when more than one data file was used to activate calibration information to more than one product.
FIX: The calibration of an RPM4 cannot be activated in IEEE-488.
FIX: The dropdown list of sub ranges for a PPCK A6000 has a Range2 that is 10x to large.
FIX: The ZOffset field was incorrectly enabled when initializing a test with a DUT that uses a remote interface.  Any value entered was not properly applied to the data.

Ver 1.01 (2007 DEC)
Special release, internal use only.

Ver 1.00i (2006 NOV)
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.00h (2006 AUG 15)
ADD: Support PPCH-G pressure controller/calibrator.
ADD: Support new [Setup], [Options], [Run Test] selections of , and when a Not Ready occurs during averaging.
CHG: Use maximum output resolution when calibrating a PPC3, RPM4, PPCH or a PPCH-G.
CHG: Support [Force Standard Regression] in the [Calibration] menu of the Data Manipulator when processing a data file for a gauge RPT.
CHG: Renamed Calibration Report to "Test Results" to avoid conflict with ISO15000
FIX: A prompt to load masses could occur when using an AMH mass set on older versions of PG7000 firmware.
FIX: The AutoZ function was incorrectly run when the AutoZ option of an absolute mode RPM3 was enabled.

Ver 1.00g (2005 MAR 29)
FIX: Automatic generation and rotation are not properly handled when an AMH is used in a fully automated calibration.
FIX: Local gravity from a COMPASS data file is not imported properly in a standard CalTool Report.

Ver 1.00f (2004 DEC 15)
ADD: Support the PG7000 "RESUME" command and automatic pressure generation when using an AMH automated mass handler.
FIX: The list of RPTs does not include gauge (Gxxx) RPTs when running a gauge Manual Entry Test.

Ver 1.00e (2004 OCT 31)
FIX: The Zoffset value was not properly written to an RPM4 when the calibration was activated. 
FIX: Multiple international decimal separator issues were resolved.
ADD: The PPCH is now supported.

Ver 1.00d (2003 MAR 27)
ADD: The default range of the PPC3 and RPM4 is set whenever the entered test range is near or exceeds the full scale of the RPT.
Auto-ranging can fail due to rounding.
ADD: A prompt to apply a user selected tolerance to all active data files is now in the Data Manipulator.
FIX: The full scale pressure entry in leak tests was incorrectly limited to a numeric value of 10000 regardless of the selected test unit.
FIX: Support of old style molbox calibrations.

Ver 1.00c (2003 MAR 12)
ADD: Link to the On-Line manual and an About option were added to the Help menu.
ADD: Support reading COMPASS for Pressure data file. CalTool for RPTs can manipulate data generated with COMPASS for Pressure.
ADD: Support for PP3 and RPM4.
ADD: The new molbox1 molbloc-S features are supported during the calibration: AutoZ, head correction, and BPR handling.
ADD: An option to select the test cycle of a multi-cylce test is available in the Data Manipulator. This allows new coefficients to be determined with any test cycle in the data file.
ADD: Support for BG RPTs. A symmetric span about 0 is determined based on the full scale value returned by the instrument or entered by a user.
ADD: Compound tolerances are supported. %Span or %Reading.
ADD: Plotting of data in %Reading.
ADD: The test tolerance can be changed in the data manipulator. The tolerance change impacts the point status for reporting and changes the tolerance bars in plots.

Ver 1.00b (2002 AUG 12)
ADD: An option in [Setup][Options] allows the piston or the piston + bell to be used for the minimum mass load when a piston gauge is the reference.
FIX: The set pressure prompt used for piston gauge references does not display the true pressure to set. It is an approximate pressure determined by standard gravity and the KN of the piston-cylinder. The prompt has been edited to make it clear that the pressure is approximate and the user should simply float the piston.
FIX: Calibrations in gauge mode on absolute RPTs did not function properly if the pressure unit was other than kPa. The value of Zoffset and ATMOffset were not logged in the proper pressure unit.
FIX: The RPM3 pressure was not always autozeroed when starting a test even when the option was checked.
FIX: The tare of the microrange RPT in a molbox RFM was not cleared. As a result, the as received had an offset equivalent to the tare.
The final calibration was still valid because taring the RPT corrected any errors in the adder.
ADD: Supports up to 15 PC COM ports.
FIX: If the pressure reference was a PPC2+, the pressure measurement mode was not automatically set. The active measurement mode was used for the test.
ADD: The pressure and temperature frequencies of an RPM1 can be logged during calibration.
ADD: Error plots use an extra digit of resolution to avoid apparent shape changes due to rounding between the as received and the as left curves. The error for as left data displays with 1PPM resolution to avoid incorrectly failing RPTs that are just at the edge of the tolerance.
ADD: The DUT pressure range full scale pressure is logged in the data file with the same resolution as the pressure range display on the product front panel.
ADD: When the pressure reference is a piston gauge and the test is run in absolute by ATM measurement mode, a VENT point uses the ATM pressure of the PG as the PG pressure.
ADD: ZOFFSET is displayed based on the RPTs measurement mode regardless of the active measurement mode. The as received ZOFFSET is also part of the test report.

Ver 1.00a (2001 OCT 08)
ADD: Support of molbox1 Ver. 4.02C.
ADD: The reference initialization includes an option to set the state of AutoZ when appropriate.
ADD: The test communications button on the reference setup displays the results of the test.
ADD: The manual entry display during test execution defaults to the first available entry field.
ADD: The [Copy Settings] option selects the same range of all like devices during the test initialization.
ADD: Warning messages are displayed when setting up DUTs that do not support remote acquisition of all of the necessary CalTool information.
ADD: Menu option to allow a standard regression to be used on gauge calibrations. This is necessary when the zero error is very large or zero was not included as a calibration point.
CHG: PG7000 mass and piston-cylinder information can be stored in any order in the PG platform memory. Previously, if there was no mass or piston-cylinder in the first position, CalTool assumed none was available.
FIX: Manual entry of RPM3 calibration coefficients works if the RPM3 is not in Pa pressure unit.
FIX: Manual entry related data acquisition of molbox.
FIX: RPM1 calibrations were sometimes not activated properly due to scientific notation.
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