CalTool for PG7000 Free Utility

CalTool for PG7000 Free Utility (.exe)

CalTool™ for PG7000 Free Utility
CalTool™ for PG7000 Free Utility1.00a
PG7000On-line help installed with the CalTool program. Use the [Help] menu to access the help system.
Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
CalTool™ for PG7000 is a PC based software utility used to maintain digital ID records for PG7000 piston gauge metrological elements (piston-cylinders, mass sets, mass bells).
CalTool for PG7000 is PC based software that assists in transferring, storing and archiving digital Identification (dID) records for metrological elements (piston-cylinders, mass sets, mass bells) for all models of PG7000 series piston gauges. A digital ID contains all the calibration and technical information necessary for the PG7000 platform to calculate measured pressure when the metrological element is used.

Digital IDs can be extracted from and exported to the PG7000 platform from individual dID files and from a dID database maintained by CalTool. CalTool ultimately provides an electronic update of fundamental metrological data to help avoid transcription errors associated with manually entering data using the PG terminal. Features within CalTool provide digital ID archive, restore and reporting to further preserve the integrity of metrological data.
Updates Include:
Ver 1.00a (2006 May 02) 
Initial software release.
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