8270A/8370A Embedded Software

8270A/8370A Embedded Software (.zip)


The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.

Instructions to update by the USB port on the rear panel of the 8270A/8370A

Updating the firmware (embedded software) of an 8270A or 8370A pressure controller requires only a USB memory stick, a computer with a USB port, and the firmware file. The update with the single firmware file will update the Main, GUI and PCM firmware.

Note that if you operate more than one 8270A/8370A/6270A controller in System mode (multiple controllers connected together), they must be updated independently and directly (not while in System mode).

To update firmware, click on the [Get Software] button above, complete the online form (or login to this website), then download the zip file by clicking the 8270A_8370A_v1.02_pcm1.05 usb.zip link. Extract the file to a location on your computer. Firmware updates are done directly from a USB stick plugged into the USB-A port on the rear panel of the controller. The firmware update file extension is ".update" and the file includes the main, GUI and PCM firmware updates. Note that not all items’ firmware is updated with a new firmware release. For example, a main and GUI firmware release might not include a PCM firmware release.

  1. Plug the USB stick into the computer and create a directory on it named "firmware"
  2. Copy or move the firmware file (ends with .update) from your computer to the "firmware" folder on the USB stick.
  3. Insert the USB stick into the USB-A port on the rear panel of the 8270A or 8370A controller.
  4. Turn the power switch of the controller off.
  5. Wait a few seconds and turn the power switch on. The firmware update process will soon begin.
  6. Wait for the controller to completely power up to the main screen.
  7. When complete, go to the Setup --> Instrument Setup --> About This Instrument screen and verify that "Revision" is correct. Press ‹Exit› to return to the main screen.
  8. To verify that the PCM firmware updated successfully, go to the Setup --> Diagnostic --> Control --> Primary screen and verify that "Revision" is correct (at the bottom right corner of the screen). Press ‹Exit› to return to the main screen
  9. Cycle the power and repeat steps 7 and 8 to verify that the firmware upgrade is complete
Updates Include:

PCM Version 1.05 (2019 Mar)

Add: (RICM-470) Automatically match the PCM Test and Supply port sensors to match the Pressure Module 

Main Version 1.02 (2019 Nov)


(RICM-475) PM500 C0 values are indicated on the Chassis UI in kPa instead of psi

(RICM-485) PCM Supply and Test port sensors out of tolerance

(RICM-500) Incorrect response to request for invalid CAN objects

(RICM-507) CLONE - Delay needed between GPIB commands

(RICM-510) Won't vent when in Fixed mode

Main Version 1.01 (2018 Nov)

Add: (RICM-470) Automatically match the PCM Test and Supply port sensors to match the Pressure Module 

Main & GUI Version 1.00 (2018 Aug)

Initial release

PCM Version 1.00 (2018 Aug)

Initial release

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