5320A Firmware Upgrade

5320A Firmware Upgrade (.zip)

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5320A Multifunction Electrical Tester Calibrator Firmware Upgrade

General description

5320A firmware upgrade ver. (3.43-1.34-2.43-1.01---2-9-2015) solves an issue in RCD trip current function and adds information lines to substitute leakage current screen.

New features and enhancements

1. Firmware

  • “Substitute leakage current” function contains additional information on screen:
    • Added line Rsubst with value of resistance connected to 5320A output terminals
    • Added line Unom with nominal voltage value to which calculates 5320A substitute leakage current. Unomcan be selected from a row of fixed values: 100, 110, 115, 120, 125, 127, 220, 230, 240 V
    • Access to voltage selection is in SETUP menu: SETUP/Leakage Current/Substitute LC Unom
  • “RCD Trip current” function. Fixed bug related to 5320A’s reliability to catch first overcrossing of trip current as follows:
    • Wrong behaviour: Under a certain condition the 5320A identified trip current as an “event” one level below preset nominal value. For example when set trip current value was 50 mA, the 5320A took current level below 50 mA as “event”.
    • Corrected behaviour: 5320A always identifies trip current as “event” when its value is equal or higher than the 5320A preset value. 

2. Hardware

  • No change in hardware

Upgrade indication

Firmware version number 3.43 is displayed in SETUP menu.

Backware compatibility

New firmware is fully backward compatible to old units.


New firmware is used in production for 5320A with serial number 802 (5108020215) and later.

Upgrade of older units

Upload new firmware using 5320A uploader. 

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