
전력 품질



주문형 웨비나

휴대형 오실로스코프

  • 지금 보기
    Portable oscilloscope webinar series part 1: Basic theory
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    Portable oscilloscope webinar series part 2: Waveform capturing and analyzing
  • 지금 보기
    Portable oscilloscope webinar series part 3: Tips for capturing waveform anomalies

모든 전력 품질 문서


구형 전기 시스템의 전력 품질 문제 진단

Fluke 멀티미터 및 오실로스코프를 사용하여 구형 전기 시스템의 전력 품질 문제를 진단하는 방법을 알아보십시오.


What is the difference between single-phase and three-phase power?

Learn the difference between single-phase and 3-phase power supplies, including uses and configurations.


Get peak variable speed drive efficiency through power quality analyzer


Case study: Texas power consultant keeps uninterruptible power supplies up and running

Critical systems run smoothly with regular maintenance and reliable tools Everybody knows that consistent, dependable electrical power is critical to any plant's function. But perhaps even more critical is a reliable uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. UPS systems are the silent partners that just sit and wait until there's a break in power. At that point, the UPS system is the most important system in the plant. It has to be ready to spring into action in milliseconds to keeps things running for anywhere from seconds to hours.


안정적인 백업 전원

정보 기술(IT) 설비는 전원 공급의 변동 및 왜곡에 특히 민감하기 때문에 일반적으로 무정전 전원 공급장치(UPS)에 의존하여 보상합니다. 일부 설비에는 별도의 피더(feeder)에서 공급되는 두 번째 UPS와 전력 차단을 감지한 후 3분 후에 자동으로 시작하도록 설정할 수 있는 예비 발전기가 포함됩니다.


역률이란 무엇이며 왜 중요한가요?

역률이란 무엇이며 왜 중요한가요? 역률 공식을 계산하는 방법, 방정식의 각 구성 요소 및 중요한 이유를 알아보십시오.


Why is there an arrow on your current clamp?

Learn why on all current clamps and current clamp accessories, there is an arrow placed close to the beak or inside the beak opening.


Why clean power is critical to smooth operations

When optimizing productivity in industry, energy use is one of the few inputs you can readily control.


Electrical Noise and Transients

Electrical noise is the result of more or less random electrical signals getting coupled into circuits where they are unwanted, i.e., where they disrupt information-carrying signals.


Determining Load Horsepower, Wiring, and Breaker Size for Safe and Efficient Installations

“Let's just oversize the motor and we can run it lightly loaded—that will save us some money and be easier on the motor.” This is a false belief among some who select and install motors. Properly sizing motors for a given load results in driving loads more efficiently, saving energy, and saving dollars. Motors typically are most efficient when they are 90 % to 95 % loaded. Just because a motor says “25 Hp” on the nameplate does not mean the motor is producing twenty-five horsepower as it operates.Clamp meter readings: Problems and Solutions


사례 연구: 3상 모터 고장

3년 연속으로 1년에 두 번 특히 대형 3상 모터에서 고장이 발생했습니다. 시설 유지보수 관리자가 전기 계약자와 모터 제조업체를 모두 호출했지만, 서로 책임을 전가할 뿐 현장에서 어떤 것도 해결하지 못했습니다.


지상 유틸리티 케이블의 결함을 추적하는 방법

간헐적 고장은 매우 찾기 어렵습니다. 언제 발생할지 모르는 경우 일종의 데이터 로깅이 필요합니다. 그러나 추적을 위해서는 원인이 된 이벤트에 대한 상관 관계를 알아야 합니다. 데이터를 원격으로 전송해야 할 수도 있습니다. 따라서 측정 기기는 Wi-Fi 연결을 통해 다양한 기능을 갖추고 지능적이어야 하며 두 개의 외부 센서를 판독해야 할 수도 있습니다.


3상 전력 품질 측정으로 전환

3상 전력 품질 모니터링은 반드시 필요합니다. 알 수 없는 전기 문제를 해결하든, 고객에게 추가 서비스를 제공하든, 상업 및 산업 고객에게 제공되고 시설 전체에 걸쳐 공급되는 것은 3상 전력입니다.


Fluke 1770 전력 품질 분석기로 해결할 수 있는 상위 5가지 전력 품질 문제

도구 가방에 Fluke 1770 시리즈 3상 전력 품질 분석기를 넣고 다니면 중요한 전력 품질 이벤트를 놓치지 않을 것입니다. 전기 시스템을 나타낼 수 있는 전압, 전류와 전력 측정뿐만 아니라 최대 8kV의 빠른 과도 현상, 최대 30kHz의 고조파, 딥 및 스웰을 캡처할 수 있습니다.


Case study: Finding a Power Quality Needle in a 30-Mile Haystack

At the end of April 2005, Crystal Mountain Resort in Washington suffered catastrophic failure of two power filters associated with their chair lifts.


Case study: Network Hub Failure

Ever fixed something and still not solved the problem? Sometimes multiple deficiencies can all cause the same symptoms.


Case study: Low Power Factor

Because power quality issues are difficult to pinpoint, clients often reach the wrong conclusions about their power issues. That often leads to expensive solutions that don't actually correct the underlying problem.


Case study: Elevator Trips Emergency Generator Breaker

A large commercial building had just finished an elevator equipment upgrade - but they hadn't been able to bring the elevator back into normal operation.


Case study: The Vibrating Transformer

This case history comes from an electrical contractor. Several of this contractor's clients operate large commercial buildings.


Case study: Rural Transformer Failure

This case history involves the investigation of a utility transformer failure that occurred in a rural area surrounded mostly by farmland and open space. The failure occurred in a location where power quality problems are rare.


Case study: Half Wave Rectifier

One winter morning, the electrician received a call from a local school. The caller said a transformer supplying power to three portable classrooms was making a chattering noise, as if something were loose inside.


Case study: 5th Harmonic Resonance

A small city gets its water from a mountain lake 30 miles away. A pumping system at the lake brings water up a short incline and into a long gravity pipeline that feeds the city's water distribution system.


Case study: Malfunctioning Traffic Light

The engineer carries a Fluke 43B on all trouble calls, because it provides a graphical display that allows customers to see a picture of the problem.


Case study: Lighting Ballast Evaluation

In most facilities, lighting is a major element of operating cost. Part of that cost is due to energy, and part is due to maintenance.


Case study: The Malfunctioning Medical Machine

This case history is a classic example of the importance of a systematic approach to solving a problem. It involves a contractor who works with several high-technology manufacturing plants.


Case study: Clean Power Delivers Clean Water

Maintenance electrical specialist Mark Newport was in the process of installing new electronic power factor correction units at multiple motor control centers (MCCs) to improve power quality, protect equipment and reduce costs.


Case study: Overheated Transformer

You could almost call it a happy accident. During a routine job at a large industrial facility, an electrical maintenance worker set a plastic kit on top of a nearby transformer.


Case study: Instant Power Replay Solves a Breaker Trip

After experiencing some nuisance tripping of breakers in the subpanel feeding the second floor of this industrial building, we installed a Fluke 1750 Power Recorder at the subpanel to gather information about power usage.


Case study: More Snow With Power Quality

A ski resort near Silverthorn, CO., depends on its snowmaking capacity to augment nature's snowfall, especially during drought years.


Case study: Remote power monitoring helps prevent football power failures

Filmwerks International is one company that has implemented a better way to monitor utility power for their backup UPS systems and generators


Case study: A hospital tech develops his power quality knowledge

Downtime is costly, both in terms of patient wellbeing and monetary costs - the X-Ray, mammography, and other systems themselves cost millions and a failure can also idle technicians or surgical teams. Most of the facilities have motor/generators and can maintain operations independent of the utility, making the power system robust but also complex.


Case study: See how the 438-II Motor Analyzer is building an underwater fan club

Watch the video to see how the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium uses the Fluke 438-ii power quality analyzer and motor analyzer to reduce water and energy use.


Case study: Performing Power Quality Studies and Troubleshooting Loads

Mac McArthur performs power quality studies for commercial, industrial, and residential clients.


Case study: Fluke Instruments Add Reliability to Oceanographic Research

It was in his capacity as an electrical troubleshooter and an electronics expert that Gagne, almost two years ago, first began to use a Fluke 434 Power Quality Analyzer and a Ti30 Thermal Imager.


전력 품질 관리를 통한 에너지 낭비 찾기

전력 품질 모니터링 및 관리를 통해 에너지 낭비를 식별하는 방법. 주요 장애 지점과 중단을 방지할 수 있는 전기 에너지 절약 기회를 찾아 보십시오.


Causes and effects of harmonics in electrical power systems


Electrical Panel Overheating for No Apparent Reason?

Troubleshooting an electrical panel overheating problem from unusual causes; testing with the power on, ruling out harmonics—and the resolution.


전력 소비를 모니터링해야 하는 5가지 이유

전력 소비를 전력 로거로 모니터링하는 이유는 무엇입니까? 발전소 안전, 비용 절감, 전력 품질 문제 해결 등 중요한 에너지 관리 결정을 내리는 데 필요한 데이터를 얻을 수 있습니다.


Seven steps to mitigate VFD harmonic issues

To determine the best solution for mitigating unwanted harmonics, start by investigating the equipment suspected of producing the bulk of the harmonic currents. Most often these are Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's). Use measuring equipment to measure and analyze the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonics. This is much simpler than it sounds.


변압기에 영향을 미치는 일반적인 전력 품질 요인

비선형 부하를 담당하는 변압기는 정기적으로 점검하여 허용 한계 내에서 작동하는지 확인해야 합니다. 변압기는 접지 시스템의 무결성에도 중요합니다.


Find problems early by monitoring motor and drive efficiency


전력 품질 문제 감지

산업 플랜트에 가장 많이 영향을 미치는 전력 문제로는 전압 강하(또는 급강하) 및 급상승, 고조파, 과도 현상, 전압 및 전류 불균형 등이 있습니다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 적절한 도구에는 각 작업에 적합한 지식 및 전기 테스트 기기가 포함됩니다.


Troubleshooting power factor correction capacitors

Power factor correction capacitors reduce energy costs by avoiding the premium rates that utilities charge when power factor falls below specified values.


Power Quality at the Service Panel

Voltage sags, tripping breakers, overheated electrical panels, and excessive voltage levels are all indications of possible trouble in an electrical distribution system.


Simplify troubleshooting: Making sense of electrical signals

Rely on the Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter® Handheld Oscilloscopes when your work calls for detailed and accurate signal measurements.


Fluke electrical analysis tool verified to measure torque without halting motor operation


How to improve power factor

Learn how to improve power factor, including specific solutions for different root causes of poor power factor.


378 FC 클램프 미터의 전력 품질 표시등 사용 방법

산업 전기 기사용 다용도 Fluke 378 FC 클램프 미터를 사용하여 기본적인 3상 전력 품질 문제를 감지합니다. 테스트 리드 없이 생산성 및 안전성 향상


What Does Class A Mean To Me?

Power quality measurement is still a relatively new and quickly evolving field. Whereas basic electrical measurements like RMS voltage and current were defined long ago, many power quality parameters have not been previously defined, forcing manufacturers to develop their own algorithms.


Turning electricians into power quality detectives in data centers


Troubleshooting Power Harmonics: Basic Troubleshooting Using Multimeters and Current Clamps

This application note details the procedures for using Fluke power quality analyzers for average watt measurements and converting those to watt-hours.


How to set up the 1748 power quality logger

The most important step in any measurement process is setting up your measurement device correctly. Do this incorrectly and you can find out your data is useless after a measurement cycle of days or weeks. That means starting all over again—if you can.


How to setup the 173x series energy logger


How to find the root cause of intermittent production stops

How to find the root cause of production line stoppage and reduce downtime in manufacturing.


Power Quality Measurements at Receptacle Branch Circuits

Many power quality problems show up at the branch circuit level. There's a simple reason for this: that's where most of the sensitive loads (and sensitive employees) are located.


Power monitoring improves real-world maintenance programs

Three organizations found cost and time savings after implementing the Fluke 3540 FC Three-Phase Power Monitor into their maintenance programs.


Measuring output torque without mechanical sensors

Measuring output torque without mechanical sensors


Making Watt-Hour Measurements with Fluke Power Quality Analyzers

The need to manage power is never more critical than when power prices skyrocket and power quality becomes suspect.


Is it the Motor, the Drive, or the Load?

In troubleshooting situations involving a motor, more than half the battle is simply isolating the problem.


For installation, a digital multimeter is no longer enough


How to use a phasor diagram?


How Adjustable Speed Drives Affect Power Distribution

Adjustable speed drives (ASDs) can be both a source and a victim of poor power quality.


Future proofing your Power Quality measurement equipment with IEC 61000-4-30 third edition


The Power Of A Waveform: Expanded Troubleshooting Options With The Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter

Electricians are discovering that the new Fluke 345 goes beyond simply monitoring voltage or current. It displays waveforms and harmonics, performs power measurements for power-factor evaluations, measures inrush current, and logs data over time for later analysis.


How to diagnose high-voltage surge arresters

How to diagnose a high voltage surge arrester with a Fluke thermal imaging camera.


How to collect data with the Fluke 1748 Power Quality Logger?


Troubleshooting power quality issues in critical medical diagnostic equipment

Diagnosing and troubleshooting power quality issues in medical equipment in hospitals and health care facilities.


Why does cable length between VFDs and motors matter?


Electrical Power Explained – Part 3: Balanced three-phase AC power


Comparing the Fluke 438-II and Fluke MDA-500

Extend motor drive production performance, trend data over time and troubleshoot excess energy consumption. Compare the 438-II Power Quality and Motor Analyzer and the Fluke MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer.


Remote power monitoring for maintenance managers


Connecting to power quality loggers remotely


Voltage fluctuations, flicker and power quality


What does the IEC 61000-4-30 Class A standard mean to me?

The IEC 61000-4-30 Class A standard takes the guesswork out of selecting a power quality instrument.


5 ways test tools can improve safety around rotating machinery

The electrical hazards associated with electro-mechanical equipment are severe and the electrical safety PPE requirements are extensive. But what about safety concerns from the mechanical side of rotating machinery?


Electric motor efficiency and reliability: New testing approach matches real world conditions

Measure torque while motors are still in service using an advanced tool that eliminates external torque and speed sensors.


4 ways maintenance teams benefit from remote power monitoring

Ensure that your team has the tools it needs to reduce unnecessary repairs and increase uptime by integrating power monitoring sensors into your maintenance program.


Make better energy consumption decisions

The Fluke 1738 Advanced Three-Phase Power Logger automatically captures and logs more than 500 power quality parameters to give electricians and technicians more visibility into the data needed to make better power quality and energy consumption decisions.


Power Reliability for Facility Managers

Power reliability for facility managers (bottom line): top issues; adds, moves, changes; electrical and electronic loads; emergency power; older facilities


Practical applications for single-phase voltage recording

Voltage stability may be a problem in areas where loads are cycling on and off during the day. Large compressors, motors, welding machines, arc furnaces, power factor correction capacitors and other large electrical machinery along with system impedance can easily cause voltage dips, swells, and transients.


Electronics in your building don't like power problems

As we have seen, power problems have a bad effect on electronic devices. To detect a power problem, a technician will first check out the power supply to a device to make sure it is functioning properly.