5080 / CAL Software

  • Fluke Calibration Software
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Tuotekatsaus: 5080 / CAL Software

5080/CAL Software features at a glance

  • Easy to use
  • Controls the 5080A Multi-Product Calibrator
  • Fast menu-driven procedure designer
  • “Point and click” report designer
  • Text based calibration certificate designer
  • Complete inventory and calibration management
  • Multiple languages
  • Compatible with bar code scanners

Complete, easy-to-use solution

5080 / CAL software is so easy to learn and to use, you will be up and running very quickly.

Create procedures with the 5080 / CAL Procedure Designer. Procedures are easy to write and do not require programming knowledge or codes. Each test is described on a single line. Simply select the operation and function from a menu and enter the appropriate test value and limits. Helpful tools like a test step wizard and limit calculator make creating procedures even easier.

Perform calibrations. Remotely control the 5080A via RS-232 for calibrating bench top and manual items. Simply select the item to be calibrated from the asset database, choose the appropriate procedure, perform the calibration, and enter the test data.

Search tools make it easy to find items in the 5080/CAL database. The calibration screen is easy to follow, moving from top to bottom, with the procedure displayed on the left and readings displayed on the right. Outof- tolerance readings are displayed in red.

Test results are saved in the database for later viewing and reporting. The 5080/CAL database is self contained on a local computer and does not require a computer network.

Manage inventory and calibration records. The 5080/CAL database stores information about your calibration assets as well as all calibration records. Inventory and calibration data are displayed conveniently on a single screen. You can add assets via a bar code reader, and search by different attributes. The records screen is bar-code capable for fast data entry. Searching, sorting and filtering is quick and easy.

Produce reports with built-in report design tools. Customize and store report templates with the data Report Designer or calibration Certificate Designer. Inventory data reports and calibration certificates can be created in minutes. Simply select desired templates, and choose inventory record or calibration results from the built-in database. Data can be exported easily for use in Fluke MET/TRACK or other systems.


Tekniset tiedot: 5080 / CAL Software

Minimum system requirements

Microsoft XP SP3, Vista, or Windows 7. Microsoft.Net framework version 3.0 or later must also be installed.

Mallit: 5080 / CAL Software

Calibration Software