Fluke 27GHz RF Calibrator – Concept Test

Product description:

The product is the Fluke 27GHz ‘single-box’ RF calibrator, with Fluke MET/CAL calibration automation software. It provides a unique level of integration through a combination of performance, functionality, signal delivery and measurement capability:

  • Precision signal level and attenuation, high signal purity and low distortion modulation
  • Low phase noise and jitter
  • Integral power meter readout (thermistor type power sensors)
  • Integral 50MHz frequency counter
  • Calibration oriented user interface and 9640A-like functionality

Signal outputs/input connections are made via devices/interfaces supplied by Fluke as part of the product. Only a minimal level of user re-connection is required, dependent on workload type and characteristics.

Performance levels and MET/CAL procedure availability allow the RF Reference to calibrate a wide range of popular workload models from a variety of manufacturers, including:

  • Spectrum Analyzers, including hi-end models such as the Agilent E444X PSA and Rohde & Schwarz FSU series models.
  • Power Sensors, including wide dynamic range and thermal types such as the HP478, Agilent 848X, E441XX and E93XX, Rohde & Schwarz NRVZ and NRP3, Anritsu MA24XX and TEGAM M11XX and F11XX series devices.
  • RF millivoltmeters, signal level meters, modulation analyzers, receivers, counter/timers, active and passive RF components.

The many significant benefits compared to traditional solutions include:

  • Reduced complexity in system configuration, test setups and for system operators.
  • Simpler metrology and uncertainty analysis, easing the burdens of obtaining and maintaining accreditation.
  • 4-8 times faster than manual calibrations.
  • “Walk-away” automation yielding typically 25% calibration capacity gain and 50% labour reduction compared to traditional automated systems.
  • An integrated, compact, robust and environmentally tolerant solution for on-site calibrations.

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