PG7000 Ver 2.07h Embedded Software

PG7000 Ver 2.07h Embedded Software (.bin)

PG7000™2.07hAll PG7000 Series models
-Ver 2.02x and 2.03x Users 
You can upgrade directly to this version with no special considerations.

-Ver 2.01x Users
Ver 2.02 is a major revision which should be accompanied by hardware changes.

-Ver 1.0x Users
Ver 2.01 is a major revision which should be accompanied by hardware changes. Contact a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center for additional information.

Download the file. Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver 2.07h (2011 Jan 17)
FIX (PG-486): The PPCH can take a very long time to re-float a piston. In some cases a re-float can never achieve a ready condition. The float algorithm was improved to dramatically reduce the re-float time.

Ver 2.07g (2008 Mar 05)
ADD: Include PPC4 in the list of controllers for automate pressure control.
ADD: Provide a new remote command that returns the pressure from the PG7000's pressure controller when AutoGen automated pressure control is on.
CHG: Change upper limit of bell and piston mass to 2 kg.
FIX: After initialization, PG7601 may assume the bell is not loaded (display ---- and ?? for piston position indication and rotation), when actual mass loaded is in range for bell to be loaded.
FIX: Upgrade of PG7607 from version lower than 2.05 would cause motorized rotation to function improperly.
FIX: Pressure Adder coefficient for vacuum gauge will not display full value if Adder is negative and 2 digits.
FIX: Mass rotation deceleration abort error message trigger is too sensitive.
FIX: Low mass loads accelerate masses very slowly when equiped with solenoid engagement.

Ver 2.07f
Internal mfg only.

Ver 2.07e (2006 Nov 06)
ADD: New remote command "AMHMS" to directly manipulate AMH masses through the PG.
CHG: When floating a 5MPa/kg piston with a PPCH, the control can stall out causing very long
control times, >9min.
CHG: Disable autorotation when a pressure is aborted (ABORT or ) and resume (enable) when the next pressure is entered (PS or ).
CHG: Execute a pressure set of 0 after initialization on power up.
FIX: When the same pressure is requested locally, and rotation predeceleration is on, the masses fully decelerate.
FIX: PGEN=# command fails when issued after a series of remote commands.
FIX: The display can get stuck with the word "Accelerating" or "Decelerating" on the front panel display.
FIX: Using the Mass=1 command then switching from local to remote caused the PG Terminal and
communications to lock up.
FIX: "MASS=" command return error even though correct mass set got set when setting an AMH mass set.
FIX: PG7000 may accelerate rotation prematurely when changing masses.

Ver 2.07d (2006 Jul 17)
ADD: Include rate of change of piston position in the calculation of control abort when floating with PPCH and PG7302.
ADD: Add the ability to specify external volume in PG7302 and PG7307 for use with PPCH and automated
pressure control.
ADD: The calibration report number for piston-cylinders, mass bells, and mass sets needs to support a nine digit entry, yet still support the older five digit ID.
ADD: Floating with PPCH - add a delay if the ready limit is overshot when floating.
CHG: Update values of PPCH float coefficients to improve robustness and performance into volumes.
CHG: Inconsistent mass set mass resolution for commands, responses and PG7000 Terminal display.
FIX: Rotation may not spin up enough with pure gas piston-cylinders.
FIX: [P-C] menu sometimes displays/highlights an inactive piston-cylinder.
FIX: In [SYSTEM}, vacuum rate is <****>, regardless of rate.
FIX: A remotely created piston-cylinder does not display as active when selected with the PG7000 terminal.
FIX: PPC initialization with PPC1 fails in gauge mode.
FIX: PG7000 in diff mode offsets its pressure after being set to gauge mode then back to diff mode REMOTELY. Front panel setup and use is correct.
FIX: The PistonVar command kills the last edit date created by the Piston# command.
FIX: Allow use of a PPC3 for AutoGen while in an altitude unit.
FIX: When feet or meters is the selected unit of measure, the piston-cylinder pressure range needs to be in psi or kPa, respectively when pressing [P-C] on the PG7000 Terminal.
FIX: Where the use of altitude units does not make sense, use psi and kPa for feet and meters, respectively.
FIX: AutoGen by PPCH may end up going in the wrong direction.
FIX: AutoGen with PPCH - abort if large overshoot of target pressure.

Ver 2.07c
Internal mfg only.

Ver 2.07b (2006 Mar 31)
ADD: In automated pressure generation with PPCH, rehomes valves on each control abort.
ADD: Decelerate masses prior to lifting AMH during initialization.
ADD: Ability to delete active piston-cylinder, mass set or mass bell.
ADD: Ability to delete piston-cylinders, bells and mass sets by remote commands.
ADD: Ability to use remote PS command for PG7000 when pressure unit of measure is ft or m.
ADD: Automated pressure generation for PG7202 using PPCH-G pressure controller.
ADD: "load all" remote command for PG7000 with AMH.
ADD: Support new style motorized rotation hardware (eliminates solenoid).
ADD: Remote status code for rotation engaged ('A' for accelerating) to the "PR" and "RS" commands.
ADD: Entry of "0" in mass to pressure mode vents the controller when automated pressure generation is active, like pressure to mass mode.
ADD: Support for to display the mass to pressure conversion coefficient in psi when the nominal conversion coefficient is in psi.
CHG: Improve the stability of the equilibrium fall rate display in high line differential pressure mode.
CHG: PG7202 piston position no longer flashes when ready during automated pressure generation
with PPCH-G.
FIX : AMH discreet mass control main mass entry screen format error.
FIX: In automated pressure generation with PPCH, abort and restart excursion if pressure is going the wrong direction.
FIX: Motorized rotation motor engagement is no longer tripped when AMH masses are lifted.
FIX: In high line differential pressure mode, tare mass is now limited to full scale of the tare PG7000 mass set.
FIX: RESUME=0 is default state, not requiring RESUME command to start autogeneration.
FIX: In high line differential pressure mode, motorized rotation engagement sequences corrected.
FIX: Update default piston rotation Ready limits.
FIX: Correct error in very low absolute pressure automated pressure generation.
FIX: MS=0 executes a vent when automated pressure generation is enabled.
FIX: Masses are decelerated prior to vent if automated pressure generation is ON.
FIX: Automated pressure generation from vent would sometimes not generate pressure with a new pressure set.
FIX: With automated pressure generation ON, new targets sent to PG7000 do not always result in target sent (and accepted) in PPCH.
FIX: [P-C] screen does not allow enough characters for a 100+ MPa range when unit of measure is kPa.
FIX: PG7302 high line differential option to be always enabled.
FIX: When using automated pressure generation with a PG7302, selecting a new piston-cylinder to update PPCH settings automatically.
FIX: In high line differential mode, if a mass is used to achieve a target line pressure, it should no longer be available for differential pressure.

Ver 2.07 - 2.07a (2006 Mar 15)
Internal mfg only.

Ver 2.06c (2005 Nov 28)
ADD: pressure units "Torr" and "mTor"
ADD: When using AutoGen with PPCH, do not refloat the piston if the piston position is between the float target and the upper ready limit. This avoids needless pressure regeneration when making small mass load changes.
ADD: New option in the [AutoGen] menu to skip having the automated pressure controller (PPC) readjust piston position to the target position when a new pressure command is given and the piston is already anywhere within the piston position "Ready" limits.
ADD: Improved PPCH low pressure control. Avoids excessive overshoots on low pressure (100 to 500 kPa/kg) piston-cylinders.
ADD: In the response to the "PR" command, list a "V" in the 3rd character space (after "R " or "NR") to indicate that the vacuum reference is "Not Ready".
ADD: Support for external vacuum sensor isolation valve controlled by a valve driver on the PPC3 use for automated pressure generation. Actuation of the isolation valve occurs automatically if an external vacuum sensor is active in the current SETUP.
CHG: Default low piston rotation limit in piston-cylinder file to 10 RPM rather than 20 on gas operated piston-cylinders (PG7102, PG7601, PG7607
FIX: PG7000 may stop communications with an AMH when an external barometer or vacuum sensor is not being used.

Ver 2.06b (2005 Nov 01)
FIX: Torr and mTorr unit conversions.

Ver 2.06a (2005 May 19)
FIX: In PG7302, AutoGen with PPCH may control pressure in wrong direction in certain situations when floating or refloating the piston.
FIX: Upgrades from version 2.05h and earlier will leave AutoGen by PPCH operation inoperable.
FIX: "NONE" selection was missing from the [SPECIAL], <2presU>, <2other> menu.
FIX: PG did not report a Ready condition when vented with a PPC3 AutoGen active and an external vacuum sensor.

Ver 2.06 (2005 Feb 22)
FIX: Sending "MMODE=G" command to result in normal gauge mode operation.
FIX: With AutoRotate ON, after a PG Terminal initiated deceleration of piston rolation, AutoRotate will not rerotate the piston until a new pressure or mass request is entered. This avoids having the piston rerotate immediately after deceleration if the piston is floating.
FIX: Remote definition of AMH mass sets so that subsequent mass loads are made correctly.

Ver 2.05h (2004 Oct 29)
CHG: Change the user "PRTAMB" command to a factory only.
FIX: Add piston rotation deceleration routine to AutoRotate in differential mode.
FIX: MINMAX command to contain a 3rd return parameter that is the pressure resulting from floating the piston only.
FIX: High line differential mode screens.
FIX: Forced rotation would attempt even if currently rotating and meeting other force rotation criteria.
FIX: Forced rotation should "give up" after three attempts.
FIX: New offset determined from an external barometer while in differential mode incorrectly read from the barometer resulting in a mass load error.
FIX: Allow selection via a menu to select old style LF-CR or normal CR-LF as the transmit termination for COM2 & COM3.
FIX: RPM4 would be improperly set to gauge mode when used as an external barometer.

Ver 2.05g (2004 Sep 28)
FIX: PG7302 could not initialize PPCH as AutoGen pressure controller.

Ver 2.05f (2004 Aug 23)
ADD: When using AutoGen with PPCH, set upper limit (UL) to 10% above the maximum PG7302 pressure to prevent PPCH from grossly exceeding the target when autofloating using rate mode.
ADD: RESUME=0 / RESUME=1 remote commands to not require / require the use of the RESUME command to complete remote pressure setting sequences.
CHG: New method for use of a PPC2+ or PPC3 with AutoGen when floating the piston in the "spring zone".

Ver 2.05e (2004 Jun 28)
ADD: Support for use of an RPM4 as an external barometer.
ADD: When automated pressure generation is on, when floating, piston position must be out of the ready band for three consecutive measurements. This avoids premature refloating.
CHG: When using automated pressure generation with PPCH and with "raise piston before mass handling" on, increase (by 2x) the rate used to raise the piston before mass handling and the rate used to detect if the piston is not progressing.
CHG: Do not alter the state of the control reference (VAC/ATM) on an external PPC2+ or PPC3.
CHG: When using automated pressure generation and with "raise piston before mass handling" on, change limit to raise piston to before mass handling to 2.5 mm.
CHG: resolution reported by the "MASSSETx" command is now 0.1mg for masses 500g and less, 1mg for masses greater than 500g but less than 10kg and 10mg for 10kg and up
FIX: With automated rotation on, forced rotation routine would not hand control off to the normal auto rotation control in some conditions and would continue to attempt forced rotation regardless of rotation speed.

Ver 2.05d (2004 Jun 01)
ADD: Support of PPCH as a pressure controller for AutoGen.
CHG: Forced rotation uses standard acceleration control instead of full power.
FIX: After a reset SETS or reset ALL, set active mass set and piston/cyclinder to the first valid one instead of the first one to prevent activating a previously deleted item

Ver 2.05c (2004 May 07)
ADD: Support for AMH-38 and AMH-100 automated mass handling systems.
ADD: Piston rotation deceleration function to stop piston rotation before changing pressure or manipulating masses (activation of this feature requires re-creating piston-cylinder files).
FIX: Internal real time clock could not properly set the date past year 2009
FIX: "MMODE" correctly accepts the "AATM" argument FIX: Auto generation does not stop floating piston when it crosses the midfloat position but floats piston at target position.
FIX: "PRTAMB" command and "PRTPC" command functions were swapped.
FIX: Piston position would occasionally falsely indicate '0.0' during remote use.
FIX: Longer timeout and retry for communications with extern PPC

Ver 2.05 - 2.05b
Internal mfg only.

Ver 2.04b (2003 Aug 04)
FIX: Recognize presence of motorized rotation system in PG7102, PG7202, PG7302 when upgrade path is not from most recent previous version.

Ver 2.04a(2003 Jun 23)
FIX: Display "*****" in numeric data fields which have overflowed (exceeded their width).
FIX: Modify the make up mass view screen to allow the "kg" text to be fully visible following the make up mass value.
FIX: Fatal Exception would sometimes occur when initializing an external RPM1.
FIX: Update the screen when head, unit or measurement mode is changed remotely.
FIX: '#' command now passes data onto COM2 without adding any additional addressing information.
FIX: Use correct piston file default rotation speed ready criteria for the PG7307.

Ver 2.04 (2002 Jun 11)
ADD: Support for new PG7202.
ADD: Gas density calculations up to 100 MPa for head corrections.
ADD: Platform model based maximum pressure limits.
ADD: Allow PG7302 and PG7202 to be used in high line differential modes.
ADD: Allow use of PG7302 module in PG7202 platform.
FIX: External barometer configuration could become corrupt if an RPM1 is used, and COM2 settings do not match the RPM1's setting.

Ver 2.03 Rev f (2002 Apr 18)
ADD: Support for PG7307
FIX: The "DUTHEIGHT=" remote command setting would be ignored if the DUT height was locally set to '0'.

Ver 2.03 Rev e (2001 May 22)
FIX: Remote command "PGEN" would not return the correct error if an external PPC was not detected.

Ver 2.03 Rev d (2001 Feb 26)
ADD: Support of PG7102 high line differential mode operation.
ADD: 0.1 mg resolution in bell and piston mass edit and view fields.
CHG: AutoGen (piston floating) routine sets piston to 1/2 of positive float deadband rather than to in deadband only.
FIX: Prevent deleting make up mass when editing mass sets.
FIX: Identification of PPC2+ in AutoGen (piston floating) routines to avoid hanging up in AutoGen initialization.
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