6270A Embedded Software, Update by Serial RS-232 Port

6270A Embedded Software, Update by Serial RS-232 Port (.zip)

Click here to update by USB.


The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.

Instructions to update by the RS-232 serial port on the rear panel of the 6270A

The below procedure updates the main firmware. Updating the PCM (Pressure Control Module) firmware is not possible by the RS-232 serial port on the rear panel of the 6270A. PCM firmware update is possible by the USB firmware method (link to that web page is above). It is also possible if you have a PMM Calibration Kit (KIT-PMM-CAL-20M, KIT-PMM-CAL-40M or KIT-PMM-CAL-100M). If so, contact Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support for instructions.

Extract the two files to a location on your computer:

  • 6270A_###.img firmware file (### is the version number)
  • Download7.exe (version 2.0)

Note: If the CPU does not have any firmware on it then if must be flashed by the USB port method to be later updated by the serial RS-232 port method.

Connect a null modem RS-232 serial cable (pins 2 and 3 are crossed) to the back panel RS-232 connector on the 6270A and to the computer.

In the 6270A menu path: ‹Setup›, ‹Instrument Setup›, ‹Remote Port›, ‹RS-232 port›, ensure that the COM settings are Data Bits 8, Stop Bits 1, Flow Control None, Parity None, Baud 9600, EOL CRLF, Remote IF Terminal.

Open the Download7.exe software, choose the COM port on the computer in the drop-down list, and verify the COM port settings. Leave the “Fast” checkbox checked. Then click the [OK] button in the Download7 software.

Select the 6270A_###.img firmware file (### is the version number). Double-click it, or select it and press the [Open] button. The update will initialize and then run to completion.

When complete, turn off the 6270A controller by the main power switch on the back panel. Leave it off for one minute then turn it back on.

Wait for the controller to completely power up to the main screen, then go to the ‹Setup›, ‹Instrument Setup›, ‹About This Instrument› screen and verify that "Revision" is correct. Press ‹Exit› to return to the main screen.

More detailed instructions are in the 6270A Service Manual and on our Online Help Center.

Updates Include:
Main Version 1.11 (2022 July 1)
Fix: (OMA-749) Prevent overrange error in low pressure modules.
Main Version 1.10 (2020 Feb 10)
Fix: (OMA-676) Prevent error when exercising to minimum with absolute PMM
Fix: (OMA-677) Show PM500 C0 coefficient as psi value (not kPa)
Fix: (OMA-703) GPIB correctly asserting SRQ
Fix: (OMA-704) Prevent low pressure PM500 module overrange error
Fix: (OMA-725) Manual AutoZero values immediately saved to PMM non-volatile memory
Add: (OMA-733) Added Message Available (MAV) detection for GPIB communications
Add: (OMA-729) Allow changing External Driver duty cycle with command, OUTPut: SOLenoid: DCYCLE
(OMA-7XX) Emulation mode improvements
Main Version 1.09 (Internal Release Only)
Main Version 1.08 (2019 Aug 12)
Fix: (OMA-675) Add delay between GPIB commands
Fix: (OMA-678) Prevent blank values on various screens
Fix: (OMA-633) Manual entry atm value showing as main pressure value at vent
Main Version 1.07 (2018 Oct 18)
Fix: (OMA-662) Prevent overshoot in absolute mode from low pressure to higher pressure setpoint 
Add: (OMA-663) Support CPS-40M
Fix: (OMA-633) Manual entry atm value showing as main pressure value at vent 
Fix: (OMA-617) Emulation mode improvements
Fix: (OMA-653) CPS function issue
Fix: (OMA-588) Absolute module grayed out in module selection screen
Fix: (OMA-642) Status field of the STAT, PR and PRR responses were always '0'
Fix: (OMA-631) Controller becomes non-responsive during PMM calibration routine
Fix: (OMA-622) Out of Range or Low Limit Exceeded error in Tare mode
Change: (OMA-614) Change default value of manual atmosphere uncertainty to 3.5 kPa
Fix: (OMA-601) Positive leak shows as negative value in leak test routine
Fix/Add/Change (Various): Emulation mode improvements
GUI Version 1.07 (2018 Oct 18)
Change: Update for main firmware changes
PCM Version 1.03 (2018 Oct 18)
Add: Support CPS-40M

Main Version 1.06 (2018 March 21)
Add: (OMA-589) Change message text to red when door is opened, “Please wait until done venting”

Add: (OMA-620) Support PM500 Pressure Measurement Modules, and zeroing of low absolute models

Fix: (OMA-623) Make LED on CPS brighter when the CPS is enabled and active

GUI Version 1.06 (2018 March 21)
Change: Update for main firmware changes, and match main version number
Main Version 1.05 (2017 September 25)
Fix: (OMA-569) Prevent error message when venting in absolute mode
Add: (OMA-581) Verify valve status before continuing after switching measurement modules, prevent overrange error
Fix: (OMA-598) Unit emulation command returned custom unit 4
Add: (OMA-595) Added OUTP:STAT command in DPI 515 emulation mode
PCM Version 1.01 (2017 September 25)
Fix: (OMA-580) Prevent overshoot of next pressure set point after venting
Main Version 1.04 (2017 March 31)
Add: (OMA-582) Allow for future Firmware Updates over RS-232
Fix: (OMA-584) Atmosphere setting retained on power up
GUI Version 1.01 (2016 October 31)
Change: Update for main firmware changes
Main Version 1.03 (2016 October 31)
Fix: (OMA-567) Prevent overrange error if exercise task is run with MAX setting
Add: (OMA-568) Add status display during firmware update routine. Add verification and error recovery.
GUI Version 1.0 (2016 July 19)
Change: Update for main firmware changes
Main Version 1.02 (2016 July 19)
Add: (OMA-564) CPS setup screen shows available CPS options (non-LED / LED). Setup –› Instrument Setup –› CPS.
Main Version 1.01 (2016 June 17)
Fix: (OMA-478) Uncertainty calculation per Uncertainty Technical Note
Fix: (OMA-483) Ethernet settings retained on power cycle
Change: (OMA-507) Range selection based on uncertainty instead of range
Change: (OMA-457) Option for program to proceed fully automated or by user entry of UUT reading. Maximum number of steps and cycles per program is 99
Change: (OMA-508) Select AutoZero reference in absolute mode. Automatic AutoZero in gauge mode. View AutoZero (zOffset) value in coefficients screen or by remote command
Add: (OMA-499) Ready Tolerance can be entered in % range. Useful when using a multi-range system
Add: (OMA-335) Supports system stacking mode (multiple 6270A controllers)
Add: (OMA-493) Remote commands to read active range, uncertainty
Add: (OMA-468) Remote command to set valve drivers based on control setpoint (allows for set up of automated regulator switching system)
Add: (OMA-407) Show test and supply pressures when the door is open
Add: (OMA-439) Error notification when CPS enabled but not installed
Add: (OMA-465) Czeck and Slovak languages
Add: (OMA-402) Support PG7000 automated piston float
GUI Version 1.00 (2016 June 17)
Change: Update for firmware changes
Main Version 0.43 (2015 December 15)
Fix: (OMA-483) Ethernet settings not retained after power cycle
Fix: (OMA-487) Error 222 "Out of Range" when pressure is stable
Main Version 0.42 (2015 November 24)
Fix: (OMA-481) Error 521 "Pressure Overrange" with low range Pressure Measurement Modules
Main Version 0.41 (2015 November 4)
Add: (OMA-467) CPC emulation mode didn't accept PCS400 commands
Main Version 0.40 (2015 October 1)
Fix: (OMA-452) UNIT:LENGTH command not working to set a value
Fix: (OMA-452) ABORT command works but required reboot to restore normal operating condition
Fix: (OMA-455) 6270 not working as security password to change date/time
Fix: (OMA-456) CPC emulation not working with GPIB
Fix: (OMA-459) Autotune did not work
Main Version 0.39 (2015 July 24)
Initial release
GUI Version 0.03 (2015 July 24)
Initial release
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