Produktoversigt: Data Recovery from Corrupted Database
MET/CAL® Plus calibration management software is quite robust; however, as with any software application, the possibility exists for corruption of data. Our MS-DBFIX service lets us repair damaged databases in most cases, and return your data ready to use.
To accomplish a recovery, the database file and log file is sent to the Fluke Calibration MET/SUPPORT group. Using special tools and utilities, we repair the damage (if we can) and return the data ready to use. When you purchase MS-DBFIX, MET/SUPPORT will use our best efforts to retrieve all, or as much as of the data possible, but no guarantee of any recovery will be made. Fluke Calibration will charge for this service whether or not any data recovery is actually successful.
This service may be purchased separately. It also is included in the MET/SUPPORT Gold Priority Support program for MET/CAL® Plus.