PPCH 1.01n Embedded Software

PPCH 1.01n Embedded Software (.bin)

Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver 1.01n (2013 July 22)
FIX: (PPH-180) The screen saver is too dim with the new display.

Ver 1.01m (2011 Sept 19)
FIX: (PPH-177) Default range units for the US and SI models were inverted. US model default range units were changed to psi and SI models were changed to MPa.
FIX: (PPH-176) PPCH is now compatible with alternate front panel display hardware.

Ver 1.01l (2008 Apr 15)
FIX: Pump prime or valve configuration routines may not complete successfully with revisions 1.01j or 1.01k.

Ver 1.01k (2008 Mar 19)
FIX: Valve adaptation is too aggressive in versions 1.01i and 1.01j.  Can result in overshoot of target for some excursions.

Ver 1.01j (2007 Oct 26)
ADD: Add A14Mu, A20Mu, and A40Mu utility sensor ranges.
ADD: Add Autotest and QuickDUT features. 
FIX: PCAL:HI? and PCAL:LO? respond with ERR#6 .  
FIX: Reply to MODE command in Classic mode dynamic control did not include "MODE=" in string . 
FIX: Turn off pump except when increasing pressure with valve control. FIX: Response to TP command does not update (to 0) after a VENT.

Ver 1.01i (2007 Jul 09)
Internal Mfg only.

Ver 1.01h (2006 Nov 22)
ADD: Support for the use with an external high pressure intensifier.
ADD: Indicate utility sensor overrange conditions on power up before any "PMAX" conditions may occur.
CHG: Warning should appear if purge pressure exceeds upper limit.
CHG: Valve control may get lost and stop on upward pressure control during purge sequences.
FIX: Aborting an excursion during the initial valve opening
FIX: The Upper Limit (UL) may be tripped inappropriately when changing pressure control direction at 500 MPa with an intensifier active..

Ver 1.01g (2006 Nov 13)
Internal Mfg only.

Ver 1.01f (2006 Jul 18)
ADD: Add an "hours used" counter for time the PPCH hydropneumatic pump is pressurized.
CHG: Change [SPECIAL], <7internal>, <1config> menu from <1TPC config> to <1Volume config>.
CHG: Pneumatic power to pump is turned off when PPCH is vented.
CHG: Volume configuration routine is accessible with , or user level.
CHG: Unit change using the remote "UNIT=" command no longer assumes gauge mode.
CHG: User and emergency aborts now take the control valves to default home position.
CHG: Halt operation and display a fatal error message if the valve drivers fail to respond.
CHG: When the measured pressure exceeds UL, pneumatic power to the pump is now shut off.
CHG: Only reset valves to limit switch on power up, vent, UL or Pmax conditions.
FIX: Escape from remote to local while controlling with valves can leave the QRPT measurement as "fast"
(200 ms updates)
FIX: Prevent internally initiated volume determination from occuring when it should not.

Ver 1.01e (2006 Jun 21)
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.01d
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.01c (2006 May 09)
ADD: Force a Not Ready indication during TPCU reset.
ADD: Improved volume determination in TPCU configuration.
ADD: Maximum allowable pressure rates are scaled with volume.
CHG: Valve control during TPCU reset and effectiveness of reset improved.
CHG: Rezero valves when handing off to TPCU control.
FIX: Pressure could overshoot and stall in high volume dynamic mode.
FIX: Correct coefficient upgrades from version 1.01a and earlier.
FIX: Vent operation would not get ready if pressure error was too great.
FIX: Improve TPC control and make scaling independent of valve control.
FIX: Valve rate oscillation should not trigger TPC configuration.
FIX: Improve valve control in controllers with sebacate fluid (rate oscillation handling).

Ver 1.01b (2006 Apr 26)
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.01a (2006 Mar 17)
ADD: Add "low reservoir action?" feature. Used to select between aborting pressure control (default) or continuing normal operation if low reservoir indication is detected. Includes local and remote support.
CHG: When "V"(volume) argument is included in "PS=" remote command, the thermal pressure control unit (TPCU) configuration CONFIG should not run at any time during that pressure setting/controlling sequence.
FIX: Switching between remote and local operation under certain conditions may lead to poor valve control and pressure overshooting.
FIX: Error in valve configuration opening point calcualtion.

Ver 1.01 (2006 Jan 03)
ADD: Create "standard" dynamic control mode. Previously existing dynamic control mode becomes "hi volume" dynamic control mode. New "standard" dynamic control mode is the default dynamic control mode.
ADD: Utility sensor is automatically AutoZeroed against the on-board barometer when PPCH is in vented condition.
CHG: PPCH Prime routine to make it more effective when priming into a system with a fluid head or flow restriction.
CHG: When direct manual pressure control keys are used, PPCH does not use adaptive control. Allows use of direct manual pressure control keys to float piston gauge pistons.
Ver 1.00l (2005 Jul 06)
CHG: Number of purge cycles allowed increased from 99 to 999.

Ver 1.00k (2005 May 19)
CHG: Valve travel limit applied to configurations
FIX: Valve/TPC logic would be unpredictable if vent was interrupted before READY.
FIX: Valve home positions could cause errors.

Ver 1.00j (2005 Apr 04)
ADD: Add pressure units "Torr" and "mTor".
CHG: Update the head correction calculation to ensure a pressure of '0' is indicated in gauge mode when autozero occurs with an Air head.
FIX: An "ABORT" quickly followed by a new target set "PS=xxx" while in monotonic mode "Segment2" aborts, but does not generate the new target.
FIX: IL RPT valves do not isolate and vent RPT if PPC is idle and pressure exceeds the IL's "PMAX" limit. Works fine if PPC is controlling.
FIX: A single keypress could result in multiple key actions.
FIX: Front panel menu locks up if the UP or DN arrow key is pressed in a menu with selections that only span the bottom line.
FIX: Dynamic mode does not hand off to TPC when pressure goes out of ready.
FIX: Entering a target pressure from an active "vent" would sometimes not start a new excursion (it would be ignored).
FIX: 2nd part of the user RS232 test always fails with the message "INVALID".

Ver 1.00i (2004 Sep 29)
FIX Remote selection of "UNIT=kcm2" was not operating correctly.
FIX RPT labeleling was incorrect on product intro screen with a utility sensor in the Hi position and Q-RPT in Lo position.

Ver 1.00h (2004 Jun 25)
ADD: Improved valve to thermal pressure control handoff logic.

Ver 1.00g (2004 Jun 01) 
ADD: "RESET" argument to the ABORT command which instructs the valves to close & reset after generation is aborted (for use by PG7000 AutoGen)
FIX: Purge target pressure is reset to a default of 50% of the active range whenever the range is changed.

Ver 1.00f (2004 May 24) 
FIX: Thermal pressure control (TPC) sometimes continued after returning to local front panel operation following use of TPC in response to a remote pressure command.
ADD: Use leak rate when determining opening points of user and factory valve configurations.
ADD: Leak check warning if excessive leak rate detected during valve configuration routine.

Ver 1.00e (2004 Apr 22) 
ADD: Generation adjustments and improvements.
ADD: Specifing a volume of '-1' with a rate or pressure set comand skips any pending volume requests for the generation.
FIX: A remote to local transition while generating can leave the control valves still open.
FIX: Reset SETS or reset ALL could result in a FATAL EXCEPTION message.
CHG: New factory generation defaults for control.
CHG: Reset user valve cfg during a reset ALL instead of s reset SETS.
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