FPGTools PC Based Software

FPGTools PC Based Software (.exe)

File size is 171.33 mb.

FPGTools is PC based software.
This application is the PC interface to the FPG8601 and the VLPC. Features are included to log data from the FPG and up to 5 DUTs, run test sequences, and perform all necessary routine procedures required by the FPG. This application cannot be used without an FPG8601 and a functioning RS232 port on the host computer.
Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
Updates Include:
Rev 3.03f (2010.06.03)
ADD (FPG-145): FPG Tools is now compliant with Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Rev 3.03e (2008.04.23)
FIX: FPG Tools occasionally freezes during a VLPC Characterization.

Rev 3.03d (2007.07.25)
ADD: FPG ActiveX object exposes selected resolution.
CHG: VLPC data files are now stored in a VLPC directory relative to the FPG Tools selected data file directory.
FIX: Leading + sign on DUT output values resulted in 0 output.
FIX: dN1, dN2, dN3 values displayed incorrectly under certain localizations.

Rev 3.03c (2007.04.24) 
ADD: New version of the VLPC Characterization program is available from the FPG Tools [Tools] menu choice.
ADD: Load cell stability hold time can now be set on the Internal Limits form.
CHG: Adjusted resolutions to appropriate digits on internal calibration dialog.
CHG: Unit field in data file now matches the display.
CHG: Internal calibration ignores the PPM change limit if calibration mass or gravity changed since FPG Tools
was started.
CHG: Load cell stability criterion applied to the Internal Calibration is now also used for zeroing balance.
CHG: Non admin users of a PC can run FPG Tools.
FIX: Fixed decimal separator issue when writing coefficients to the VLPC on European system.
FIX: Data is properly separated from 2 DUTs using the same RS232 port.
FIX: DUT Editor, min/max ranges now stay in synch while editing a DUT.
FIX: Corrected inconsistent international decimal separator logged in data files.
FIX: Inserting a zero check in a Test Sequence now inserts a zero check before the current point.
FIX: Spelling correction on FPG calibration screen.

Rev 3.03b (2006.05.03)
ADD: Revised installation to include latest release of the COMPASS Report Editor.
ADD: New option to open valve 9 (V9) in gauge and absolute mode.
FIX: Corrected error plotting data files opened using Data File Viewer.
FIX: The DUT output adjustment multiplier did not function properly on international systems.
FIX: The counts (N) value of a high resolution FPG did not update the 0.1 mg value properly on international systems.
FIX: Data file header used too much resolution on some values.

Rev 3.03a
ADD: Added support for the COMPASS Data File Viewer and the COMPASS Report Editor. New reporting and plotting functions are now available. The feature is available only when COMPASS for Pressure is installed on the FPG PC.
ADD: Edited the vacuum reference sensor text description to describe the changes in measurement mode associated with each selection.
ADD: The FPG pressure display changes to a status message when an FPG operation is active that may invalidate the pressure. For example, when zeroing the FPG the calculated pressure is replaced by "ZEROING".
ADD: The prompt to activate the vacuum pumps during absolute mode transition does not occur until after the VLPC is in absolute mode. This avoids the momentary exposure of the vacuum to atmosphere that currently takes place.
ADD: The vacuum reference sensor is isolated while purging.
ADD: The new FPG 5 Pa absolute range (Range 0.1) is supported. This feature requires an embedded software update to the VLPC.
ADD: If COMPASS for Pressure is installed on the PC, there are features to automatically generate a standard FPG Report.
ADD: Edited warning message associated with changing measurement mode when a DUT manifold is active with an active manifold vacuum pump.
FIX: Changed all relevant FPG calculation variables from single to double precision.
FIX: The HS and SS values set via the ActiveX interface were not converted to and from FPG %FS values. COMPASS for Pressure set these values in terms of pressure in Pa. The values were not converted to a %.
FIX: The range item in the [Test] portion of the data file was not properly delimited.
FIX: The default hold limits were not properly set when changing ranges and when running test sequences.
FIX: The date value in a test data file was not properly delimited.
FIX: When a range change or zero was deleted from a Test Definition the other edits to the test point sequence were erased.

Rev 3.02b
ADD: Over-range protection for the FPG is active even when the VLPC is not active.
ADD: %Span and %Rdg errors use 4 digits of resolution instead of three.
ADD: All pressure units use an extra digit of resolution to support the high resolution (1 mPa) FPG.
ADD: FPG Tools is disabled during long sequential operations.
FIX: The DUT Output field in the data file was not properly formatted.
FIX: Prevent FPG calibration information from being edited in restricted user mode.
FIX: The DUT communications test display would disappear too quickly when the interfaced failed.
FIX: Logic is used to insure that the internal calibration mass is in the proper state after an internal calibration is performed.

Rev 3.02a
ADD: The fine MFC is set to 2.5 % whenever a target pressure is set from Vent. This is intended to improve
control time.
ADD: mTorr and Torr are now default FPG units. There is no need to create them as user defined units
FIX: Some header information logged in the data file was incorrect.
FIX: Manual entry of DUT pressure sometimes displayed an entry for a second DUT even when one
was not available.
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