運用 Fluke 紅外線測溫儀,在安全距離下進行溫度測量。
不擔心遭馬達燙傷,也不用怕進行測量時 HVAC 系統或風箱的冷熱風直對臉部吹送。您可仰賴 Fluke 紅外線測溫儀,從安全距離取得準確的溫度讀數。
Fluke 64 MAX 測溫儀具有您所需要的精確度,可讓您準確進行工作,而且不會超出預算。經過設計與測試,可承受 3 公尺高處掉落,在您需要使用時,您都可以信賴此輕盈精巧的紅外線測溫儀 –...
12:1 distance to spot ratio in a small, lightweight IR tool.
With 65 years of expertise as the leader in the test tools industry, Fluke has built the 59 MAX+ Infrared Thermometer with the precision you need to do your job accurately and within your budget....
The Fluke 59 Mini Infrared Thermometer is the perfect combination of small size and big capability.
Fluke 417D/62 MAX+ 雷射測距儀 HVAC 套件 - 可對電氣/HVAC問題進行疑難排解。防塵與防水:IP54 防護等級。紅外線測溫儀可檢測過熱;雷射測距儀則可測量距離、面積和體積。...
Fluke 414D/62 MAX+ Laser Distance Meter HVAC Kit - troubleshoot electrical/hvac problems. IR thermometer tests for overheating; meter measures distance, area, and volume. ...
堅固耐用的Fluke62 MAX+紅外測溫儀與功能全面的T + PRO電壓連續性測試和易於使用的1-AC-II非接觸式電壓檢測器有著你需要一切迅速解決問題。...