我們不僅需要利用暖通空調 (HVAC) 設備來維持適宜的溫度、濕度和通風水準,保證人們居住環境的健康和舒適,現在還能幫助調節建築健康情況,管理不斷上漲的能源費用問題。HVAC 設備、居住空間要求、建築材料、天氣條件和壓力差之間的關係對於室內空氣診斷 (IAD) 來說,是不斷動態變化的過程。
The Fluke 481 Radiation Detection Meter is a portable and practical means for discovering irradiated goods, and for helping remediate contaminant and safety issues while minimally affecting performances. ...
Fluke 941 數位照度計是可攜式照度計,設計用於各種工業環境,可準確測量高達 20,0000 勒克斯/尺燭的亮度。這個照度計可以測量各種燈光,包含日光燈、金屬鹵素燈、高壓鈉燈和白熾燈。...
Fluke 925 可攜式葉片式風速計是不可或缺的專業 HVAC 工具。此產品可測量通風導管、空調等設備的 CFM 氣流、氣流速度、溫度、溼度、風速、空氣流動和空氣壓力。...
Fluke 922/Kit was designed and built for how (and where) you do your job, with performance, ruggedness and ease of use, setting the Fluke 922 apart from the competition. ...