TWB 1051 MET/TEAM® Basic Web-Based Training

  • Calibration software training

Fitur utama

Course topics:

  • Adding new records
  • Creating various types of procedures
  • Receiving assets into the lab
  • Recording calibration data
  • Creating and maintaining Manual Templates
  • Printing certificates and reports
  • Sending automated email alerts
  • Data maintenance to ensure consistency and integrity
  • Securing the application for variable levels of access

Ikhtisar Produk: TWB 1051 MET/TEAM® Basic Web-Based Training

Price *

$ 2,800.00


February 24 - 28, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
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May 19 - 23, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
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November 10 - 14, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
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10:00 am to 12:00 pm PST


5 days, 2-hour sessions each day




This web-based course presents an overview of how to use MET/TEAM® Test Equipment and Asset Management Software in an Internet browser to develop your asset management system. You will learn a systematic approach to recording the information you need to manage your lab assets routinely, consistently and completely. Attendees will view a presentation and a few practical hands-on examples of using the latest version of MET/TEAM® software. This course is typically held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Noon) Pacific Standard Time. This is an ideal class for those who would like to learn the basic functionalities of MET/TEAM® software through a remote class.

Equipment and system requirements of web session:

  • Computer with current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or other web browser
  • Computer monitor 17 inches or larger
  • Broadband Internet connection
  • Touch-tone telephone near the computer

**This is not one-on-on web training. This is a group setting.**

Course outline

TWB 1051 MET/TEAM® Basic Web-Based Training Course Outline

* Pricing subject to change at any time

Spesifikasi: TWB 1051 MET/TEAM® Basic Web-Based Training