Produk Fluke Baru

Fluke 325 with Solar Irradiance Meter and TLPV Test Leads

Fluke 393 dengan Solar Irradiance Meter dan TLPV1 Test Lead

Tingkatkan pengujian tenaga surya Anda dengan peralatan canggih kami yang mudah digunakan dan dirancang untuk pengukuran andal, pemecahan masalah yang lancar, dan peningkatan produktivitas di lapangan.

393 FC Solar Clamp Meter and TLPV1 MC4 - Image 1

Fluke 393 FC Solar Clamp Meter dan TLPV1 MC4 Test Lead

The Fluke 393 FC Solar Clamp Meter and TLPV1 MC4 Test Leads Kit is intended for professionals in solar energy. Built for safe and efficient measurements up to 1500 V, this bundle includes advanced functionalities like real-time data transfer via Fluke Connect, along with a compact design for tight spaces. Enhance your solar installation and maintenance processes with this reliable toolkit.

Fluke TLPV-UTOOL: Solar PV Connector Unlocking Tool - Image 3

Fluke TLPV-UTOOL: Alat Pelepas Konektor PV Surya

The TLPV-UTOOL is a specialized tool that enables quick and efficient disconnection of solar PV connectors. Compatible with Fluke TLPV1 and TLPV2 test leads, it features a unique hinge design for versatile unlocking. Ideal for solar professionals, it enhances installation and maintenance tasks with ease.


Fluke 325 with Solar Irradiance Meter and TLPV1 MC4 - Image 4

Fluke 325 dengan Solar Irradiance Meter dan TLPV1 MC4 Test Lead

The Fluke 325 Clamp Meter, Solar Irradiance Meter, and TLPV1 MC4 Test Lead Kit is designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy in solar system installations and maintenance, providing professionals with reliable measurement solutions for optimal performance.

Fluke TLPV1 MC4 to 4mm Test Lead Set

Set Fluke TLPV1 Kabel Pengujian MC4 ke 4 mm

The Fluke 393 FC Solar Clamp Meter and TLPV1 MC4 Test Leads Kit is intended for professionals in solar energy. Built for safe and efficient measurements up to 1500 V, this bundle includes advanced functionalities like real-time data transfer via Fluke Connect, along with a compact design for tight spaces. Enhance your solar installation and maintenance processes with this reliable toolkit.

Fluke TL175-HV CAT III 1500 V TwistGuard Test Leads

Kabel Penguji Fluke TL175-HV CAT III 1500 V TwistGuard™

Kabel Penguji Fluke TL175-HV CAT III 1500 V TwistGuard menawarkan ujung pengaman yang dapat disesuaikan, insulasi silikon yang tahan lama, dan desain ergonomis untuk pengujian tegangan tinggi dalam aplikasi tenaga surya dan industri.

Fluke ii915 Acoustic Imager

Fluke ii915 Acoustic Imager

Fluke ii915 Acoustic Imager dapat mendeteksi, menemukan, dan menilai kebocoran gas dan vakum pada sistem udara bertekanan, jalur pipa, dan peralatan industri secara efisien.

Fluke ii905 Acoustic Imager

Fluke ii905 Acoustic Imager

Mendeteksi, menemukan, memvisualisasikan, dan menilai kebocoran pada sistem udara, gas, dan vakum bertekanan.

Fluke ii500 Acoustic Imager

Fluke ii500 Acoustic Imager

Mendeteksi, menemukan, dan menangkap kebocoran pada sistem gas bertekanan

Fluke 283 FC/PV 1500 V DC Solar Digital Multimeter and Wireless Current Clamp

Fluke 283 FC/PV Solar Digital Multimeter and Wireless Current Clamp

Fluke 283 FC/PV Solar Digital Multimeter & Wireless Current Clamp, True-RMS CAT III 1500 V sangat pas untuk sistem panel surya dengan memastikan keselamatan dan akurasi.

Fluke a283 FC True-RMS CAT III 1500V Wireless Current Clamp

Fluke a283 FC True-RMS CAT III 1500V Wireless Current Clamp

Fluke a283FC Wireless Current Clamp, True-RMS CAT III 1500V menyederhanakan pemecahan masalah tanpa mengorbankan keselamatan dan keandalan.

Fluke 283 FC 1500 V DC Digital Multimeter

Fluke 283 FC CAT III 1500V Digital Multimeter

CAT III 1500 V/CAT IV 1000 V True-RMS Fluke 283 FC Digital Multimeter menetapkan standar baru bagi teknisi di lingkungan DC hingga 1500 V.