Fluke Industrial Products
Product Guide
The book contains complete descriptions of features and specifications for Fluke's full line of test tools. Sections include handheld digital multimeters, basic electrical testers, ScopeMeters, installation testers, field calibration tools, power quality tools, clamp meters, digital thermometers, thermal imagers, insulation testers, EX test tools, portable appliance testers, indoor air quality tools and accessories.
Fluke Calibration
Process Calibration Tools Catalog
This catalog contains a full range of accurate, rugged and reliable calibration solutions for field and bench applications. Sections include a wide range of multifunction, mA loop, pressure calibrators, temperature calibrators and data acquisition products. Plus some 40 pages of examples of pressure and temperature applications.
Fluke Calibration Products and Services Catalog
This catalog is designed to give you an “at-a-glance” look at the wide range of products offered by Fluke Calibration: calibrators and standards, software, service support and training in electrical, temperature, pressure, RF and flow calibration.
EWS Mini catalog
This mini catalog contains the main product range for the electricians.
Sections include handheld multimeters, basic electrical testers, installation testers, clamp meters, insulation testers and a selection of the temperature solutions.