Multiprodukt-Kalibrator 5502E
Produktübersicht: Multiprodukt-Kalibrator 5502E
All required functions for a wide range of applications
The 5502E Multifunction Calibrator has versatile measurement capabilities and outputs. This includes DC and AC voltages up to 1020 V, DC and AC currents up to 20.5 A and up to 1025 A (with the accessory coil 5500A / COIL with 50 turns) and variable resistors up to 1100 MΩ.
Using the Fluke Calibration 52120A Transconductance Amplifier, the output current of the 5502E can be increased from 20.5 to 120A. In addition, 25- and 50-turn coils can be used to calibrate instruments that require up to 6000A.
5502E also offers variably adjustable capacitance values up to 110 mF. To calibrate temperature gauges, thermocouples and RTDs are simulated, and the signals from thermocouples can be measured. The device also provides digitally synthesized extended bandwidth signals for sine, cut-out sine, triangle and square wave signals. The Calibrator 5502E offers a wealth of features in a single, affordable package.
Easy handling
The Calibrator 5502E from Fluke Calibration has extra features and is extremely easy to use. Its design allows for intuitive operation and ensures that you do not have to constantly look up the manual. For most tasks you work with hand movements from left to right - without long, illogical or awkward movements. Much of the functionality is done in a few simple steps.
In addition, the Calibrator 5502E is very cheap to buy; it requires no additional accessories and can be used with commercially available test leads.
Automated calibration for consistent documentaiton and high efficiency
Mit Normen wie ISO 17025 und ISO 9000 umfasst die Kalibrierung wesentlich mehr als nur das Durchführen von Messungen. Dokumentation, Steuerung der Verfahren, Rückführbarkeit und Rückverfolgbarkeit sind ebenfalls vorgeschrieben.
Optionale, Microsoft Windows®-basierte Prüf- und Messmittel-Software von Fluke Calibration erleichtert Ihnen die Dokumentierung Ihrer Prozeduren, der Eignung der verwendeten Messgeräte und Verfahren und der Rückführbarkeit. Außerdem erfasst und dokumentiert die Software Kalibrierergebnisse, damit Sie eine Vielzahl von Geräten einheitlich, schnell und effizient kalibrieren können. Mit der Software sind Sie in der Lage, Ihren gesamten Kalibrierprozess zu automatisieren, von der Erstellung und Ausführung bis hin zur Datenerfassung und Ergebnisdokumentation.
Our training sessions give new Fluke Calibration customers the opportunity to quickly familiarize themselves with the software. Seminars, online and CD-ROM based training courses are available to cater for the variety of learning methods and budgets. An up-to-date list of seminars and trainings can be found online at the Training Center at www.
Technische Daten: Multiprodukt-Kalibrator 5502E
Technical data - summary | |
function | Area |
DC | 0 to ± 1020V |
direct current | 0A to ± 20.5A |
AC | 1 mV to 1020 V 10 Hz to 500 kHz |
Volt * Hertz | 1000 V at 10 kHz / 33 V at 100 kHz |
alternating current | 29 μA to 20.5 A 10 Hz to 30 kHz |
waveforms | Sine, Rectangle, Triangle, Sinus (truncated) |
resistance | 0 Ω to 1100 MΩ |
capacity | 220 pF to 110 mF |
Thermocouples (simulating and measuring temperature) | B, C, E, J, KLNR, S, T, U 10 μV / ° C and 1 mV / ° C |
RTDs (simulating temperature) | Pt100Ω (385), Pt100Ω (3926), Pt100Ω (3916), Pt200Ω (385), Pt500Ω (385), Pt1000Ω (385), PtNi120Ω (385), (Ni120), Cu 427 10Ω |
interfaces | RS-232, IEEE 488 |
frequency | 0.01 Hz to 2 MHz |