TWB 1031 MET/CAL® Procedure Development Web-Based Training

  • Calibration software training

Wichtigste Merkmale

Course topics:

  • Configuring the Run Time
  • Using the Editor
  • Creating Projects, Solutions, PKM, and PXE files
  • Running procedures
  • Learn the use of the Function Select Codes (FSCs) through instructor-presented examples

Produktübersicht: TWB 1031 MET/CAL® Procedure Development Web-Based Training

Price *

$ 2,800.00


February 3 - 7, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
Register now
June 23 - 27, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
Register now
October 27 - 31, 2025 
(Class size: 12 seats)
Register now


10:00 am to 12:00 pm PST


5 days, 2-hour sessions each day




Learn to create procedures with the latest version of MET/CAL, without leaving your office. This web seminar is offered to MET/CAL users who need assistance writing procedures but have a limited travel budget.The course is designed for those who are directly involved in the operation of MET/CAL calibration software and are required to write or modify procedures. The workshop is presented as a five-part, ten-hour course with each two-hour session scheduled on consecutive days, typically from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Noon) Pacific Standard Time (Everett, WA USA). Equipment and system requirements of web session: Computer with current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or other web browser Computer monitor 17 inches or larger Broadband Internet connection Touch-tone telephone near the computer **This is not one-on-on web training. This is a group setting.**

Course outline

TWB 1031 MET/CAL® Procedure Development Web-Based Training Course Outline

* Pricing subject to change at any time

Technische Daten: TWB 1031 MET/CAL® Procedure Development Web-Based Training