7109A Calibration Time Savings Estimate

Calibrate 4 sensors in half the time

Compare the 7109A Portable Calibration Bath with a 7103 Micro-Bath

A typical 3-point calibration of 4 tri-clamp sanitary sensors takes over 4 hours (259.45 minutes) using a 7103 Micro-Bath. The same calibration using a 7109A Portable Calibration Bath takes about 2 hours (130.0 minutes). That’s a time savings of more than 2 hours per 4-sensor batch!

This table presents the details
7109A Calibration Time Savings Estimate
Calibrate four tri-clamp sensors at three temperature points (0, 70, and 125°C)
7103 Micro-Baths
Ramp range23 to 0°C0 to 70°C70 to 125°C
Speed to temperature25°C to -25°C: 0.9 min/°C25°C to 100°C: 0.47 min/°C25°C to 100°C: 0.47 min/°C
Ramp Speed
Stabilization Time (minutes)60 *60 *60*
Calibration Time (minutes)80.792.985.85
Total batch calibration time259.45


7109A Portable Calibration Bath
Ramp range23 to 0°C0 to 25°C25 to 70°C70 to 125°C
Speed to temperature25°C to -25°C: 1.5 min/°C-25°C to 25°C: 0.7 min/°C25°C to 140°C: 0.48 min/°C25°C to 140°C: 0.48 min/°C
Ramp Speed (minutes/°C)
Stabilization Time  (minutes)10n/a1010
Calibration Time (minutes)44.517.531.636.4
Total batch calibration time130.0
The 7109A saves over 2 hours per four sensor batchTime savings129.45
*The 7103 Micro-Bath calibrates one tri-clamp sensor at a time. Each sensor takes 15 minutes to stabilize for a total of 60 minutes per batch of four sensors.

Learn more about the 6109A and 7109A Portable Calibration Baths

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