PPC3 v1.03d Embedded Software

PPC2-AF v1.01e Embedded Software (.bin)

PPC3 (including -AF models)
Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Ver 1.03d (2011 Oct 21)
FIX: PPC3 is now compatible with alternate front panel display hardware.

Ver 1.03b (2005 Dec 13)
FIX: Communications with an RPM4 being used as an external device fail under certain conditions, aborting excursions in progress.
FIX: Repair Torr and mTorr unit conversions.

Ver 1.03a 
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.03 (2005 Feb 17)
Add: Pressure units "Torr" and "mTor" .
Fix: RS232 test fails with the message "INVALID".
Fix: IL RPT not isolated and vented/bypassed if PPC is idle and pressure exceeds the IL's "PMAX" limit.
Works correctly if PPC is controlling.
Fix: Use of up and down arrow key in measurement mode menu to operate correctly.

Ver 1.02f (2004 Dec 20)
FIX: Error in gauge mode head calculation on revison 1.02e.

Ver 1.02e (2004 Sep 14)
Fix: Legacy commands "RANGELO" and "RANGEHI" were returning incorrect range values.
CHG: Wait until vent routine brings pressure to a point greater than a gauge Q-RPT's minimum pressure limit before opening the RPT's isolation valve. This is to protect BG and G15K Q-RPTs from accidental under pressure.

Ver 1.02d (2004 Jul 20) 
FIX: Argon was used instead of air for head calculations when air was selected as the pressure medium from the front panel.
CHG: Gas fluid head calculations. In gauge mode, calculate "high side" gas density using the selected gas and (gauge pressure + standard atmosphere) as the pressure and air at standard pressure and temperature for "low side" gas density. This ensures that the head at 0 gauge pressure when the active gas is air is 0 for any head height.

Ver 1.02c (2004 Jul 13)
FIX: Properly support the different temperature references when using an external RPM4 in InWa.
FIX: Internal pressure conversion for an external active RPM4 not using the RPM4's mode for conversion resulting in relaxed ready conditions with RPM4 in gauge mode when IH is absolute Q-RPT.
FIX: remote selection of "kcm2" units.
FIX: The "IS", "IF", "DS" and ""DF" commands would not close the vent valve before proceeding resulting in small pressure change and expelling gas from the vent port.
FIX: Q-RPT ranges would not show up in the power up "version" screen if IH Q-RPT is a utility sensor.
CHG: Simplify Watchdog detection of an external RPM4 not responding to a excursion ramp as expected.
CHG: Allow use of slow speed to vent only if active RPT is BG15K, B15K, G100K, A100K or A160K.
CHG: Allow separate access to the factory settings for the normal and "low" (A160k & below) Q-RPT vent cutoff points. These are set at 50 and 100kPa. This results in simply opening the vent valve when venting a Lo Q-RPT.
CHG: Prohibit "Low Low" pressure control if ATM control reference is being used.

Ver 1.02b (2004 Apr 30)
FIX: Utility sensor factory cal data was being applied twice. Not a metrology quality issue as sensor does not have traceable calibration or tolerance.
CHG: Vent action to change range considers the range to change to when venting to avoid overpressuring the new range (critical when attempting to change from a higher range IH to a low range RPM4 such as the BG015 when at pressure).

Ver 1.02a (2004 Apr 13)
Internal mfg only.

Ver 1.02 (2003 Nov 26) 
ADD: Autotest functions
FIX: Problem handling invalid setup of A10M RPT in the RPT1 position

Ver 1.01e (2003 Oct 21)
FIX: Prevent the IH watchdog RPT from detecting false over pressure conditions when an external active RPM4 is extremely downranged.

Ver 1.01d (2003 Oct 08)
ADD: Support of new G15k Q-RPT.
FIX: Change the bitfields used for the 488.2 "Ready Status Register" to the proper values as defined in the manual.
FIX: Query char '?' now not included in the reply to query forms of the commands "*RST?", "ABORT?", "REMOTE?" and "LOCAL".
FIX: "GPIB" command now accepts correct address values from 1 to 30. Also, it now replies the correct address when changing the address.
FIX: Third field of the reply from the remote command "RPT is now the RPT serial number as indicated in the manual instead of the device's serial number.

Ver 1.01c (2003 Sep 17)
ADD: Check for external Q-RPT watchdog disconnect just at the start of a generation or manual ramp. This was previously done during the entire generation excursion.
ADD: Additional limits to the external Q-RPT watchdog disconnect threshold to ensure extreme down-ranging of the IL Q-RPT will not cause false disconnect events.

Ver 1.01b (2003 Aug 25)
ADD: Log internal LO RPT disconnect events to factory and user logs.
FIX: Close vent valve when a remote "IP" or "DP" command is executed.

Ver 1.01a (2003 Aug 03)
FIX: Ready criteria when generating to a target of 0 abs would not allow a ready condition to occur.

Ver 1.01 (2003 May 12)
ADD: Use external RPM4 as a pressure reference (RPM4 v1.01 or greater)
ADD: L2, L3 and ZOFFSET commands ADD: Support for use by PG for auto-float
ADD: "LL=" command reply
FIX: Changes made in the Remote, "Message Format" menu now take effect.
FIX: Range type is shown on the momentary range display screen (+/- key)
FIX: Incorrect reply to the "UL" and "LL" commands when in an altitude unit.
FIX: Ensure that Auto-ranged UL values do not exceed the RPT's default range UL values

Ver 1.00f (2003 Feb 21)
ADD: Confirm valve opening before a generation occurs when the lo RPT is active.
ADD: Watchdog system to detect when the lo RPT is active but does not change in pressure when the hi "watchdog" RPT does.
FIX: "IP" and "DP" commands.
FIX: "The quick range view function using the "+/-" key is only available in the RUN screen.

Ver 1.00e (2002 Dec 19)
FIX: Remote pressure response would reply a fixed pressure during the last few seconds of a VENT down to atmosphere.
FIX: Use internal barometer (if present) instead of standard atmosphere to decide if pressure is within safe limits for changing range.

Ver 1.00d (2002 Dec 17)
ADD: Improve control using BG15K Q-RPT near full scale.
FIX: "RANGE=" command will reply with an error if the "Low" RPT is specified but is not installed.
FIX: "RANGELO" command will return with "NONE" in the RPT label field if a "Low" RPT is not installed.

Ver 1.00c (2002 Dec 03)
CHG: Enhance pressure control.
FIX: Do not return internal clock second to '00' each time menu is entered.
FIX: Ensure InWa temperature reference for each range changes when the range is changed.
FIX: Setting the user generation configuration to defaults would change the measurement mode to absolute (should not affect the measurement mode).
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