molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software

molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software (.bin)

Download the file.

Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.

Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.

The updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.

If the update isn't performed properly, your product will be inoperable until it is.
Updates Include:
Rev 5.41 (2016 Dec 16)
FIX (MBOX-367): Password entry screen corrupted in user level menu.

Rev 5.40b (2011 Oct 11)
CHG (MBOX-235): Reynolds limit can now be factory modified on a case by case, molbloc by molbloc basis to handle special calibrations rather than using a global limit for all molblocs.
FIX (MBOX-233): If an uncalibrated gas was selected, certain enhanced factory features of the default molbloc calibration in N2 or Air were being used causing undesired results.
FIX (MBOX-232) : Switching to/from a molbloc-L to/from a molbloc-S and using the "DEVICE=EXT" command to reload the molbloc without powering down the molbox would not fully convert the molbox operation to the new molbloc type causing unexpected behavior.
FIX (MBOX-229) : For molbox1+ type "named cal" molbloc-L's that were newly initialized or restored using a restore file, an important internal calculation was not being made until a factory level command was used which could lead to a flow calculation error.

Rev 5.40a (2010 Apr 15)
CHG (MBOX-222): The #5 key returns to the Run Screen after cycling through the pressure and temperature screens.
CHG (MBOX-219): Apply the same tare limits used on manual tare to the "dynamic" tare when BPR is OFF on a molblocS.
CHG (MBOX-218) : The PRT error does not display when faulty temperature values are sensed.
CHG (MBOX-217) : In A+B mode with mixed bloc types, if "GAS=XXX" is sent while channel 'B' is active, the gas properties of the B channel molbloc are incorrectly applied to the A channel molbloc.

Rev 5.40 (2009 Oct 23)
ADD: Able to read and operate with molblocs formatted for molbox1+ v6.00 (named calibrations, REFPROP gas data, etc.)
ADD: Support scim, lbh and lbm units of measure.
ADD: Channel dependent temperature adders and multipliers to adjust the temperature calibration of the molbox.
ADD: Flash flow display if Named Cal flow range or pressure range are exceeded.
ADD: Allow front panel edit of named cal adder and multipliers
CHG: A flow resulting in a Reynolds number > 1200 results in a "NOT READY" condition with a flashing display, and responses to remote requests of flow rate in this condition are prefaced with "NRr".
CHG: The molbox will search for an RPM1, RPM3, or RPM4 on COM2 to AutoZero.
FIX: Display function setting was not retained on power cycle.
FIX: "LEAKCK=SYS" did not complete second part of system leak check.
FIX: "TOTAL" command did not function properly.
FIX: When Sonic Nozzle BPR HIgh or flashing, the molbox replied Not Ready, then it returned to Ready.

Rev 5.20c (2006 Jan 10)
FIX: The R0 value of the 'A' channel molbloc temperature sensor is always used in temperature calculations of the 'B' channel molbloc. This can cause unexpected errors when using the 'B' channel.

Rev 5.20b (2005 May 04)
FIX: Possible keypad lockup requiring a power cycle after unit is on for an extended period.

Rev 5.20a (2005 Feb 28)
ADD New "OHMS" command to get the current measurement of the up & down molbloc PRTs (in ohms).
ADD: Allow the RE (Reynolds number) indication to use scientific format if needed.
ADD: Support of gases N2, He, Ar, H2, O2, CH4, Air, CO2 and CO for molbloc-S using separate 2MPa NIST RefProp7 calculations library.
ADD: Separate pressure tares stored for molbloc-L type and molbloc-S type blocs.
ADD: The molbox retains the bloc type ('-S' or '-L') of the last used molbloc when no molbloc is sensed on power up.
CHG: Ohmic system Autocal to improve temperature measurement stability on channel B.
CHG: Ensure BPR OFF dynamic taring criteria is met 3 times in a row before taring.
CHG: General settings (units, resolution, etc)  for 'A' and 'B' molbloc are now global, but retain separate settings
for molbloc-S and molbloc-L.
CHG: the "K" that appears on the display to indicate an active K factor appears right after the flow units.
FIX: Refresh the display resolution when gas or flow unit is changed or molbloc data is loaded.
FIX: commands "ZOFFSET:HI" and "ZOFFSET:LO" would cause a "Fatal System Fault".
FIX: Sending the cmd "TARESET=xx" would cause a "Fatal Exception".
FIX: Remote tare of the 'A' channel would also overwrite the 'B'channel tare.
FIX: The "BPR" high indication would overwrite the bottom line in the MFC display screens.
FIX: Internal real time clock could not properly set the date past year 2009.
FIX: Old text "left over" between the flow display and the units when scientific notation is used for the
flow display.

Rev 5.10a (2003 Jan 08)
ADD: Support for molbloc-S, sonic nozzle based flow elments. Includes new "BPR" command, BPR menu and BPR indication in the run screen and remote flow measurements.
CHG: Pressure screen modified to support indication of "BPR" status when a molbloc-S is active.
CHG: Modify [TARE] screen to indicate BPR status in molbloc-S mode.
CHG: "N2" and "Air" are the only gasses available in molbloc-S mode. ADD: New system leak check when molbloc-S is in use.
ADD: Support for two molbox1 pressures range models: A700K and A300K RPTs.
ADD: "AutoZ" function to rezero the reference pressure transducers (RPTs) relative to an independent reference between full calibrations. Includes "AutoZ" menu, Run screen indication and "ZOFFSET" remote command.
ADD: Fluid head correction for the RPT pressure measurements. Includes local "Head" menu, run screen head indication and remote "Head" command.
ADD: new gas "C4F8".
ADD: Humidity ratio screen and remote command "AIRW" to support the use of humidity ratio when the selected gas is "Air".
CHG: Improve leak check criteria & logic.
CHG: Use the Gas type that the molbloc's range was defined in as the default gas if a gas is selected that a calibration does not exist for (previously always used N2).
FIX: The 'K' factor indication in the main "Run" screen to always indicate when a 'K' factor is active.
FIX: remote RESET command now resets settings instead of just the units.
FIX: possible fatal exception error after COM1 or COM2 settings.

Rev 5.00f (2001 Dec 01)
ADD: Pressure and flow display in the query between the first and second halves of the system leak check to allow user to verify stability before proceeding with leak check.
CHG: Operate the internal bypass valve at the end of the first half of the system leak check instead of the start of the second half to improve reliability of leak check using 1E1 molbloc.
CHG: Add an additional 10 second settle period to the beginning of the second half of the system leak check to improve leak check reliability.

Ver 5.00c (2001 Feb 22)
FIX: The 'previous tare' field on the "TARE" remote query would always show '0' after using the remote "TARESETUP" command
FIX: Increase the purge countdown field width to 3 digits.

Ver 5.00b (2000 Aug 17)
FIX: Fatal Exception may occur on new units while communicating via GPIB.

Ver 5.00a (2000 Feb 21)
• Correct reversed isolation valve operation [SPECIAL], [4Cal], [1pressure], [1run]. All users that perform calibrations of the molbox1 RPTs themselves should download this revision prior to performing the calibrations.

Ver 5.0 (2000 Jan 19)
• Volume Flow Units (VLM) available.
• New advanced display functions under the [AVERAGE] key and revision of the averaging function.
• Improved taring (zeroing) function and options.
• Addition of a gas purge function under the [TARE] key.
• Addition of customized instrument ID function.
• Restructuring of [SPECIAL] and [SETUP] menus.
• Improved support for pressure transducer recalibration function.

Rev 4.02 d 
FIX: Correct the clock date entry fields to correct for leap years.
RESET: a RESET ALL sets user settings AND calibrations to defaults.

Rev 4.02 c 
CHG: Default pressure upper limit from 500 to 600 kPaa.
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