MET/TEMP II Software Download

MET/TEMP II Software Download (.exe)

MET/TEMP II5.2Product Page
When downloaded, this file can be run to install MET/TEMP II. 

There is no free demo/trial version of 5.2. In order to install MET/TEMP II v5.2, you must purchase the software and obtain a serial number. The installation process prompts you to enter the serial number. Version 5.2 does not accept serial numbers from previous versions of MET/TEMP II. The serial number will be located on a sticker on the CD pouch. Optionally, the serial number can be emailed to you upon request.
MET/TEMP II software enables you to easily automate the calibration on a wide range of temperature sensors. It provides a comprehensive temperature calibration solution for testing batches of sensors, calculating characterization coefficients and printing calibration reports. You can standardize comparison or fixed point calibrations, and use multiple temperature sources or references in a single test. Version 5 updates the popular MET/TEMP II software by offering compatibility with the Microsoft Windows® 7, 8, 10, and 11 operating systems and including support for the 6109A and 7109A Portable Calibration Baths, the 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner, and multiple COM ports without a SmartSwitch.
What's New In Version 5.1?
  • Added support for the 6109A and 7109A Portable Calibration Baths as a heat source.
  • Added support for the 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner and modules as a reference and/or scanner.
  • Added support to select specific COM ports instead of requiring a smart switch when configuring each device.
  • Fixed an issue where a low Range error message was displayed when trying to print ITS-90 temp vs. resistance table (V5.0.69).
  • Fixed an issue where an error message “Field 'TestProbes.InstrumentType' cannot be a zero-length string” was displayed while configuring LIG test configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where ITS-90 Subrange 5 tables were not accurate above 0°C.
What's New In Version 5.2?
  • Added a feature where coefficients can be written directly to the 1523 and 1524 probes from the MET/TEMP II Coefficients and Tables application.
  • Added support for the updated 7320 firmware.
  • Resolved issues when using the 1586A.
  • Verified compatibility with Windows 11.
  • Updated the installer to distributer Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016.
  • Added support to export data to a file that can be imported into MET/TEAM V3.3 or later (coming Q3 2023).
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