COMPASS Example Set Up Database

COMPASS Example Set Up Database (.mdb)

About COMPASS Examples
COMPASS examples are existing setups that are used as a guide to help add a new device to COMPASS.  There are 2 types of examples: those that appear directly in the DUT and/or Support Device Editors and those that do not.  Only a few examples are visible in the device editors.  This is in an attempt to minimize the confusion between various COMPASS setups.  The majority of the COMPASS examples are not directly visible to the user.  These examples are used when creating a new device.  The information below is used as a guide to updating and using examples that are not directly visible in the DUT and Support Device Editors.

Adding New Examples
With COMPASS not running, download the example database file Default.mdb and copy it to the “\Program Files\COMPASS for Pressure” directory. You must overwrite the existing Default.mdb file if present. Then run COMPASS. The examples in the default database are automatically updated in the active COMPASS database. Refer to the Updating Example Setups topic in the COMPASS Help System for more detailed information on adding the examples.  See the download "Example Setup Database" above.

Accessing an Example
Examples are accessible only when creating a new device setup (DUT, Support Device, or Piston Gauge). Follow the steps below to access a COMPASS example.

  1. Create a new device by pressing the [New] button.
  2. Select a model and manufacturer from the list.  The lists are composed of existing setups.
    COMPASS Example Set Up Database DeviceList Image

  3. Press the [Find Previous Setup] button to display the Select Example Device dialog.  This list is composed of the hidden COMPASS examples and existing setups that have the same manufacturer
    and model selections.  Double click the desired example to create a device setup based on the information in the example.
    COMPASS Example Set Up Database Select Image

  4. Define the specific identifying characteristics of the setup: label, identification serial number etc. Edit the raw and final output range and range unit of pressure and temperature based setups. It is important to make sure that the range and unit information matches the actual instrument. View the [Comments] tab for any extra information associated with the example. Adjust the remote interface as required by the actual test device. The example may specify IEEE-488 address 11 and the actual test instrument uses 3. In this case edit the IEEE-488 to 3 instead of 11. 
  5. Save the setup.  At this point the outputs most commonly used from the selected device are defined.  If an expected output is not available review the outputs provided by the example.   
    COMPASS Example Set Up Database Output Image

Supported Setups
Last updated January 13, 2011 

Device ManufacturerDevice ModelUsage
Agilent53131AFrequency Monitor
AmetekASC300-RSignal Calibrator/DMM
Automatic Systems LaboratoriesB-Series Metal BlockTemperature Controller
Automatic Systems LaboratoriesF200Temperature Monitor
BeamexMC5Pressure Monitor
Crystal EngineeringIS33Pressure Monitor
Crystal EngineeringXP2Pressure Monitor
Crystal EngineeringXP2iPressure Monitor
DesgrangesDPG5Pressure Monitor
DesgrangesDH300Pressure Monitor
DesgrangesDH365Pressure Monitor
DespatchEcosphereTemperature Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationFPG8601Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationmolboxFlow Monitor/Controller
Fluke Calibrationmolbox RFMFlow Monitor
Fluke CalibrationPG7000 (generic)Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPG7000 (Drop Rate)Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPG7302 (Readings & Temp)Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPG7601Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC1Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC2Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC2+Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC2AFPressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC3Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC3 (via AMH)Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPC4Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPCHPressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPCH-GPressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPCKPressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationPPCK+Pressure Monitor/Controller
Fluke CalibrationRPM1Pressure Monitor
Fluke CalibrationRPM3Pressure Monitor
Fluke CalibrationRPM4Pressure Monitor
Fluke CalibrationRPM4 (High RPT)Pressure Monitor
Fluke CalibrationRPM4 (Low RPT)Pressure Monitor
Fluke CalibrationType 50000Piston Gauge
DruckDPI-150Pressure Monitor
DruckDPI-325Pressure Monitor/Controller
(No set command)
DruckDPI-510Pressure Monitor/Controller
DruckDPI-515Pressure Monitor/Controller
DruckDPI-610Pressure Monitor/Controller
(No set command)
DruckPace 6000Pressure Controller/Indicator
Fluke700 SeriesPressure Monitor
FurnessPPC500Pressure Calibrator
GENERICPRTTemperature Monitor
Hart Scientific1504 TweenerThermometer Readout
Hart Scientific7102Calibration Bath
Hart Scientific1620ADewk Thermo-Hygrometer
HeisePTE-1Pressure Monitor
HeisePPM-2Pressure Monitor
King Nutronics3682Pressure Monitor/Controller
MensorPCS400Pressure Monitor/Controller
Mensor410Pressure Monitor/Controller
MensorAPC600Pressure Monitor/Controller
Mensor8100Pressure Monitor/Controller
Mensor2100Pressure Monitor
Mensor2300 (2310, 2320)Pressure Monitor
Mensor2400Pressure Monitor
Mensor2500Pressure Monitor
Mensor15000Pressure Monitor
Mensor6000Pressure Transducer
Mensor6100Pressure Transducer
Mensor8201 ADTSAir Data Test Set
Micro-EpsilonoptoNCDT 1300Piston Position Monitor
MitutoyoDrop IndicatorMonitor Piston Postion, Time
MKS Baratron670Power Supply & Readout
MKS BaratronPR4000FPower Supply & Readout
Paroscientific760Pressure Transmitter
Paroscientific1000Pressure Transmitter
Paroscientific6000Pressure Transmitter
Paroscientific9000Pressure Transmitter
Pressure SystemsQuartzonix 970Pressure Standards
Red LionCUB5 with RS232 BoardPiston Position Monitor
RosemountSmart FamilyPressure Transmitter (uses a viator RS232/HART interface)
Ruska2455Position, Pressure,Temperature
Monitor (deadweight monitor)
Ruska2456Lab Environment Monitor (LEM)
Ruska6222Pressure Monitor/
Ruska7010Pressure Monitor/Controller
Ruska7215Pressure Monitor/Controller
Ruska7200 (7220, 7222, 7230, 7232)Pressure Monitor
Ruska7250Pressure Monitor/Controller
Ruska7252Pressure Monitor/Controller
Ruska7310Pressure Monitor/Controller
Ruska7615Pressure Monitor/Controller
Setra370Pressure Transducer
Setra470Pressure Transducer
Sigma SystemsHARS-X-4Temperature Monitor/Controller
Time ElectronicsTE5075DMM
VaisalaPTB220Pressure Monitor
YokogawaMT110Pressure Monitor
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