Pressure Calibration and Repair Services

Fluke Calibration offers pressure calibration and repair services in the United States through our accredited calibration laboratories in Phoenix, Arizona and Everett, Washington. Our prices and turnaround times are competitive, and our quality and capabilities are unmatched.

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Service Request (RMA)

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For more information about these services or to request a quote call 877-355-3225 or email us at

Fluke pressure calibration laboratories

Fluke Calibration has unified the Fluke, DH Instruments (DHI), Ruska and Pressurements brands, each bringing leading technologies and rich traditions in calibration and the science of pressure metrology. We leverage this expertise to further improve the realization and dissemination of pressure measurements through our laboratories, and the services they provide. Our US pressure calibration and repair services are located across three centers of excellence, each specializing in certain products and services.

Phoenix – Primary Pressure and Flow Lab

*Fluke pressure calibration models normally serviced

  • DHI PG7000 piston gauges, including all platforms, mass sets and piston-cylinders.
  • DHI PG7000-AHM automated mass handling systems
  • DHI FPG8601 force balance piston gauge
  • DHI ADCS air data calibration system
  • DHI branded gas pressure booster packages, hydraulic pressure intensifiers and other pressure calibration accessories
  • Pressure and flow calibration services of all third-party equipment (not manufactured by Fluke Calibration)
  • Ruska 2400 piston gauges and piston gauge accessories
  • Pressurements P3000 and P3800 deadweight testers
  • Pressurements P5500 comparison test pumps and accessories
  • Ruska and Pressurements branded gas pressure booster packages, hydraulic pressure intensifiers and other pressure calibration accessories
  • Pressure calibration services of all third-party equipment (not manufactured by Fluke Calibration)

Additional pressure calibration services

  • Onsite pressure calibration services
  • Accredited calibration of pressure products by other manufactures, including pressure gauges, transducers, transmitters, indicators, capacitance diaphragm gauges, pressure calibrators, pressure controllers, pressure monitors, deadweight testers, piston gauges, deadweight ball gauges

General pressure calibration capabilities

  • <0.01 to 75,000 psi (<0.1 kPa to 500 MPa) calibration of Fluke and third-party primary level devices
  • <0.001 to 100,000 psi (<0.01 kPa to 700 MPa) calibration of Fluke and third-party transfer standards and other pressure measurement devices

Everett – Fluke Park Lab and CSS (75th Street)

*Fluke pressure calibration models normally serviced

Fluke Park Lab

  • DHI RPM reference pressure monitors
  • DHI PPC pressure controller/calibrators
  • DHI E-DWT electronic deadweight testers
  • DHI MPC, MPG, GPC and OPG manual pressure generators and controllers
  • DHI HGC and PGC gauge calibration systems
  • Ruska 7000 digital pressure indicators
  • Ruska 7000 digital pressure controller/calibrators
  • Ruska 7700 air data test sets
  • 2700G Series Reference Pressure Gauges
  • 3130 Portable Pressure Calibrator
  • 4322 Automated Pressure Calibration System
  • 6270A Pressure Controller/Calibrator - PM200 and PM600 Pressure Measurement Modules

CSS (75th Street)

  • Fluke 71x handheld process calibrators and 700P pressure modules
  • Fluke Biomedical pressure testing devices

General pressure calibration capabilities

Fluke Park Lab

  • <0.01 to 40,000 psi (<0.05 kPa to 280 MPa) calibration of Fluke transfer standards

CSS (75th Street)

  • <0.01 to 10,000 psi (<0.05 kPa to 70 MPa) calibration of Fluke industrial pressure devices


Visit our Certifications and Accreditations page.

*Note: We can accommodate special requests for calibration at a Fluke Primary Lab contrary to the description in the table; however, turnaround time and service price may be affected due to logistics of repair parts and product-specific resources and expertise.

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