Humidity Calibration and Repair Services

Fluke Calibration provides calibration and repair services for humidity calibration equipment through our accredited calibration laboratories in American Fork, Utah (5128A RHapid-Cal® Humidity Generator and 1620A Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer) and Phoenix, Arizona (2456-LEM Laboratory Equipment Monitor). Our prices and turnaround times are competitive and our quality and capabilities are unmatched.

For more information about these services or to request a quote, call 877-355-3225 or email us at For service outside the US, contact us directly, or find an authorized service provider.

Calibration laboratory capabilities – American Fork

The U.S. humidity calibration program is anchored by the NVLAP accredited Primary Temperature Cal Lab in American Fork, UT (lab code 200348). Our principal goal is to provide calibration support for the Fluke Calibration 5128A and 1620A.

For more information about the Primary Temperature Cal Lab, please visit the Temperature Calibration and Repair Services page.

Complete an online request for service form.

Service Request (RMA)

Need help submitting an online Service Request (RMA)? Watch this brief Quick Start Video. We've also prepared a Getting Started Guide.

For more information about these services or to request a quote call 877-292-3225 or email us at

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