Fluke Solmetric PV Analyzer Application and Data Analysis Tool (DAT)

I-V Curve Trace

PV Analyzer Application

The PV Analyzer Application software features a graphical interface to control the PVA-1500 and manage measurements. The software enables you to quickly create a digital replica of your solar sites with an extensive database of solar manufacturers. It allows for a precise analysis of the site performance that can be exported into a report.

Solmetric PV Analyzer Application ver 5.1.343

PVA I-V Data Analysis Tool

Fluke Data Analysis Tool (DAT)

The Data Analysis Tool (DAT) is a Microsoft Excel™ based tool that automates the analysis of largeblocks of PV Analyzer I-V curve measurement data. Results of the analysis are displayed in manydifferent formats. A string table lists the key PV parameters for each string, flags any strings that donot conform to your test limits, and provides a statistical summary of all strings in the array. String I-V curves are combined on common charts at the combiner box level, graphically showing the con-sistency of the results and identifying any non-typical strings. The tool also provides histograms foreach of the PV parameters for the entire string population of the array. The tables and data can beadded to a customizable report that can be exported as a PDF.

DAT ver 6.1.0 for PVA-600+/1000/1500