IR Configuration Utility

Questions and Answers

QI created a custom configuration using the IR Configuration Utility. Do I have to create the configuration again on each computer the software is installed on?

A. No. The IR Configuration Utility includes an export feature that will allow you to save the information for custom configurations to a file. Other installations of the software can then import the configuration information from the file.

QThe IR Configuration Utility won't let me upload more than 8 configurations to the instrument. What's wrong?

A. The 4180 and 4181 Precision Infrared Calibrators store a maximum of eight configurations in memory. The software will let you store all the configurations that you need to. You can then upload to the calibrator the configurations that you need at that time.

QI want to adjust the settings of a default configuration. Is that possible?

A. While default configurations can't be edited, the IR Configuration Utility does have a feature that allows you to clone a configuration. This copy of the configuration is editable and will allow you to make the adjustments you would like.

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