Unit of Measure Converter Free Utility

Unit of Measure Converter Free Utility (.exe)

Unit of Measure Converter Free Utility2.01a
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Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.
The Unit of Measure Converter is a free ActiveX control distributed by Fluke Calibration. This program can be run stand alone or built into other applications. Use the [Show Help] menu choice for details on using this tool.

Warning - Fluke Calibration has made sincere efforts to ensure the accuracy and quality of this application. However, no warranty, expressed or implied is provided. Fluke Calibration disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this software product.

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 Unit of Measure Converter Free Utility

Updates Include:
Ver 2.01a (2006 AUG 15)
FIX: Conversion of scih@0.0 and acih to kg/s was off by a factor of 0.035.

Ver 2.01 (2006 AUG 14) 
CHG: Gas density and compressibility information on the [Gas] tab is based on the gas specific pressure model most appropriate for the pressure entered. Previously the 20MPa pressure model was used regardless of pressure value entered.
CHG: "AirM" is no longer a supported gas selection.
FIX: The gas Acetylene was misspelled.
FIX: [Options][Edit Custom Flow Units] reference temperature and pressure unit drop-down menus are now sorted.
FIX: Addressed issues with program lockup when using dual monitors.
FIX: [Options][Determine Water Ratio] no longer shuts down program.
FIX: ActiveX interface now supports airspeed values when input pressure is negative.

Ver 2.00a (2005 SEP 30) 
ADD: Compressibility information for gas pressure up to 20 MPa.
ADD: molbloc-S gas isentropic and discharge coefficient data for the remainder of molbox supported gases: C2H4,C2H6,C3H6,C3H8,C4H10,CF4,C2F6,CHF3,C4F8.
ADD: Support true and calibrated airspeed units of measure: ft/s, m/s, mph, km/h, kts, and Mach. Additional entry is required on the main converter display for some airspeed unit conversions.
FIX: The unit conversions for ftWa@39F and inWa@39F were in disagreement with the ftWa@4C and the inWa@4C unit conversions. The 39F and 4C water based pressure units now agree.
FIX: The pressure unit "MPa" was selected as "mPa" when the [Invert] button was pressed on the [Pressure] tab.
FIX: A leading space in the pressure, length, mass or flow entry fields prevents a unit conversion.
FIX: The dyncm2 unit conversion was inverted.

Ver 2.00 (2004 DEC 14)
ADD: Use NIST Ref Prop 7 data for gas mass flow unit conversions. Replace previously used "Air Liquide" values.
ADD: Recall last screen size, position and program settings when closing and opening program.
ADD: Add per minute and per hour standard and actual flow units to the default list of flow units.
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