END OF SERVICE NOTICE: Discontinued electrical calibration products

Electrical calibrator end of service (292.58 KB)

January 28, 2022

To better serve you, we want to make you aware of some important dates regarding the end of extended service support periods for some discontinued calibrators and instruments. Fluke Calibration typically offers extended service support for five years after discontinuing a product’s manufacture. After the extended support period has passed, we can no longer guarantee full service/repair parts to be available, and therefore possibly not be able to return instruments to usable condition. This period is unrelated to calibration, and you may continue to send products to Fluke to be calibrated indefinitely. The models and extended support period end dates and capability are given below.

Fluke ModelYear IntroducedExt Support Date / Available CapabilitySuggested Replacement
A40/A40A Current Shunts1962Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
A40B series AC and DC Current Shunts
5800A Oscilloscope Calibrator1992Beyond ext. support/
No repair or Cal
9500B Oscilloscope Calibrator
5820A Oscilloscope Calibrator1999

Beyond ext. support/

Calibration only

9500B Oscilloscope Calibrator
7001 10-Volt Solid State DC Voltage Reference1996Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
732C/734C Direct Voltage Reference Standards
5700A Series I Multifunction Calibrator (pre-1995)1988Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator
5520A High Performance Multi-Product Calibrator1998Beyond ext. support/
Repair and Cal
5522A Multi-Product Calibrator
9100 Universal Calibration System1993Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
5502A Multi-Product Calibrator
5500A High Performance Multi-Product Calibrator1994Beyond ext. support/
Repair and Cal
5502A Multi-Product Calibrator
2620A/2625A Hydra Series Data Acquisition Unit1991Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
2638A Hydra Series III Data Acquisition System
2635A Hydra Series II Data Bucket1992Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
2638A Hydra Series III Data Acquisition System
5700A/5720A Series II Multifunction Calibrator1991/1996Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator
9640A and 9640A/LPNX Series RF Reference Source2006Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
96040A Low Phase Noise Reference Source
5790A AC Measurement Standard1992Beyond ext. support/
Calibration only
5790B AC Measurement Standard
2640A / 2645A NetDAQ199431-Dec-20232638A or 2680A System
732B and 734A DC Voltage Reference Standard199331-Dec-2023732C/734C Direct Voltage Reference Standards
5320A Multifunction Electrical Tester Calibrator200731-July-20245322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator
8508A 8.5-digit Reference Multimeter200231-March-20258588A 8.5-digit Reference Multimeter
Or 8558A 8.5-digit Multimeter
6003A Three Phase Electrical Power Calibrator20142-Apr 20256100B flexibility to configure 1-4 phases in a single system

Fluke Calibration truly values your business and we are readily available to help evaluate your needs and provide new product recommendations. Our Customer Care team can quickly answer your questions and be reached at 1-877-355-3225. 

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