END OF SERVICE NOTICE: 5800A and 5820A (222.96 KB)

February 4, 2020

To Fluke Calibration’s original 5800A and 5820A owners:

Today Fluke is notifying you that the extended repair and calibration support period for the 5800A and 5820A calibrators is ending June 30th, 2020. This date is well beyond the five years of extended support Fluke Calibration offers after discontinuing a product’s manufacture (End of Life). Please see the table below for the full lifecycle of the products.

Year of
Fluke ModelIntroductionEnd of LifeEnd of Repair
5820A19992011June 30th, 2020
5800A19921999June 30th, 2020

Fluke Calibration’s 9500B Oscilloscope Calibrators provide the recommended replacements for the original 58XX calibrator series models. The 9500B has successfully replaced the long-lived 58XXA and its model derivatives. It is the world’s highest performance, fully automated, scalable oscilloscope calibration workstation. 9500B has the following benefits:

  • Full automation capability which provides hands-free oscilloscope calibration on today’s ultra-high performance, multi-channel, feature-rich instruments. 
  • Leveled sinewaves to 6 GHz and edges to 25 ps.
  • Unparalleled accuracy through Fluke's unique Active Head Technology™, which generates calibration signals right at the oscilloscope input eliminating the errors from RF cables.

Those above, along with many other innovations, make the 9500B an excellent choice for calibration labs looking to update and upgrade their workload capabilities.
Fluke Calibration truly values your business, and we are readily available to help evaluate your needs and provide new product recommendations. Our Customer Care team can quickly answer your questions and be reached at 1-877-355-3225. 

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