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Found 57 results containing the words:search
  • Electrical and RF Calibration and Repair Services

    Fluke Calibration offers instrument repair and calibration services for electrical and RF calibration equipment through our accredited calibration laboratories in Everett, Washington (see our Authorized Service Centers page for service outside of the US). Our prices are competitive and our turnaround times are excellent.Equipment types include:Frequency countersMulti-product and multifunction calibratorsVoltage, current and resistance calibratorsProcess calibratorsStandard resistorsZener reference...

  • DH Instruments (DHI) Pressure and Flow Calibration

    DH Instruments pressure and flow calibration is part of Fluke CalibrationDH Instruments (DHI) was founded in 1980 with one objective: to provide superior calibration solutions through innovative technology, first rate service, and uncompromisingly metrological integrity.  Now, under the Fluke Calibration name, those values and the DH Instrument commitment to excellence remain the same.DH Instruments customers include metrologists, engineers, technicians, researchers, and quality professionals worldwide...

  • Hart Scientific Temperature Calibration

    Hart Scientific temperature calibration is part of Fluke CalibrationHart Scientific has been a member of the metrology community for over 30 years. Now, under the Fluke Calibration name, it continues to be a leading manufacturer of temperature calibration and measurement equipment. Our experience in temperature calibration goes back 30 plus years and, as Fluke Calibration, we will still be here 30 years from now.Our customers include metrologists, engineers, technicians, researchers, and quality...

  • Rotameter Calibration

    Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure rotameter including a step-by-step rotameter calibration procedure, calibration curve, and tips.

  • Non-linear curve fitting using GNU plot

    In metrology, what do you do when your curve-fitting software program doesn’t work because you’re dealing with a non-linear equation? Learn here.

  • Notes from the Tech Support Desk

    Read this short blog post to learn how Fluke Calibration technical support works and get some tips on how to prepare for your tech support call.

  • Mars Science Laboratory

    You can bet there is a lot of test and measurement equipment onboard Curiosity. As a test and measurement professional, I’d like to tell you about some of the things I find especially interesting.

  • Seeing what can't be seen in a triple point of argon system

    The triple point of argon (83.8058 K ) is one of the most commonly used fixed points for the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs) at temperatures below 273.16 K. It’s a defining fixed point of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Fluke Calibration recently designed a new Triple Point of argon system with the goal in mind of achieving both efficiency and accuracy in calibrating SPRTs.

  • A new look at a triumph of engineering and ingenuity from 1968

    Lunar reconnaissance is not possible without the precise testing and measurement activity that calibration professionals know so well. Read more here.

  • Another NCSLI conference is in the books

    Another NCSLI conference is in the books. This year, the metrology faithful (and budget funded!) once again gathered to gain knowledge through tutorials and technical presentations, contribute to the industry through attendance of committee meetings, talk to vendors at the exhibition, network with some of the world’s experts in metrology and spend time with old friends. There were so many great things happening that I didn’t even have time to compose a single tweet!

  • MET/SUPPORT Gold information moving to Cubyt

    MET/SUPPORT Gold calibration procedures are moving to a new and improved platform. Access the procedures now and in the future at

  • Fluke Calibration’s Jordan Crepps keeps driving forward

    Read how one person got into a calibration & metrology career the non-traditional way, what he does, how he helps customers, and why he loves his job.

  • Using MET/CAL™ procedures with 5560A, 5550A, and 5540A Multi-Product Calibrators

    To ensure safety and correct performance, existing procedures must be converted to the new FSCs. No device mapping between existing 55xx series calibrator FSCs (5502E/A, 5520, 5522A) and the new 5540A, 5550A, and 5560A hardware will be available.

  • Tips to navigate Fluke Calibration support

    Get the quickest answers and fixes when calibration software errors pop up.

  • Ensuring accurate temperature measurements with validated SPRT probes

    Ensure accuracy with SPRT probe and temperature probe calibration. Learn how to validate these precise temperature measurement devices for various industries.

  • Electrical Load Limitations of Transconductance Amplifiers

    The transconductance amplifier (TA) is a widely used, stable, and accurate source of electrical current. TA’s are commonly used for testing and calibration of current sensors such as shunts, current transformers (CT’s), and Rogowski coils. The TA is also used in basic research applications requiring accurate and stable source of current.

  • Forward with Fluke Calibration: Robert Haines’ Voyage of Discovery

    Learn about Robert Haines, Technology Development Manager at Fluke Calibration, voyage of discovery throughout his calibration career.

  • Three Expert Tips for Automating Your Lab with Calibration Automation Software

    Get tips for automating your lab with calibration automation software. Get more done more accurately with less experienced staff who learn as they go.

  • Tempmeko 2019 Temperature Metrology Conference – Fluke Calibration’s Overview of the Conference

    Temperature metrology experts from Fluke Calibration attended Tempmeko 2019 and provide an overview of the top 5 topics covered there, including some photos.

  • Eliminating sensor errors in temperature control loop calibrations

    Follow the steps as we demonstrate how to link a documenting process calibrator to a drywell to calibrate a 4-20 mA transmitter and probe in a system.

  • Yes, you can write that technical paper

    Writer’s block isn’t limited to metrologists, of course – it’s a universal problem that people in many professions face (even writers). Here are a few simple tips that can help you on your way to greater visibility and respect in your career.

  • Three keys to bringing pressure calibration in house

    If you outsource pressure calibration, you may benefit by bringing it in house. Read 3 things to consider when bringing pressure calibration in-house.

  • What matters in custody transfer: 5 ways to ensure precise measurements

    See 5 ways to ensure precise measurements in oil & gas custody transfer & see how one calibrator can calibrate the involved pressure & temperature transmitters.

  • Buying the right temperature calibration bath for your laboratory

    Learn the questions you should ask before you buy a temperature calibration bath. Learn the 4 key specifications that should be customized for your application.

  • Links to Metrology and Calibration Sites

    If you're interested in metrology, here are some other sites you may want to know aboutStandards BodiesAmerican Society of Testing & Materials (ASTM)International Bureau for Weights and Measures (BIPM)International Organization for Standardization (ISO)National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)AccreditationAmerican Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)European...

  • Opportunities to learn about calibration and metrology

    calibration education, metrology education, web seminars, software user groups, application notes, learn about calibration, learn about metrology

  • Why Use an Annealing Furnace?

    The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) expanded the range of the Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (SPRT). This expansion presented new challenges to the thermometer industry. Among these challenges are the care and maintenance of the SPRT and the High Temperature Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (HTSPRT). With correct care and maintenance, an SPRT can provide years of accurate, stable measurements. Without proper care and maintenance, an SPRT can be damaged beyond repair...

  • Why buy Primary Standards from Fluke Calibration?

    Fluke Calibration’s fixed-point cells benefit from more than 20 years of experience in research, design, and manufacturing. Four types of cells are available: traditional size cells, “mini” quartz cells, new “mini” metal-cased cells, and small stainless steel “X” cells

  • Why is Calibration Important?

    Table of ContentsWhy is calibration important?The importance of calibration in the futureDifferent perspectives on the significance of calibrationThe benefits and purpose of calibrationWhat are the costs and risks of not calibrating?Summary / TL;DRWhy is calibration important?Calibration is important because it helps ensure accurate measurements, and accurate measurements are foundational to the quality, safety and innovation of most products and services we use and rely on every day.Few people realize...

  • Calibration

    a.anchor { scroll-margin-top: 100px; scroll-snap-margin-top: 100px; } Calibration is configuring and verifying a measuring instrument's accuracy to ensure its readings match a known standard. It’s a foundational practice across healthcare, electronics, manufacturing, and environmental monitoring.Instruments naturally experience wear, drift, and environmental impact over time, which can compromise their performance. Calibration restores their accuracy and ensures consistent, reliable operation that...

  • Procedimentos garantidos para o MET/CAL®

    Os procedimentos garantidos do MET/CAL® são procedimentos de calibração opcionais para o MET/CAL® Plus software de calibração do MET/CAL®

  • PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility

    PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 32bit Installer (.exe)Additional Downloads:PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 64bit Installer (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSPPC4™ CockpitFree Utility2.002010.03.02PPC4TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSPPC4™ CockpitFree Utility2.002010.03.02PPC4Reference the PPC4 Operation and Maintenance manual for details on the operation of the PPC4 Cockpit.Instructions:Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.DescriptionThe PPC4 Cockpit is a free...

  • molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software

    molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should...

  • COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Demo (.exe)COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Upgrade (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFMDescriptionThis download file provides 100 hours of fully functioning use of COMPASS for molbox. Licensed users can download this file to upgrade from a previous version of COMPASS for molbox.  SummaryCOMPASS for molbox is a complete flow calibration software package...

  • COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software (.exe)Additional Downloads:COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Demo (.exe)COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Upgrade (.exe)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 7.3 SP1 (.zip)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 8.X (.zip)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCOMPASS®for Flow™5.1.0molbox1, molbox1+, molbox1+S, molbox RFM, MFC-CB, MFC SwitchboxCOMPASS for Flow uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run COMPASS...

  • Calibrador multifunção de alto desempenho Fluke Calibration 5730A

    The Fluke Calibration 5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator is the culmination of years of engineering development, customer research and industrial design, to bring to market the new “gold standard” in electrical multifunction calibration.

  • Testing temperature uniformity on a flat-plate infrared calibrator

    There are a few instruments used to perform infrared (IR) thermometer and IR imager calibration. These instruments fall into two categories, cavities and flat-plates. To calculate the uncertainty in using these instruments, the temperature uniformity must be known. This is especially true with flat-plates. This uncertainty may be given in an instrument’s specification. However, there is not a standardized test method to test the uniformity of a flat-plate calibrator as there is with other classes...

  • Comemorando o Dia Mundial da Engenharia de 2021

    Todo ano, no dia 4 de março, é comemorado o Dia Mundial da Engenharia. Esta celebração internacional anual destaca as conquistas dos engenheiros. Desde a invenção da roda até os robôs de exploração de Marte, a engenharia desempenha um papel importante em nossa cultura. É por isso que o Dia Mundial da Engenharia vai além de comemorar as melhorias tecnológicas e as percepções que a engenharia agrega às nossas vidas modernas. O dia também foi planejado para promover a engenharia como...

  • Fluke 744 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART

    The 744 does the work of several tools - sourcing, simulating and measuring pressure, temperature, and electrical signals in one rugged, hand-held device.

  • Fluke ISO Accreditation Certificates and QMS Documents

    At Fluke, our commitment to quality is the foundation of our success. We are dedicated to delivering products and services that meet or exceed the highest quality standards in the industry, as defined by ISO requirements, customer expectations, and our own corporate values. Our practices reflect our commitment to customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and the pursuit of excellence across our operations worldwide.Fluke Corporate Quality Manuals and PoliciesQuality ManualsFluke Corporate Quality...

  • Como detectar vazamentos de ar comprimido, gás e vácuo E encontrar lucros ocultos

    E se houvesse uma tecnologia de detecção de vazamentos que apontasse o local exato de um vazamento a 50 metros de distância? Os gerentes de manutenção industrial estão chamando o Gerador de Imagens Industrial Ultrassônico Fluke ii900 de revolucionário na busca por vazamentos de ar comprimido.

  • Crescimento global da energia eólica impulsiona a demanda por técnicos em turbinas eólicas

    Como os empregos de técnico em turbinas eólicas estão crescendo e novas escolas de tecnologia eólica estão surgindo para oferecer treinamento. A Fluke tem as ferramentas para ajudar os técnicos em turbinas eólicas a solucionar problemas de energia eólica.

  • Como um empreiteiro responsável pela implantação de painéis solares garante sempre a qualidade

    Usando o alicate amperímetro 376 True-RMS da Fluke, um empreiteiro responsável pela implantação de painéis solares economiza tempo e garante a instalação do painel de qualidade fazendo testes durante todo o processo de instalação.

  • Reduzir a complexidade da resolução de problemas do transmissor com o Analisador de transmissor Fluke MDA-550

    .super-custom html { font-family: sans-serif; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100% } .super-custom body { margin: 0 } .super-custom article, .super-custom aside, .super-custom details, .super-custom figcaption, .super-custom figure, .super-custom footer, .super-custom header, .super-custom hgroup, .super-custom main, .super-custom menu, .super-custom nav, .super-custom section, .super-custom summary { display: block } .super-custom audio, .super-custom canvas, .super-custom...

  • Noções básicas sobre aterramento

    Guia de noções básicas sobre aterramento, incluindo gráfico. Aprenda sobre os locais de resistência, o que afeta a resistência do aterramento, sistema de projeto de aterramento, diâmetro do eletrodo de aterramento.

  • Medição de queda de potencial

    O método de teste de queda de potencial é usado para medir a capacidade de um sistema de aterramento ou de um eletrodo individual de dissipar a energia de um local.

  • Medição da resistividade do solo

    Soil Resistivity Measurement

  • Um novo processo de teste de válvula de controle

    As válvulas de controle inteligente proporcionais têm papel fundamental no setor de processamento. Entretanto, avaliar o desempenho da válvula de forma precisa pode se tornar complicado, pois, envolve um tempo considerável e inesperado de inatividade, além de retirar as válvulas da linha de produção.

  • Os cinco principais pontos de teste para entender a eficiência e o desempenho do transmissor

    Os transmissores são uma tecnologia universal para transformação da tensão constante da principal fonte de alimentação AC em tensão variável, para controlar o torque do motor e a velocidade, ideal para motores que operam em cargas de equipamentos mecânicos.

  • Os atarefados técnicos em eletrônica de elevadores economizam tempo com o novo analisador de transmissor da Fluke

    O Analisador de transmissor Fluke MDA-550 oferece diagramas claros da configuração adequada, procedimentos de teste predefinidos e instruções detalhadas para economizar tempo e agilizar a resolução de problemas em transmissores de elevadores.

  • Medir descargas de tensão no eixo do motor com o Analisador de Acionamento Fluke MDA-550

    Essa nota de aplicação explica como usar o Analisar de Acionamento MDA-550 e uma sonda de tensão especial para medir eventos de descarga de tensão no eixo do motor.

  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? A: The mobile app is free to download on compatible devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs USD $249.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs USD $149.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license subscriptions at USD $1,199.99...

  • Serviços de Calibração

    CalNet®: The European Specialist in Calibration Fluke has its own calibrations laboratories in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Germany, and authorized service partners in most of the other countries in Europe. All These calibration laboratories work together as a single calibration network: CalNet. CalNet can issue the calibration certificates you need to meet ISO 9000 standards. CalNet guarantees traceability and access to the best calibration facilities the network can offer. Because of...

  • Intern Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What type of interns do you hire?   A: We look for electrical, software, mechanical and industrial engineers. We also have opportunities available for business students in accounting, marketing and operations management disciplines. Q: What can I expect from my internship?   A: You can expect to accept a challenging opportunity that will stretch you to your limits. We design our internship opportunities to be technically challenging and rewarding. You will be working closely...

  • Tensão do T5-600, Continuidade e Testadores de corrente da Fluke

    Verifique tensão, continuidade e corrente com o T5 600 V. Você só tem que selecionar volts, ohms ou corrente o testador faz o resto! Compre agora!

  • Fluke 750 SW DPC/TRACK2 Software

    Download test procedures, upload results from the tool

  • FlukeView® Forms Software Updates

    FlukeView Forms Basic 3.8.4 (.exe)FlukeView Forms plus Designer 3.8.4 (.exe)Fluke 975 USB Drivers (.zip)FlukeView Forms Software.Anyone with FlukeView Forms version 3.0 or later can receive a free software update by clicking the links and downloading the software from this site. Basic users would select the "Basic" link and users with the complete package would select the "plus Designer" link. If your present FlukeView Forms software is older than version 3.0 (less than 3.0) you must purchase...
