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  • Saving Lone Lake

    Read this story of what one man, a concerned community, and the right tools can do to save a lake. See the role of accurate measurements & calibration.

  • Overview of 8588A and 8558A calibration support processes and equipment requirements

    Read an introductory overview in this app note of the Fluke 8588A & 8558A bench multimeters for calibration adjustment & performance verification processes.

  • 8588A vs. 8508A 8.5 Digit Reference Multimeter: an Expert’s Comparison

    The new Fluke 8588A Reference Multimeter improves on everything the 8508A can do while adding capabilities that were not available before. Learn more here.

  • Technology and Automation in Modular High-Pressure Controllers

    Learn how a modular high-pressure controller / calibrator system can increase accuracy & pressure range while enabling automation & future proofing your lab.

  • Accurate Fever Scanning with Infrared Forehead Thermometers: Issues, Solutions and How to Calibrate

    See 10 steps of how to check the accuracy of an infrared thermometer designed for measuring human body temperature. Learn best practices & how things work.

  • Inside Fluke’s most accurate multimeters: the 8588A and 8558A 8.5-digit digital multimeters

    Fluke's latest 8588A and 8558A high performance DMMs include several new and innovative improvements to help you do your job right. See for yourself here.

  • How to Calibrate a 67 MAX Infrared Thermometer

    This article summarizes what you need to verify that your Fluke 67 MAX Infrared Thermometer is performing within its published specifications. Note that we are only talking about verifying the thermometer, not adjusting it. If your 67 MAX requires adjustment please contact your local Fluke service provider.

  • Replacing a DPI 515 with the 6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator

    See the benefits of upgrading from the Druck DPI 515 to the Fluke 6270A & learn steps for configuring & installing the 6270A. Get the details here.

  • 9 Reasons to Purchase a Fluke 5790B AC Measurement Standard

    In this article, electrical calibration expert Marty Kidd explains why someone needs this type of product. He also explains why owners of an old Fluke 5790A should consider moving up to a new 5790B.

  • Data Acquisition System Selection Guide

    The Fluke Calibration 1586A and Fluke 2638A are two new data acquisition systems that offer great value and performance. This selection guide will help you understand the differences between the two, the strengths of each, and which one will best meet your current and future needs.

  • 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner Resource Center

    Save time and money by using a 1586A Super-DAQ and a Fluke Calibration dry-well, fluid bath, or furnace to automate the calibration of up to 40 temperature sensors—simultaneously, without requiring a PC or software.

  • Aircraft pressure transducer calibration: How to increase accuracy and significantly cut labor time with automation

    Learn how aircraft pressure transducer calibration can increase accuracy and cut labor time with automation. See how Fluke helped an FAA-approved repair center.

  • Forward with Fluke Calibration: Robert Haines’ Voyage of Discovery

    Learn about Robert Haines, Technology Development Manager at Fluke Calibration, voyage of discovery throughout his calibration career.

  • 5080A/SC | Opção de calibração de osciloscópio do 5080A/SC

    A opção de calibração de osciloscópio do 5080A permite que o 5080A Multi-Product Calibrator realize a calibração de osciloscópios analógicos e digitais de até 200 MHz

  • 884X-512M | Memória USB de 512 MB

    Plugues na porta do dispositivo USB no painel frontal do 8846A

  • Replacing PACE 6000 with the 6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator

    See the benefits of upgrading the GE Druck PACE 6000 to the Fluke 6270A & learn steps for configuring and installing the 6270A. Get the details here.

  • Replacing PACE 5000 with the 6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator

    This application note summarizes some of the benefits of upgrading to the 6270A, as well as detailing the steps for configuring and installing the 6270A as a replacement to the PACE 5000.

  • Understanding the basics of digital multimeter calibration

    See the steps for how to calibrate a digital multimeter, plus links to 5 free related learning resources including videos, webinars, and articles.

  • Modularity in pressure calibration systems

    Read this free app note to learn the benefits of modular pressure calibration systems over monolithic & learn how to assess what modular system fits you best.

  • What else is needed to complete the pressure calibration solution?

    See "Are pressure generation and control required?" and specific product specifications to determine what is needed. Most needed hardware can be found in the Pressure calibration accessories section.

  • 55XXA/PORTKIT | Kit de portabilidade do 5560A para calibração no local

    Esse kit opcional torna o Calibrador Multiproduto 5560A, o 5550A ou o 5540A em uma excelente opção para calibração no local ou móvel

  • 5520A-SC1100 | Opção de calibração de osciloscópio de 1,1 GHz

    O SC1100 permite que o 5520A de desempenho superior calibre todos os osciloscópios em até 1,1 GHz com tempos de subida de até 300 ps e, até mesmo, de 125 ps com a opção de pulsador de diodo túnel do 5800A/TDP

  • 5080A/MEG | Opção de calibração do 5080A-MEG Megohm Meter

    A opção de calibração de megômetro do 5080A permite que o 5080A Multi-Product Calibrator calibre a saída de alta tensão dos megômetros e outros dispositivos de testes de isolamento portáteis e de bancada

  • Unidade de aquisição de dados de rede NetDAQ®

    A unidade de aquisição de dados NetDAQ proporciona uma combinação eficiente de hardware e software ideal para o monitoramento de processos de pequena-média escala e de sistemas de teste.

  • 7004N/7010N

    Cada sistema Nanoscan consiste de um ou mais módulos de referência Zener de estado sólido modelo 7000 que se conectam ao chassi da unidade-base

  • 80/81 Geradores de pulso da função.

    O modelo 80 oferece varredura e FM. Além disso, o modelo 80 oferece funções de varredura linear e logarítmica e FM externo. Isso torna o 80 um gerador de funções de baixo custo extremamente versátil

  • Infrared Thermometer Calibration - A Complete Guide

    With proper setup and planning, infrared thermometer calibrations can be accurate. The steps outlined below should be followed to perform accurate infrared thermometer calibrations. Much of the information presented here is contained in ASTM E2847, “Standard Practice for Calibration and Accuracy Verification of Wideband Infrared Thermometers.”Sources of uncertaintyThere are several sources of uncertainty which contribute greatly to an infrared thermometer calibration. These sources are summarized...

  • How to Calibrate a Pressure Gauge with the Fluke 8270A High-Pressure Controller Calibrator

    Hi, this is Jeff Grossman, Sales Engineer for Fluke Calibration’s pressure and mass flow calibration solutions, here to provide you with a demonstration of one of our three modular pressure controllers. I happen to have here the 8270A which has a maximum pressure of 6000 psi complemented by the 6270A maximum pressure of 3000 psi and the 8370A with maximum pressure of 15,000 psi. The nice thing is they share a lot of commonality which makes them easy to switch between and easy to use.Very small...

  • 6332A/7342A Banhos de calibração de temperatura

    Os banhos de calibração de temperatura 6332A/7342A são ideais para gerentes e técnicos de laboratórios em laboratórios do governo, de empresas e de calibração independentes que precisam de um banho com boa estabilidade, uniformidade e velocidade para obter temperatura de calibração para termômetros e sensores de diversos tamanhos e formas.

  • Multimetro de referência 8508A

    O 8508A apresenta resolução de 8,5 dígitos, linearidade excepcional, bem como estabilidade e ruído extraordinariamente baixos, produzindo comprovadamente as mais precisas medições obtidas com qualquer produto disponível no mercado hoje.

  • 5700A/EP Upgrade

    O 5700A/EP é um serviço de atualização que estende o desempenho e a vida útil do seu calibrador 5700A com mau funcionamento.

  • Calibrador multiproduto 5522A

    Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe.

  • 5520A Multicalibrador de alto desempenho

    O 5520A básico pode dar conta de uma quantidade de trabalho incrível. O 5520A pode se adaptar às alterações na carga de trabalho.

  • 525A Temperature/Pressure Calibrator

    The Fluke 525A temperature / pressure calibrator has been replaced by the 525B. By clicking, you’ll go to the old 525A page that has a link to the new 525B.

  • 752A Reference Divider

    O 752A Reference Divider define o padrão para a precisão de relação e facilidade de uso. Ele oferece duas saídas de divisor, 10:1 e 100:1, com incertezas de saída de menos de 0,2 ppm e 0,5 ppm, respectivamente.

  • Multímetro de referência 8588A

    Projetado para laboratórios de calibração, o Multímetro de referência 8588A é o multímetro de alta precisão mais estável do mundo. Conheça as especificações e saiba mais detalhes aqui.

  • molbox1+ Flow Terminal

    As inovações do molbox1+ possibilitam que o sistema molbloc/molbox1+ obtenha as menores incertezas do mercado em medição de fluxo de gás.

  • OPG1 Hydraulic Pressure Generator/Controller

    O OPG1-30000 proporciona uma alternativa na geração e no ajuste de altas pressões de líquidos em sistemas de calibração e testes.

  • Multímetro de 8,5 dígitos 8558A

    O Multímetro de 8,5 dígitos 8558A oferece digitalização de 5 MS/s de alta resolução para automação de sistemas em laboratórios e ambientes de teste de fabricação.

  • 4322 Automated Pressure Calibration System

    The 4322 Automated Pressure Calibration System calibrates almost any pressure gauge, transducer, transmitter or switch—including vacuum, compound, absolute & high-pressure devices.

  • Geradores de forma de onda da série 280

    Os geradores de forma de onda 281, 282 e 284 utilizam técnicas de síntese direta digital, bem como tecnologia de amostragem de relógio variável para oferecer uma função programável com recursos completos e recursos de forma de onda arbitrária

  • 5790A AC Measurement Standard

    A variedade de conexões de entrada permite que você use aquela que melhor atende à sua aplicação. Há quatro conjuntos de terminas de entrada no 5790A, dois conectores tipo N e dois conjuntos de postes de ligação de cinco modos.

  • 5700A/5720A Multifunction Calibrators

    Os modelos 5700A e 5720A são calibradores de cinco funções desenvolvidos para as mais exigentes cargas de trabalho de calibração elétrica.

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0) (.pdf)MET/TEAM 3.0.0 ReadMe (.pdf)MET/CAL 10.2.0 ReadMe (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (Updated for version 3.0) (.pdf)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 and MET/CAL version 10.2.0 release is a a major update to MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor...

  • MET/TEAM® v3.3.0 and MET/CAL® v11.0.0 Software Trial

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/CAL 10.5.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (.pdf)MET/TEAM 3.1.1 Readme (.pdf)Update Instructions for MET/TEAM 3.1.1 and MET/CAL 10.5.0 (.pdf)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 release is a a minor update to MET/TEAM software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.You...

  • PPC4 Pressure Controller/Calibrator

    Calibrador de pressão portátil, resistente o bastante para aplicativos móveis e envio padrão sem embalagem especial

  • COMPASS for Pressure Calibration Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for Pressure Basic (.exe)Additional Downloads:COMPASS for Pressure Basic, Demo (.exe)COMPASS for Pressure Basic, Upgrade (.exe)COMPASS for Pressure Enhanced (.exe)COMPASS for Pressure Enhanced, Demo (.exe)COMPASS for Pressure Enhanced, Upgrade (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCOMPASS®for Pressure™5.2.102024.05.21FPG8601, PG7000, PPC2, PPC2+, PPC2 AF, PPC3, PPC4, PPCH, PPCK, PPCK+, RPM3, RPM4, 7050, 7052, 7250, 7252, 7350, 7615, 7750, 7010, 7215, 2465, 2456, 2271A, 6270A, 8270A, 8370A,Third...

  • Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.3)

    Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.3) (.zip)Documents:MET/CONNECT 1.3.0 Installation Guide (.pdf)MET/CONNECT 1.3.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/CAL 10.2.3 Readme (.pdf)Current MET/CONNECT Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/CONNECT version 1.3.0 and MET/CAL version 10.2.3 release is an update to previous MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL software. This update includes bug fixes and minor updates.You must be running MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 before upgrading to version 1.3.0.This...

  • Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.2)

    Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.2) (.zip)Documents:MET/CAL 10.2.2 readme (.pdf)MET/CONNECT 1.2.0 readme (.pdf)MET/CONNECT 1.2.0 Installation Guide (.pdf)Current MET/CONNECT Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 and MET/CAL version 10.2.2 release is an update to previous MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL software. This update includes bug fixes and minor updates.You must be running MET/CONNECT version 1.1.0 before upgrading to version 1.2.0.This...

  • 6105A/6100B Electrical Power Standards

    O 6105A e o 6100B oferecem os sinais para permitem que os processos descritos acima sejam completados de modo eficiente, rápido e por operadores com menos habilidades.

  • PG7000-AMH

    O AMH-100 oferece manuseio de massas automatizado para conjuntos de massas de 100 kg para as plataformas de medição de pistão PG7102, PG7202 e PG7302.

  • Update: MET/CAL version 10.2.2 for MET/TEAM version 3.0.0

    Update: MET/CAL version 10.2.2 for MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (.zip)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. The MET/CONNECT version of this release is available with the MET/CONNECT 1.2.0 installer.Current MET/TEAM Customers:MET/CAL version 10.2.2 release is an update to previous MET/CAL software. This update includes bug fixes and minor updates.Do not manually uninstall the previous version. If you do this before attempting to install this version, you may lose other information and files.If you...

  • RPM4-E-DWT v1.00c Embedded Software

    RPM4-E-DWT v1.00c Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHE-DWT1.00c2014.08.06RPM4-E-DWTInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded...

  • RPM4-E-DWT A70M/A7M-AF Embedded Software

    RPM4-E-DWT A70M/A7M-AF Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHNOT FOR USE WITHRPM4-E-DWT A70M/A7M-AF™1.00c2012.05.01RPM4-E-DWT-AFDo NOT use with NON "-Af"RPM4-E-DWT Models!Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If...

  • RPM4-AF v1.00b Embedded Software

    RPM4-AF v1.00b Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHNOT FOR USE WITHRPM4-AF™1.00b2010.09.22RPM4-AFDo Not use with RPM4, RPM4-AD or RPM4-EDWT or RPM4 in ADCS!Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product...

  • RPM4-AD v1.00f Embedded Software

    RPM4-AD v1.00f Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHNOT FOR USE WITHRPM4-AD™1.00f2010.12.28RPM4-ADDo NOT use with NON "-AD" (Air Data)RPM4 ModelsInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an...

  • RPM4 v1.01I Embedded Software

    RPM4 v1.01I Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHNOT FOR USE WITHRPM4™1.01I2019.04.28RPM4Note: If you have a special RPM4model use these links:RPM4-AD™RPM4-AF™RPM4-E-DWT A70M/A7M-AF™RPM4-E-DWT™Please contact our Calibration and Repair department at 602.773.4782 if you recently upgraded to version 1.01f or plan to upgrade from 1.01f to another version. The upgrade path from 1.01f may cause a potentially significant metrological error.Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 release is a a minor update to MET/TEAM software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.You may upgrade from either version 3.0.0 or 3.1.0 directly to version 3.1.1.Upgrading from version 3.0.0 or 3.1.0 of MET/TEAM will not require you to re-request your...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/TEAM 3.1.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/CAL 10.5.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (.pdf)Update Instructions for MET/TEAM 3.1.0 and MET/CAL 10.5.0 (.pdf)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. The MET/CONNECT version of this release is available here.Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 and MET/CAL version 10.5.0 release is a a major update to MET/TEAM and...

  • PPCH-G v1.02k Embedded Software

    PPCH-G v1.02k Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPCH-G™1.02k2023.11.08PPCH-GInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded...

  • PPCH-G v1.02f Embedded Software

    PPCH-G v1.02f Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPCH-G™1.02f2012.04.04PPCH-GInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded...

  • PPCH 1.01n Embedded Software

    PPCH 1.01n Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPCH™1.01n2013.07.22PPCHInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it requires specific "-AF" embedded software.The...

  • PPC4E v1.2.6.15 Embedded Software

    PPC4E v1.2.6.15 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPC4E™ the file by clicking on "PPC4E v1.2.6.15.bin".Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an model number ending in "-AF", it...

  • PPC4 v1.2.6.14 Embedded Software

    PPC4 v1.2.6.14 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPC4™ (including -AF models)Instructions:Download the file by clicking on "PPC4 v1.2.6.14.bin".Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should...

  • PPC3 v1.03d Embedded Software

    PPC2-AF v1.01e Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPC3™1.03d2011.10.21PPC3 (including -AF models)Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should only be performed after...

  • Calibrador de referência 96270A 27 GHz

    A Fonte de referência de RF Fluke Calibration 96270A é o instrumento mais simples, mais preciso e econômico para calibrar analisadores de espectro, sensores de potência de RF e outros, até 27 GHz e além disso.

  • Freeze-point furnaces 9114, 9115A e 9116A

    Essa fornalha possui uma faixa de 100 °C a 680 °C, que inclui pontos fixos de índio, estanho, zinco e alumínio; tudo em uma só fornalha.

  • Controladores/calibradores de alta pressão modular 8270A e 8370A

    Esses controladores pneumáticos de alta pressão calibram uma ampla carga de trabalho de sensores de pressão, cobrindo 2X as faixas de pressão a 2X da velocidade de outros controladores.

  • 720A Kelvin-Varley Divider

    O Model 720A Kelvin-Varley Divider é um padrão de relação primário de alta resolução com linearidade absoluta de 0,1 ppm, coeficiente de temperatura de linearidade de 0,1 ppm/ºC e recurso de autocalibração.

  • Calibrador do verificador de segurança elétrica 5322A

    O Calibrador do verificador elétrico 5322A ajuda os técnicos de calibração a seguirem o novo padrão regulatório de forma quatro vezes mais rápida que os métodos tradicionais.

  • Padrão de medição CA 5790B

    O Padrão de medição 5790B AC é um padrão de medição e transferência multifinalidade CA, projetado para as aplicações de calibração mais exigentes.

  • PG7000 Ver 2.07h Embedded Software

    PG7000 Ver 2.07h Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPG7000™2.07hAll PG7000 Series modelsInstructions:-Ver 2.02x and 2.03x Users You can upgrade directly to this version with no special considerations.-Ver 2.01x UsersVer 2.02 is a major revision which should be accompanied by hardware changes.-Ver 1.0x UsersVer 2.01 is a major revision which should be accompanied by hardware changes. Contact a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center for additional information.Download the file. Run Winflash and...

  • 5128A Gerador de umidade RHapid-Cal®

    O gerador de umidade 5128A RHapid-Cal da Fluke Calibration é um gerador de umidade portátil para calibração de uma ampla carga de trabalho de sondas no laboratório ou em campo.

  • 2100 and 2200 Benchtop Temperature Controllers

    O controlador 2100 pode detectar e responder às alterações de temperatura inferiores a 0,00001 °C, o que significa que você pode desfrutar de estabilidades melhores do que ± 0,001 °C em um banho robusto do ponto de vista mecânico.

  • 9210 Mini Triple Point of Water Maintenance Apparatus

    O ponto triplo da água (0,01°C) é uma das temperaturas mais importantes no ITS-90

  • 7900 Controller for Rosemount-Designed Baths

    Os controladores de banho da Hart há muito são reconhecidos como os melhores do mundo. Eles são os controladores de retroajuste mais populares na indústria e agora estão disponíveis para os banhos Rosemount. O controlador Modelo 7900 é facilmente instalado e pode substituir o Modelo Rosemount 915 para todos os modelos de banho da Rosemount.

  • molbox1+ or molbox1+S v6.01 Embedded Software

    molbox1+ or molbox1+S v6.01 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1+/molbox1+S™6.012016.12.16molbox1+/molbox1+STITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1+/molbox1+S™6.012016.12.16molbox1+/molbox1+SThis flash is intended ONLY for molbox1+ or molbox1+S with the Fluke Calibration logo: on the front panel, serial number 2000 and above. Attempted use on any other molbox will result in an inoperable molbox unless the molbox1 hardware is upgraded to a molbox1+.For a molbox1 WITHOUT the Fluke Calibration logo,...

  • molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software

    molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should...

  • MFC-CB v1.00b Embedded Software

    MFC-CB v1.00b Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHMFC-CB™1.00b2005.10.19MFC-CBTITLEVERUSE WITHMFC-CB™1.00b2005.10.19MFC-CBInstructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should...

  • COMPASS® for Pressure Version 4 Release Notes

    Download COMPASS® for PressureVersion 4 Releases4.2 (2012.07.27)ADDCP-115%4COMPASS for Pressure now supports the calibration functions of CalTool for RPTs. This functionality allows users to fully adjust and report calibration results for supported Fluke products. Sample tests are included with COMPASS that support automated collection of as received data and as left data with an adjustment in between. Review the CalTool for RPTs application note for details. The COMPASS CalTool implementation supports...

  • COMPASS® for Pressure Version 3 Release Notes

    Download COMPASS® for PressureVersion 3 Releases3.00.43 (SP1) (2011.02.11)ADDCP-802Support PG7000 and PG9000 models that respond with FLUKE as the manufacturer.CHGCP-793An automated PG7000/PG9000 system with a PPC and AMH will use ATM as the minimum pressure when exercising in a test that is run in Absolute by ATM.3.00.42 (SP1) (2010.07.07)ADDCP-689Support alternate units of measure and temperature references for the Piston Cylinder effective area.ADDCP-775Added new instruments to the default database.CHGCP-786When...

  • COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Demo (.exe)COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Upgrade (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFMDescriptionThis download file provides 100 hours of fully functioning use of COMPASS for molbox. Licensed users can download this file to upgrade from a previous version of COMPASS for molbox.  SummaryCOMPASS for molbox is a complete flow calibration software package...

  • COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software (.exe)Additional Downloads:COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Demo (.exe)COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Upgrade (.exe)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 7.3 SP1 (.zip)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 8.X (.zip)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCOMPASS®for Flow™5.1.0molbox1, molbox1+, molbox1+S, molbox RFM, MFC-CB, MFC SwitchboxCOMPASS for Flow uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run COMPASS...

  • CalTool for RPTs Free Utility

    CalTool for RPTs Free Utility (57.61 MB)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCalTool™ for RPTs Free Utility1.10.0.252021.05.11PG7000, PPC2, PPC2+, PPC2 AF, PPC3, PPC4, PPCK, PPCK+, RPM1, RPM3, RPM4, PPCH, PPCH-G, molbox1, molbox RFMCalTool for RPTs uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run CalTool then select the [Help] menu to access the help system.(Note: As a result of PC specific security settings the help may not display correctly when viewed over the Internet....

  • 9640A Firmware Upgrade

    9640A-LPNX Firmware Upgrade (.exe)Additional Downloads:9640A-LPN Firmware Upgrade (.exe)9640A Firmware Upgrade (.exe)Documents:96xxx Firmware Release Notes v 3.21 (.doc)9640A RF Reference Source Firmware Upgrade9640A RF Reference Source Firmware UpgradeThere are three different firmware updates available for the 9640A product range. Instruments can only be updated with firmware at the same major firmware version. That is instruments with 1.xx can only have another version of 1.xx installed on it,...

  • 8588A & 8558A Firmware, Update by USB

    8588A & 8558A Firmware, Update by USB (.zip)TITLEUSE WITH8588A & 8558AAllThe updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.Instructions to update by USBFluke 85xx update v1.32To update a Fluke 8588A/8558AAn empty USB stick (of greater than 10Mbytes) will be required. This should be formatted using...

  • 4322 v1.4.3.27 Embedded Software

    4322 v1.4.3.27 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITH4322v1.4.3.272015.12.014322TITLEVERUSE WITH4322v1.4.3.272015.12.014322Instructions:Download the file by clicking on "4322 v1.4.3.27 Embedded Software".Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a standard RS232 cable to the COM1 port of the 4322.The updating of embedded software should only be performed after...

  • 1560 Black Stack Thermometer Readout

    O 1560 Black Stack pode ser qualquer tipo de termômetro que você quiser que ele seja. Além disso, ele funciona de três formas diferentes

  • 1529 Chub-E4 Standards Thermometer

    O Chub-E4 tem quatro entradas para a leitura simultânea de quatro sensores diferentes, e nós configuramos essas entradas em qualquer uma das três diferentes formas que você preferir.

  • Calibrador multifunção de alto desempenho Fluke Calibration 5730A

    The Fluke Calibration 5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator is the culmination of years of engineering development, customer research and industrial design, to bring to market the new “gold standard” in electrical multifunction calibration.

  • 5725A Amplifier

    The 5725A Amplifier enhances the 5700A and 5720A Multifunction Calibrators in the ac voltage, ac current, and dc current functions.

  • 271 DDS Gerador de função com ARB

    O Fluke 271 produz formas de onda de seno, quadrado e pulso de alta qualidade sobre a faixa de frequência total de 0,1 mHz a 10 MHz.

  • Automatização da calibração de sensor de temperatura com o Super-DAQ 1586A

    Leve seu laboratório de calibração ao próximo nível

  • Scanner de temperatura de precisão 1586A-Super-DAQ

    O Super-DAQ 1586A é o sistema de aquisição de dados de temperatura mais flexível e preciso do mercado.

  • Calibrador de Bloco seco 9143

    O novo bloco de metrologia de campo 9143 levam o alto desempenho ao ambiente industrial de processos por meio da maximização da portabilidade, velocidade e funcionalidade com pouco comprometimento do desempenho da metrologia.

  • Fluke 1750/B Three-Phase Basic Power Quality Recorder

    Record three-phase power quality monitoring for power quality disturbances with the new Fluke 1750 Power Recorder and the Fluke Power Analyze software.

  • 1502A/1504 Thermometer Readouts

    The 1502A and 1504 reference thermometers will read RTDs, PRDs, and thermistor sensors. Primary temperature standards, secondary temperature standards, fixed-point cells, water triple points, SPRTs, calibration baths, dry-block calibrators and temperature metrology training can also be found on this site.

  • Calibrador de Bloco seco 9142

    O novo bloco de metrologia de campo 9142 levam o alto desempenho ao ambiente industrial de processos por meio da maximização da portabilidade, velocidade e funcionalidade com pouco comprometimento do desempenho da metrologia.

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