Industrial Deadweight Testers Resource Center

This page contains links to resources to help you learn more about deadweight testers.

Product Information

Deadweight Tester Selection Guide (Guide)

There are a number of features and capabilities that need to be considered when selecting a deadweight tester. This selection guide describes what to consider when looking for a deadweight tester.

Pneumatic/Vacuum Deadweight Testers - Model Series: P3000 (Data Sheet)

  • Minimum Pressure: 5 to 400 In H20 (1.5 to 100 kPa)
  • Maximum Pressure: 40 to 2,000 PSI (400 to 14,000 kPa)
  • Vacuum: 1 to 30 In Hg (30 to 760 mm Hg)

Hydraulic Deadweight Testers – Model: P3100 (Data Sheet)

  • Minimum Pressure: 10 to 500 PSI (100 to 3,500 kPa)
  • Maximum Pressure: 200 to 20,000 PSI (2 to 140 MPa)

Water Deadweight Tester – Model: P3200 (Data Sheet)

  • Minimum Pressure: 10 to 5,000 PSI ( 0.1 to 35 MPa)
  • Maximum Pressure: 200 to 10,000 PSI ( 2 to 70 MPa)

High Pressure Hydraulic Deadweight Testers – Model Series: P3800 (Data Sheet)

  • Minimum Pressure: 500 to 30,000 PSI ( 4 to 200 MPa)
  • Maximum Pressure: 500 to 60,000 PSI ( 4 to 400 MPa)

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Comparison Test Pumps, Media Separators and Accessories– Model Series: P5500 (Data Sheet)

  • Minimum Pressure: 0 to 300 PSI
  • Maximum Pressure: 500 to 60,000 PSI ( 4 to 400 MPa)
Pressurements Deadweight Tester's Weight Increments (Technical Note)
This technical note lists available deadweight tester weight increments for P3000 series deadweight testers.
Guide for the uncertainty analysis in pressure when using P3000 Series Deadweight Testers
This technical note is a guide for estimating the measurement uncertainty of Fluke Calibration P3000 series Deadweight Testers (DWTs). Three distinct methods of operating the DWTs are considered.
Demonstration Videos
P3100 Series Hydraulic Deadweight Tester
Introducing the P3100 series Hydraulic Deadweight Tester, providing a high value solution for accurate pressure calibrations. Video includes overview of the product features plus instruction on the setup and operation of the instrument.
Web Seminars
Watch this web seminar to learn about features and methods that help you get the best results when performing pressure calibrations with deadweight testers.
What to Look for in a Deadweight Tester (Video)
Watch this short video for an overview of what to look for in a deadweight tester.
Performing Precise Pressure Calibrations May Cost Less Than You Think (Article)
This paper answers common questions for those who have considered adding pressure calibration capability to their lab’s offerings, or bringing current pressure calibration workload in-house.
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