Requirements for working with MET/CAL procedure files

Procedures are distributed in several formats or "packages." When a package is available in more than one format, the files are zipped together into a single .ZIP file. The supported formats are PXE and ZIP. Information on each format is listed below. Review the MET/CAL Help system for additional details.

.PXE files

 Procedure files with a .PXE file extension are directly executable in the MET/CAL Run Time. Use the Calibrate, Run Procedure Executable menu option in the MET/CAL Run Time to launch the .PXE file. All required support files and procedures are contained within the single .PXE file, so no additional station setup is required. MET/CAL version 8.0 or newer is required. A procedure file with a .PXE extension cannot be edited. Make changes by using the source project files (available in the pacakge .ZIP file) to generate a new .PXE file.

.ZIP files

Procedure files are distributed in a .ZIP file. If the “package” .ZIP file contains another .ZIP, that second .ZIP file contains all source files required to create the PXE package. This includes the editor project file, procedure files, images, and other support programs. Expand the .ZIP file into an empty directory and open the *.mcproj file to open the editor project.

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