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Found 100 results containing the words:assistance
  • Customized Calibration Training

    h3 { font-weight: bold; } .intro { padding-bottom: 40px; } .courses { padding-bottom: 40px; } .course-features { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; column-gap: 20px; } .feature-card { margin-bottom: 20px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 15px; display: grid; grid-template-rows: 1fr 50px; column-gap: 20px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .course-features { grid-template-columns: 1fr; } .feature-card { margin-bottom: 20px; } } .on-demand-courses { padding-bottom: 40px;...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.3.1 (with MET/CAL version 11.0.1)

    MET/TEAM v3.3.1 with MET/CAL v11.0.0 Trial (5.10 GB)Document(s): MET/TEAM Installation Guide (2.06 MB)Updating to MET/TEAM 3.3.1 and MET/CAL 11.0.1 (358.36 KB)MET/TEAM 3.3.1 Read Me (370.06 KB)MET/CAL 11.0.1 Read Me (419.71 KB)MET/TEAM 3.3.0 Read Me (467.11 KB)MET/CAL 11.0.0 Read Me (433.52 KB)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.3.1 release is a minor update to MET/TEAM software. The MET/CAL version 11.0.1 release is a minor update to MET/CAL...

  • Thermocouple calibrators and equipment

    Whether you're simulating thermocouples or calibrating thermocouples directly through comparison methods, Fluke offers the most comprehensive selection of quality thermocouple calibrators on the market, including thermocouple simulators, handheld multifunction calibrators, temperature sources such as dry-block calibrators and liquid baths, thermocouple reference Standards, and thermocouple readouts.Thermocouple calibration product categories include:Handheld thermocouple calibrators and simulatorsComparison...

  • Dry-Block Calibrators vs. Temperature Baths: Choosing the Right One for You

    This dry block calibrator vs temperature bath analysis helps you pick the option best for your application. See the comparison in 5 areas of consideration.

  • Saving Lone Lake

    Read this story of what one man, a concerned community, and the right tools can do to save a lake. See the role of accurate measurements & calibration.

  • Rotameter Calibration

    Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure rotameter including a step-by-step rotameter calibration procedure, calibration curve, and tips.

  • Measurement Uncertainty Training Materials

    Get 7 free measurement uncertainty training materials including videos, webinars, & articles. Fluke also offers a paid, online course for deeper knowledge.

  • 8588A vs. 8508A 8.5 Digit Reference Multimeter: an Expert’s Comparison

    The new Fluke 8588A Reference Multimeter improves on everything the 8508A can do while adding capabilities that were not available before. Learn more here.

  • When Cal Lab and Service Managers Work Remotely

    Fluke Calibration recently hosted a webinar (now available in its entirety as free and on-demand) in which a panel of Fluke associates talked about lessons learned and best practices for working, when some employees can work remotely and others must go to the calibration laboratory

  • Equipment Tips for Pressure Controllers in the Production Process

    Planning to purchase a pressure controller for production? There are several areas to consider before determining which piece of equipment is right for you.

  • Technology and Automation in Modular High-Pressure Controllers

    Learn how a modular high-pressure controller / calibrator system can increase accuracy & pressure range while enabling automation & future proofing your lab.

  • Accurate Fever Scanning with Infrared Forehead Thermometers: Issues, Solutions and How to Calibrate

    See 10 steps of how to check the accuracy of an infrared thermometer designed for measuring human body temperature. Learn best practices & how things work.

  • Fluke Calibration Software: Into the Future

    See an outline and overview of topics discussed at the Fluke Calibration software user group meeting in 2020. Plus get inks to recorded presentations.

  • 5560A Multi-Product Calibrator key technologies and features Application Note

    The 5560A High Performance Multi-Product Calibrator defines a new class of multi-product calibrator, providing the broadest electrical workload coverage and highest accuracy for calibrating the most demanding modern workloads.

  • Understanding the Thermocouple Connector on the 55X0A Multi-Product Calibrators

    Learn how to perform accurate temperature calibration using the thermocouple connector on the 55X0A Multi-Product Calibrator.

  • How to complete the top 5 calibrations with the 55X0A Multi-Product Calibrator: Video quick start guide

    Watch how to run the 5 most common calibration tests using the 5560A, 5550A and 5540A Multi-Product Calibrators on your clamp meters and multimeters.

  • Inside Fluke’s most accurate multimeters: the 8588A and 8558A 8.5-digit digital multimeters

    Fluke's latest 8588A and 8558A high performance DMMs include several new and innovative improvements to help you do your job right. See for yourself here.

  • Selecting a dry-block calibrator

    If you are considering a purchase of a dry block, you need to answer 3 questions. See the questions and answers here at this Fluke Calibration blog post.

  • Accounting for Gravity When Using a Deadweight Tester or Piston Gauge

    Learn the 3 methods of deadweight tester and piston gauge gravity correction in this brief app note.

  • 1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer Resource Center

    Temperature fixed point cells are ITS-90 primary standards that demand low uncertainty measurements for calibration purposes. Traditionally, fixed-point cell measurements have been handled by resistance ratio bridges

  • MET/CAL® Plus 8.0 Tutorial Resource Center

    This page contains links to resources to help you learn more about using MET/CAL Plus Calibration Management Software Version 8.0, especially if you have downloaded the trial version of the software.

  • Contamination: is this hidden hazard threatening your pressure lab?

    If you measure or calibrate pressure in the real world, you are at risk for contamination. And contamination can cause problems that you don’t even want to think about. A manufacturer in the aerospace industry found that out when they used their air system to calibrate a gauge that had water in it, then used it to calibrate another device that was supposed to be “dry and air pure.”

  • Flowmeter calibration: Five best practices you need to know

    In this blog post by Fluke Calibration, see the 5 best practices for calibrating flow meters to ensure optimal flow meter performance. Read here.

  • Establishing Correct Calibration Intervals

    Learn what a calibration interval is, variables that affect it, who is responsible for setting it & how to establish one for your measurement equipment.

  • The Difference Between Intermediate Checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs Calibration—Plus Tips for Incorporating Intermediate Checks to Help Save You from Costly Manufacturing Recalls

    Learn about intermediate checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs calibration. Plus, tips for incorporating them to prevent costly manufacturing recalls.

  • Precision Infrared Calibrators Resource Center

    This page contains links to resources to help you learn more about infrared temperature calibration.If you would like to get a quote on a new infrared calibrator, you can do that here:Request a quote Infrared Temperature Calibration 101Infrared Temperature Calibration 101 - Synopsis (Web Seminar)Watch this short web seminar for a quick overview of how infrared thermometers really work, and then watch the full version for more information!Infrared Temperature Calibration 101 (Web Seminar)Watch this...

  • MET/CAL® Plus Calibration Management Software Resource Center

    This page contains links to resources to help you learn more about automating calibration & asset management with MET/CAL Plus software. Learn more.

  • Commonly Asked Questions about the 8270A and 8370A High-Pressure Controllers

    Get answers to common questions about the safety of a high-pressure supply & the capabilities of the Fluke 8270A/8370A High-Pressure Controller/Calibrator.

  • How to Calibrate a Thermocouple: App Notes Series, 4 of 4

    Thermocouple connection to the readout depends whether an internal or external reference junction is used. Internal reference junctions are generally used for high throughput, low-to-medium accuracy applications. There is less opportunity for error and the process is simpler

  • How to remove additional errors when calibrating resistance

    Learn the four different connection methods and the tool settings to measure and test resistance on a digital handheld multimeter, a bench multimeter, and a systems multimeter

  • Uses for the 52120A Transconductance Amplifier outside of the lab

    What can you use a Fluke transconductance amplifier to do in addition to calibration? Accurately supply AC & DC current, overvoltage sensing, and more.

  • High-frequency error sources in oscilloscope calibration

    Explore analysis of high-frequency error sources in oscilloscope calibration. Gather insights into the causes, impacts, and methods to mitigate these errors to enhance your accuracy.

  • 4 questions to ask when selecting calibration asset management software

    When buying calibration asset management software, it's wise to consider 1) workload, 2) reporting, 3) recall information you'll need access to, and 4) the...

  • 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner Resource Center

    Save time and money by using a 1586A Super-DAQ and a Fluke Calibration dry-well, fluid bath, or furnace to automate the calibration of up to 40 temperature sensors—simultaneously, without requiring a PC or software.

  • How to calibrate your PT100 temperature sensor and other probes in-house

    Learn 3 ways to calibrate a PT100 and a basic, 5-step procedure. Also discover how to bring calibration in house along with the benefits and challenges.

  • How to Calibrate a Hygrometer

    To prevent these problems, industries with products at risk of spoilage install instruments to measure humidity and temperature continuously through the manufacturing process and also while products are stored.

  • Tempmeko 2019 Temperature Metrology Conference – Fluke Calibration’s Overview of the Conference

    Temperature metrology experts from Fluke Calibration attended Tempmeko 2019 and provide an overview of the top 5 topics covered there, including some photos.

  • Eliminating sensor errors in temperature control loop calibrations

    Follow the steps as we demonstrate how to link a documenting process calibrator to a drywell to calibrate a 4-20 mA transmitter and probe in a system.

  • Metrology Wells Versus Dry-Wells: Do Vertical Gradients Really Matter?

    A thermometer’s reading in a dry-well is the average value of the sensed temperatures along the sensor in the block of the dry-well. PRT sensors have varying lengths and may be located at slightly different positions within their sheaths.

  • Infrared Temperature Calibration 101

    Learn the basics of infrared temperature calibration including how infrared thermometers work, emissivity, blackbodies, detecting radiance & more.

  • How to do a temperature sensor comparison calibration

    See this illustrated blog post to learn how to do a comparison calibration of a probe-style RTD at one temperature point using a dry-block calibrator.

  • Don’t get fooled: what to look for when buying an isothermal bath

    If you’re in the market for an isothermal bath (temperature calibration bath), you may have already noticed that many suppliers provide technical specifications that are confusing or incomplete. Read this short article to learn 4 key specifications to review to help make the best decision and avoid a mistake.

  • Pressure Controller Replacement Resource Center

    This Resource Center is designed to help you easily see which Fluke Calibration pressure controller is the recommended replacement for your existing older controller.

  • How often should you calibrate?

    While there’s no “one size fits all” answer, see this post for helpful guidelines on how often you should calibrate thermometers, test equipment, multimeters, etc.

  • Six questions to ask before you choose a pressure calibration solution

    Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe.

  • New features in recent MET/CAL software versions

    Having the latest version of MET/CAL software gives you access to many new features and functions. Here are just a few examples of the additional capabilities added with each new update.

  • Establishing calibration intervals for Fluke products

    Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe.

  • Selecting the right temperature probe-to-readout adapter

    A temperature probe is typically ordered with a termination that matches the calibration equipment it will be used with

  • Understanding the basics of digital multimeter calibration

    See the steps for how to calibrate a digital multimeter, plus links to 5 free related learning resources including videos, webinars, and articles.

  • Selecting a Dry-Well (Dry-Block) Temperature Calibrator

    Learn how to select a dry well (dry block) temperature calibrator in this application note from Fluke Calibration. Choose the right calibrator for your specific workload. All Fluke options are accurate, stable, flexible, and portable. Request product pricing today.

  • Why Calibrate Test Equipment?

    Why calibrate test equipment? What makes it go out of cal? What happens when you send equipment for calibration? When should you calibrate? Learn here.

  • METCAL Plus Resources

    MET/CAL software has evolved over the years to incorporate new features and support for both new and older calibrators and standards. Most improvements are made in response to requests from the MET/CAL user community

  • Industrial Temperature Calibrator Selection Guide

    A temperature calibrator, often called a thermometer calibrator, is used to remove inaccuracies in installed thermometers and temperature sensors, because temperature measurement is a critical parameter in many industrial processes.

  • Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRT)

    A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is a thermometer constructed from a high purity platinum element (wire-wound coil or thin film) placed in a tube of metal or glass and sealed with an inert atmosphere and/or mineral insulator.


    MET/TEMP II can interface with the MET/TRACK database. However, MET/TEMP II can still be used as a stand-alone system.

  • Using MET/TEMP II FAQs

    MET/TEMP II expects ALL test probes to be in the same heat source at the same time. Since the software only supports one reference probe

  • LogWare II FAQs

    Why are the menus not very responsive when the software is logging real-time data?Why are there no COM ports listed in the COM ports drop-down list?Does LogWare II allow data to be acquired in different scales?Can LogWare II be configured to start a real-time log session when I am away?Can LogWare II be configured to stop a real-time log session automatically?What kind of tools and utilities does LogWare II provide for working with thermometer readouts?Can I take the data that LogWare II acquires...

  • Installing MET/TEMP II FAQs

    MET/TEMP II is intended to replace Fluke's MET/TEMP software. MET/TEMP II is a completely different software package than MET/TEMP

  • Frequently Asked Questions for Temperature Calibration Software

    Quick Links-Download Demos, Updates, Service Releases, etc.Technical SupportQuestions about Fluke Calibration Temperature software? This page answers some of the most common questions concerning our software products.All Fluke Calibration temperature calibration software:Q. What version of Windows® is required to run Fluke Calibration Temperature software?A. Please refer to the table below for Windows® compatibility information for the latest version of each software indicated: Software \ Windows®98/98SENT4...

  • To what extent can the calibration process be automated?

    Automation of the pressure calibration process has many potential benefits, including increasing productivity, ensuring better pressure measurements

  • How to Calibrate a Digital Thermometer with a Dry-Block Calibrator and with Freezing and Boiling Water

    This video demonstrates two methods for calibrating a digital thermometer: first, with ice and boiling water, and second, with our Fluke dry-block calibrators. Both methods are easy and fast. However, the water method has inaccuracies that are unknown caused by variations in altitude, atmospheric pressure, and water purity. The dry-block calibration method provides a better measurement because we’re working with instruments that have a known accuracy.   Keep learningDo you use ice and boiling...

  • Why is Calibration Important?

    Table of ContentsWhy is calibration important?The importance of calibration in the futureDifferent perspectives on the significance of calibrationThe benefits and purpose of calibrationWhat are the costs and risks of not calibrating?Summary / TL;DRWhy is calibration important?Calibration is important because it helps ensure accurate measurements, and accurate measurements are foundational to the quality, safety and innovation of most products and services we use and rely on every day.Few people realize...

  • How to Calibrate a Pressure Gauge with the Fluke 8270A High-Pressure Controller Calibrator

    Hi, this is Jeff Grossman, Sales Engineer for Fluke Calibration’s pressure and mass flow calibration solutions, here to provide you with a demonstration of one of our three modular pressure controllers. I happen to have here the 8270A which has a maximum pressure of 6000 psi complemented by the 6270A maximum pressure of 3000 psi and the 8370A with maximum pressure of 15,000 psi. The nice thing is they share a lot of commonality which makes them easy to switch between and easy to use.Very small...

  • Calibration

    a.anchor { scroll-margin-top: 100px; scroll-snap-margin-top: 100px; } Calibration is configuring and verifying a measuring instrument's accuracy to ensure its readings match a known standard. It’s a foundational practice across healthcare, electronics, manufacturing, and environmental monitoring.Instruments naturally experience wear, drift, and environmental impact over time, which can compromise their performance. Calibration restores their accuracy and ensures consistent, reliable operation that...

  • 6332A / 7342A Temperature Calibration Baths

    The 6332A / 7342A Temperature Calibration Baths are ideal for lab managers and technicians in government, corporate, and independent calibration labs who need a bath with good stability, uniformity, and speed to temperature for calibrating thermometers and sensors of various sizes and shapes.

  • PG7102 Piston Gauge

    The piston gauge from Fluke Calibration offers pressure calibration standards that provide automated operations and thermal transpiration correction.

  • Thank You!

    .super-custom .fluke-icon { margin-right: 20px; font-size: 2.2rem; } .super-custom a { color: #212121; text-decoration: none; } Your download is ready. Thank you for your interest in our eBook, "Equipping Your Teams: The Essential eBook for Solar Operations." Please click the link below to download your copy: Download Now If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at [Your Contact Information]. We appreciate your interest and look forward to supporting your success...

  • PG7601 Piston Gauge

    The piston gauge from Fluke Calibration offers pressure calibration standards that provide automated operations and thermal transpiration correction.

  • molbox1+ Flow Terminal

    molbox1+ from Fluke Calibration is the ideal solution for calibrating gas flow meter, mass flow controllers, rotameters, bubble meters & other flow measurement devices.

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.0) (.pdf)MET/TEAM 3.0.0 ReadMe (.pdf)MET/CAL 10.2.0 ReadMe (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (Updated for version 3.0) (.pdf)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.0.0 and MET/CAL version 10.2.0 release is a a major update to MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor...

  • MET/TEAM® v3.3.0 and MET/CAL® v11.0.0 Software Trial

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/CAL 10.5.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (.pdf)MET/TEAM 3.1.1 Readme (.pdf)Update Instructions for MET/TEAM 3.1.1 and MET/CAL 10.5.0 (.pdf)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 release is a a minor update to MET/TEAM software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.You...

  • MET/TEAM version 2.2 (with MET/CAL version 9.1)

    MET/TEAM version 2.2 (with MET/CAL version 9.1) (.iso)Documents:MET/CAL 9.1.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM 2.2.0 Readme (.pdf)Updating to MET/TEAM 2.2 and MET/CAL 9.1 (.pdf)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThere has been a major change to the MET/TEAM database which means updating to version 2.2 is a multistep process that could take from 8 to 24 hours depending on your database, server configuration, and network environment.There has been a major change to MET/CAL regarding...

  • MET/TEAM version 2.1 with Update 1 (with MET/CAL version 9.0 with Update 1)

    MET/TEAM version 2.1 with Update 1 (with MET/CAL version 9.0 with Update 1) (.iso)Documents:MET_TEAM_2_1_2_readme (.pdf)METCAL_9.0.0_ReadMe (.pdf)Please read the MET/TEAM Readme file before installing the upgrade.Please note that upgrading from any previous version of MET/TEAM will require you to re-request all of your licenses via email once the upgrade is complete! You must provide your original product codes and gold number(699XXXX) as two separate product code entry lines.If you are upgrading...

  • MET/TEAM® Software Services and Training

    MET/TEAM software is a flexible and powerful application. When considering a MET/TEAM installation, you will need to think about the total cost of ownership, including installation, training, and configuring the application to conform to your business processes. Almost all customers require some level of professional assistance in these areas to get up and running successfully and efficiently as defined within their unique business requirements, processes and schedules.

  • MET/TEAM® Test Equipment Asset Management Software

    MET/TEAM™ is calibration management software or test equipment asset management software for managing your assets & is powerful, flexible & scalable. By Fluke Calibration.

  • Custom Systems

    Custom systems integrate standard Fluke Calibration products into a complete system based on the user’s specific requirements.

  • Update: MET/TEAM version 2.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 9.2.0)

    Update: MET/TEAM version 2.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 9.2.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/CAL 9.2.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM 2.3.0 Readme (.pdf)FAQ for MET/TEAM version 2.3.0 and MET/CAL version 9.2.0Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 2.3.0 and MET/CAL version 9.2.0 release is a security and stability update to previous MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software. This update includes security improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.Upgrading from any previous version...

  • Update: MET/TEAM version 2.2.1 (with MET/CAL version 9.1.1)

    Update: MET/TEAM version 2.2.1 (with MET/CAL version 9.1.1) (.iso)Documents:MET/CAL 9.1.1 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM 2.2.1 Readme (.pdf)Updating to METTEAM 2.2.1 and METCAL 9.1.1 (.pdf)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 2.2.1 and MET/CAL version 9.1.1 release is a stability update to previous MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software. This update includes bug fixes and minor updates.Upgrading from any previous version of MET/TEAM will require you to re-request...

  • PG7302 Piston Gauge

    Fluke Calibration's PG7302™ Piston Gauge line features reference level pressure standards offering a unified solution from vacuum to 500 MPa.

  • PG7202 High Pressure Gas / Hydraulic Piston Gauge

    The piston gauge from Fluke Calibration offers pressure calibration standards that provide automated operations and thermal transpiration correction.

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 11.0.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.3.0 (with MET/CAL version 11.0.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/TEAM 3.3.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (.pdf)MET/CAL 11.0.0 Read Me (.pdf)Updating to METTEAM 3.3.0 and METCAL 11.0.0 (.pdf)Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.3.0 release is a minor update to MET/TEAM software. The MET/CAL version 11.0.0 release is a major update to MET/CAL software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.6.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.6.0) (.iso)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.2.0 release is a a minor update to MET/TEAM software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.You may upgrade from version 3.0.0, 3.1.0, or 3.1.1 directly to version 3.2.0.Upgrading from version 3.x.x of MET/TEAM will not require you to re-request your licenses.Upgrading...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.1 release is a a minor update to MET/TEAM software. This update includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates.You may upgrade from either version 3.0.0 or 3.1.0 directly to version 3.1.1.Upgrading from version 3.0.0 or 3.1.0 of MET/TEAM will not require you to re-request your...

  • Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0)

    Release: MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.5.0) (.iso)Documents:MET/TEAM 3.1.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/CAL 10.5.0 Readme (.pdf)MET/TEAM Installation Guide (.pdf)Update Instructions for MET/TEAM 3.1.0 and MET/CAL 10.5.0 (.pdf)This update is not for MET/CONNECT Customers. The MET/CONNECT version of this release is available here.Current MET/TEAM Customers: What you need to know prior to updatingThe MET/TEAM version 3.1.0 and MET/CAL version 10.5.0 release is a a major update to MET/TEAM and...

  • Database Migration Assistance

    Fluke can help you migrate calibration data from your old database to a new MET/CAL® Plus database. Learn more at our Database Migration Assistance page.

  • MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software

    Integrate MET/CAL® Calibration Management Software to your workflow with MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software. Flexibility achieved.

  • COMPASS® for Pressure Software

    COMPASS® for Pressure Calibration Software is a universal platform for all of your pressure calibration software needs.

  • COMPASS® for molbox™ software

    Calibration assistance software for molbloc/molbox™ users

  • Fluke Calibration Support Plans Terms and Conditions

    To receive the best service, all instruments covered by a Priority Gold CarePlan must be registered at you must also obtain an RMA (return material authorization) number before sending your covered instrument in for calibration or repair. Contact your local Fluke Calibration sales representative if you need assistance. If a covered Priority Gold CarePlan instrument received at our labs is not registered on our web site, or does not have an RMA number, you may experience a service...

  • Instrument Calibration and Why It Matters

    Manufacturing requires accuracy for consistent outputs. But that isn’t easy to achieve if you don’t know what your inputs are. While instrument calibration may only slightly affect inputs, that can still significantly impact your outputs, the longevity of your equipment, and more. Calibrating your equipment ensures your readings are accurate and allows you to make necessary adjustments or repairs before any issues arise.Instrument readings can change over time as instruments are exposed to harsh...

  • Proper calibration of industrial temperature process systems

    Temperature measurement is a critical parameter in many industrial processes. As a result, these processes generally use installed thermometers or temperature transducers. Proper calibration of these installed systems has always presented a challenge. Traditionally, simulators are used to provide in-situ calibration of the electronic portions of these systems. Although this is a valid technique for the calibration of the electronics, considerable inaccuracies are introduced by the sensor itself.The...

  • The instruments solar workers need to succeed

    As founder and CEO of Mark Snyder Electric, 43-year solar professional, and holder of eight (so far) patents and patents pending for new energy efficiency technologies, Master Electrician and Forensic Electrical Specialist Mark Snyder has seen the solar industry develop from a few panels on a handful of California homes to one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world.   He’s also seen the growing pains caused by solar’s explosive growth over the last decade: the immense demand for PV projects...

  • Fluke 3562 Screening Vibration Sensor system

    The Fluke 3562 vibration monitoring sensor uses a batteryless sensor and software to continuously screen vibration readings all of your assets.

  • Fluke 3563 Analysis Vibration Sensor system

    Continuously monitor and analyze vibration readings for production-critical assets.

  • Fluke 154 HART Communicator

    The Fluke 154 is a standalone tablet based HART® communication tool. The tablet configured with the “FlukeHART” mobile app utilizes a wireless HART modem that connects directly to the HART transmitter being tested or configured.

  • Considering cogeneration?

    Cogeneration - also known as combined heat and power or CHP - is the process of generating electricity and usable heat at the same time. The term has a modern, "green energy" ring to it, but cogeneration has been around since Edison's Pearl Street Station used heat from its turbines to warm the buildings of lower Manhattan in the 1880s.

  • Energy auditing and weatherization with thermal imagers

    The first step in evaluating a building's energy use involves an energy audit. This consists of various home performance tests which identify opportunities to reduce energy use. Once the audit is complete, various weatherization techniques are performed to improve the energy efficiency of the building, often called 'weatherizing'.

  • Grounding separately derived systems

    As I promised in my last column, this "Solid Ground" column deals with transformers and grounding. Let's start by addressing some definitions. Opinions differ on the "official" definition of "distribution" transformer.

  • Troubleshooting with the Fluke 116 Multimeter

    Read success stories from ONSITE PC Assitance owner Robert Johns. Working on mostly low voltage equipment for home offices and small-to-medium business, Johns uses the Fluke 116 to measure for low voltage, auto-ranging and min/max temperature.

  • Fluke 75X Version 1.13 Firmware Upgrade

    Applies only to Firmware Version 1.10 and 1.11 To upgrade your 75X to the latest firmware, follow these simple instructions: Download Fluke?75X Version 1.13 firmware upgrade and save the firmware upgrade file. Ensure your Fluke 75x is connected to your Windows PC computer via USB cable and using the battery charger for power. Run the file and follow the instructions for doing the update. Do not turn off the PC or the 75x while the update is in progress. Once the update is complete, cycle the 75x...

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