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  • Fluke Calibration 9144 Metrology Well

    The 9144 Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

  • Fluke Calibration 9143 Field Metrology Well

    The 9143 Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

  • Fluke Calibration 9103/9140 Field Dry-Well

    If you’ve been using dry-well calibrators for field work, you know there’s a lot more to a dry-well than its temperature range and stability.

  • Northwest Iowa Community College team wins the Fluke Connect Student Contest

    The team from the Northwest Iowa Community College has been chosen the winner of the Fluke Connect™ Student Contest, which tested the skills, innovation, and business application of student teams enrolled in two and four year colleges, universities, trade/tech schools, and apprenticeship programs.

  • Fluke 902 FC True-rms HVAC Clamp Meter improves productivity in the field

    Everett, Wash. – Fluke Corp. introduces the Fluke® 902 FC True-rms HVAC Clamp Meter, a wireless Fluke Connect® enabled meter that improves the productivity of HVAC technicians in the field. With the Fluke 902 FC, technicians can document measurements, email results to customers, and collaborate with colleagues in real time directly from the job site.The rugged CAT III 600V / CAT IV 300V rated meter performs the essential measurements of HVAC systems — microamps for testing pilot light sensors,...

  • Fluke Ti450 Infrared Camera with New MultiSharp™ Focus delivers focused objects near and far in a single image

    The new Fluke Ti450 Infrared Camera takes focus to a new level of clarity with MultiSharp™ Focus. An out-of-focus thermal image can give you data that may lead to misdiagnosis — potentially costing you thousands — with no way to correct it once it has been captured, short of taking new images. The new Fluke Ti450 Infrared Camera solves this problem by delivering images automatically focused throughout the field of view.

  • World Metrology Day celebrates "Measurements and Light"

    On May 20th, scientists and organizations dedicated to the worldwide uniformity of measurement celebrate World Metrology Day, which commemorates the signing of the international treaty to coordinate global weights and measures and support the development of the metric system. 

  • What is Thermal Imaging? How a Thermal Image is Captured

    Learn how infrared cameras measure heat signatures and use color palettes, spatial resolution, and proper focus to create a thermal image.

  • Why use a thermal imager?

    Infrared thermography provides the capability to help detect subtle problems before they result in failures. In industrial settings some equipment problems can be spotted through unusual vibration or sounds, but many other problems do not present such obvious symptoms. Many electrical problems can be detected by their thermal patterns, which, if not identified, could either lead to equipment failure or a more serious electrical hazard. Moisture problems in ceilings and walls can be very difficult...

  • Regular infrared inspections can help keep systems running safely, efficiently

    Infrared cameras are ideal for finding apparent temperature differences between components or materials that can point to a potential problem.

  • Have you ever wondered about the efficiency of your fireplace?

    Beyond the basics: Have you ever wondered about the efficiency of your fireplace?

  • Twenty Ways the Fluke 62 MAX+ Infrared Thermometer Can Save You Energy and Time

    Ways the 62 MAX+ Infrared Thermometer can save you energy and time in troubleshooting HVAC mechanical systems: air, water, coils, boilers, power supplies

  • Getting the right temperature, over time

    Adam Wegener makes and teaches ceramics in Portola Valley, CA. Last year, he bought a Fluke 189 DMM and a high temperature thermocouple from the local ceramics store that allows him to measure temperatures up to 2300°F. Now he uses the 189 to log temperature over the 30-hour heat up and cool down cycle. Then, he loads the temperatures onto his computer and uses the peak temperature and heating rates to perfect his next firing.

  • Even at home, Fluke tools stay on the job

    When Fluke tool users head for home, they know the workday is far from done. Customers describe how they use their industrial-strength Fluke test tools around the house.

  • Why are Those Infrared Images Blurry?

    Why are those infrared images blurry?

  • Understanding Vibration Monitoring and Analysis

    Vibration testing for condition-based maintenance, to reduce costs and production losses. Mechanics of testing, analyzing roller bearing faults.

  • How Patent-Pending Technology Blends Thermal and Visible Light

    Learn how IR-Fusion™ works, how blending is accomplished and how this new technology can greatly improve the detail to infrared images to help you identify the exact locations of infrared points-of-interest.

  • Taking a Wireless Approach Gets to the Root of the Problem Faster

    Follow the experiences with wireless test tools of electrician Chipper Stohl of AECI, as he works primarily in emergency troubleshooting and repair, with some installation and maintenance.

  • Techs are tuned in to benefits of wireless testing

    Wireless testing survey results with comments and insights from Fluke tool users

  • What is Resistance?

    Resistance is a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.

  • What is a digital multimeter?

    A digital multimeter (DMM) is a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values—principally voltage (volts), current (amps) and resistance (ohms).

  • Why thermal imaging is essential for detecting moisture damage

    With the growing concern about mold damage and associated health problems, inspectors are becoming increasingly vigilant in checking for areas of moisture within the confines of the building envelope. Weather related damage and flooding, and subsequent mold growth, have also escalated the need for tools that can facilitate fast and accurate moisture investigations.

  • Checking health of motors and drives

    Motors and drives, ubiquitous in industrial settings, can and do fail. Five must-have tests for these systems to prolong motor life and save energy include: thermal, vibration, shaft alignment, insulation resistance and electrical measurements.

  • How to get great results with an infrared thermometer

    Infrared (IR) thermometers enable you to measure temperature quickly, at a distance, and without touching the object you're measuring. They are so useful, easy, and even fun to use that they have become as common in kitchens as they have on factory floors. Infrared thermometers are often used to find overheated equipment and electrical circuits, but they have hundreds of other uses.

  • The role of thermal imagers in testing a centrifugal chiller

    Use a thermal imager to detect problems at many of  the test points in a chiller: Control Panel, Compressor, Motor, Bearing and Chilled Water Supply.

  • Tough Places, Tough Tools

    Out on the job site, concrete finishers stand ready to shape wet ready-mix into a new stretch of highway. Mixer trucks are lined up at the concrete batch plant,waiting to take on their loads. But hold on—an electrical problem has shut down the plant. It's time to call Keithly Electric.

  • IEC Category Ratings: Use the Right Tools for the Job

    IEC Category Ratings: Use the Right Tools for the Job.As with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), using the proper tools for the job can help keep electrical workers safe.

  • Targeting Safety in Photovoltaic System Installation and Maintenance

    Late on a Sunday afternoon the Kern County Fire Department responded to a call at a store on Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California. Crews found that a row of solar panels on the roof had caught fire. Some of the panels were still live when the crew arrived, so the fire crew had to take extra precautions until electrical power could be disconnected.

  • Moving a Production Line

    Moving or reconfiguring a production line can disrupt a complex and finely tuned system. When you move a line, electrical distribution systems, variable frequency drives (VFDs), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), lighting, communication circuitry, controls, emergency stop systems, and more are susceptible to unanticipated changes ranging from glitches to outright failures.

  • Detecting power quality issues

    The electrical power issues that most frequently affect industrial plants include voltage sags and swells, harmonics, transients, and voltage and current unbalance. The proper tools to correct these issues include knowledge and electrical test instruments ideally suited for each task.

  • Case study: Texas power consultant keeps uninterruptible power supplies up and running

    Critical systems run smoothly with regular maintenance and reliable tools Everybody knows that consistent, dependable electrical power is critical to any plant's function. But perhaps even more critical is a reliable uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. UPS systems are the silent partners that just sit and wait until there's a break in power. At that point, the UPS system is the most important system in the plant. It has to be ready to spring into action in milliseconds to keeps things running for anywhere from seconds to hours.

  • Practical applications for single-phase voltage recording

    Voltage stability may be a problem in areas where loads are cycling on and off during the day. Large compressors, motors, welding machines, arc furnaces, power factor correction capacitors and other large electrical machinery along with system impedance can easily cause voltage dips, swells, and transients.

  • Case study: A hospital tech develops his power quality knowledge

    Downtime is costly, both in terms of patient wellbeing and monetary costs - the X-Ray, mammography, and other systems themselves cost millions and a failure can also idle technicians or surgical teams. Most of the facilities have motor/generators and can maintain operations independent of the utility, making the power system robust but also complex.

  • 10 dumb things smart people do when testing electricity

    Anyone who makes their living by working with electricity quickly develops a healthy respect for anything with even a remote chance of being "live." Yet the pressures of the getting a job done on time or getting a mission-critical piece of equipment back on line can result in carelessness and uncharacteristic mistakes by even the most seasoned electrician.

  • Differences in voltage testers could be shocking

    Thresholds between solenoid-based testers and electronic testers are markedly different and carry consequences for safety and convenience.

  • Measuring linear distances

    Measuring linear distances

  • The fight against counterfeit electrical products

    Product counterfeiting is a serious issue. An estimated $1 billion in counterfeit products enter the US each year. Around $300 million to $400 million of these are counterfeit electrical products. Internationally, product counterfeiting costs global industries around $600 billion annually.

  • How to come home safely at the end of the day

    Electrical safety requirements for using digital multimeters per OSHA and NFPA 70E

  • Top 5 power quality issues you can solve with the Fluke 1770 power quality analyzers

    Troubleshooting the most common power quality problems—voltage distortion and harmonics. Tools needed, types of problems

  • Electrical Panel Overheating for No Apparent Reason?

    Troubleshooting an electrical panel overheating problem from unusual causes; testing with the power on, ruling out harmonics—and the resolution.

  • A behind-the-scenes look at product innovation at Fluke

    Fluke News Plus Research Archive Articles

  • Coming home

    Today's Fluke Corporation is a sophisticated, diversified company with an international reputation. How did this big-time company, with down-home values, come to be located in small-town Everett, Washington? It's all about coming home…

  • Evaluating harmonics using a Fluke ScopeMeter 123 and FlukeView ScopeMeter Software

    Evaluating harmonics that cause overheating and waveform flat-topping in transformers, switchgear, and wiring; using Fluke ScopeMeter® 123 and FlukeView®.

  • How TwistGuard multimeter test leads keep you safe

    Fluke TwistGuard™ Test Leads:safer, tougher, more versatile

  • NEC now requires available fault current labeling

    The effective date of the latest version (the 2011 edition) of NFPA 70: National Electric Code” (NEC) was August 25, 2010. It was published in September 2010.

  • Power Reliability for Facility Managers

    Power reliability for facility managers (bottom line): top issues; adds, moves, changes; electrical and electronic loads; emergency power; older facilities

  • Seven steps to mitigate VFD harmonic issues

    To determine the best solution for mitigating unwanted harmonics, start by investigating the equipment suspected of producing the bulk of the harmonic currents. Most often these are Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's). Use measuring equipment to measure and analyze the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonics. This is much simpler than it sounds.

  • The Power Generation Process from Plant to Distribution

    Power generation process from plant to distribution, highlighting the use of process tools for troubleshooting, increasing throughput, preventing downtime

  • Four must-have measurement practices for the mechanical maintenance team

    Four must-have measurement practices for the mechanical maintenance team: thermal, vibration, insulation, electrical

  • How to troubleshoot motors and drives, starting at the inputs

    Here we look closely at the first segment in a typical three-phase motor and drive system: from the mains supply at the drive input to the drive itself, concentrating on input measurements. This application note maps common problems to the measurements used to diagnose them . We show you what tools to use for a given situation and how to apply them to a problem, to enable you to troubleshoot more quickly and accurately.

  • Case study: Fluke 1587 Insulation Multimeter helps keep 1950s motors and generators running into the 21st century

    MetalTech produces steel sheets. Maintenance technicians use the Fluke 1587 Insulation Multimeter to troubleshoot and maintain the equipment.

  • Optimizing electric-motor efficiency - part II

    In Part I of this short application note series, we discussed inspection points on motors to make during an energy audit or other efficiency program. Part I covers basic motor efficiency strategy and describes tests and cost savings for voltage and current unbalance and for power factor. Part II covers inspection points that are best incorporated into regular, long-term preventive maintenance.

  • Troubleshooting 4 to 20 mA Process Control Systems without Breaking the Loop

    Troubleshooting 4 to 20 mA (milliamp) process control systems without breaking the loop using Fluke 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter

  • Motor Dan's best practices: how to keep VFDs and motors running

    Variable frequency drives (VFD) keep on gaining in popularity. Applied to blowers and pumps, they offer energy savings, and in mechanical applications they allow fine adjustments that wouldn't be possible by other methods.

  • Tech Tips - How Much Energy Does That High-Efficiency Chiller Waste?

    Five years ago, with the move to highefficiency equipment, Fluke began receiving trouble calls from service techs. The calls came post-installation, and they weren't about the new equipment—they were about other parts of the system that were now operating erratically, if at all.

  • Chasing "ghost" trips in GFCI-protected circuits

    This issue of "Solid Ground" talks about ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), why they are necessary, and how to troubleshoot GFCI-protected circuits.

  • How to Identify the Easiest Energy Savings in Your Facility

    ROI for industrial energy efficiency programs. How manufacturing plants can identify energy waste, save on utilities, and industrial energy costs.

  • Find industrial energy waste

    With energy savings, there's intent and then there's plan. Industrial facilities in the United States show a sustained interest in energy management. That's the intent: Reduce overall energy usage or sustain usage but increase the amount produced per kW used.In manufacturing, a plan will only stick if it has both the wisdom of experience guiding the vision and the ROI numbers to back up the effort. But in energy, there just isn't the body of research out there for an industrial plant manager to use to set baselines for what "reasonable" energy usage looks like in a manufacturing facility.

  • Say goodbye to the incandescent lightbulb (as we know it)

    One approach to getting full life out of a CFL bulb would be to leave it on longer, reducing the heater- filament-stressing on-off cycles. In my experience, described above, you could leave it on five times as long as an incandescent lamp and not use any more energy.

  • How to calculate the payback of test tools

    Now that budgets and staff are smaller, it's not uncommon for management to ask for justification before authorizing tool purchases. The key phrase here is return on investment (ROI), or how long will it take to save enough money, using the tool, to cover the cost of purchasing the tool.

  • Fluke developing smart grid technology

    You may have read about the new Smart Grid currently in development by various manufacturers, utilities and government agencies worldwide. At the highest level, the idea behind the Smart Grid is to add far more "intelligent" devices to the transmission of high voltage across a large power grid such as the continental U.S.

  • Case study: Efficient Tests Keep Fluorescent Lights Shining at Commercial Complex

    Troubleshooting lights goes from minutes to seconds when using Fluke 1000FLT Light Tester for testing fluorescent light fixtures in a commercial complex

  • Verifying lockout/tagout electrically safe status

    Lockout/Tagout procedures specify the steps electricians must follow to remove power from an electrical circuit or panel, and to lock out and tag the panel or circuit, so that no one can re-energize it while work is in progress.

  • Maintaining a solid ground

    Properly grounding a facility's electrical system ensures a low impedance connection from the electrical system to the earth. However, the effectiveness of the earth ground depends on several factors.

  • How to choose the best insulation resistance tester

    Examine six areas when deciding on the best insulation resistance tester for the application. Consider the equipment to be tested, test voltage requirements, the testing environment, other possible uses, the experience level.

  • Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzers increase accuracy and safety, reduce testing time

    CAT III rated Fluke Battery Analyzers increase accuracy, safety, efficiency, with intuitive interface, Intelligent Probes, audible cues

  • Run 5 essential lighting tests in 30 seconds with Fluorescent Light Tester

    Test fluorescent lamp, ballast, pin continuity, voltage, and ballast-type in 30 seconds with the new Fluke 1000FLT fluorescent light tester

  • A million and one uses for voltage detectors

    Voltage detectors are a quick, inexpensive way to check for the presence of live voltage on ac circuits, switches and outlets before working on them. Also known as voltage wands, sticks, "power sniffers" or pens, they clip into a shirt pocket and beep or glow when they detect voltage on exposed conducting parts or through insulation.

  • Four methods to conduct earth ground testing

    Earth ground testing increases the reliability of equipment performance and reduces safety risk. Why testing is needed, what's a good ground, testing methods.

  • Duct traversal airflow measurement

    This how-to guide explains why and how to conduct a duct traverse, how to insert the measuring device and a step-by-step process of taking the measurements. Tips and additional resources are included.

  • Diagnosing mold problems

    One of the possible problems in facilities today is the presence and effects of mold on the indoor environment. Molds are normally present in nature. They reproduce by means of tiny spores that float through the air and are invisible to the naked eye. They can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation - but none of the many types of mold will grow without water or moisture. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains unaddressed.

  • Battling high humidity levels in comfort cooling systems

    Most of the hours when comfort cooling systems operate are well below outdoor design conditions. The equipment may have been selected to maintain 75°F and 50% RH indoors when it is 95°F outdoors, but what happens at lower outdoor temperatures? There's less run time to satisfy the thermostat, but not enough run time to maintain desirable or comfortable humidity levels. Some modern equipment and components are designed to overcome this effect.

  • Detecting carbon monoxide

    Why, where, and how to detect carbon monoxide (CO) using a simple tool (Fluke CO-220 Carbon Monoxide Meter)

  • Ground testing questions

    Earth ground testing definitions and methods: grounding and bonding, purpose of the earth ground, Fall of Potential test, stakeless ground testing

  • Testing electrical bonds

    Expert, Chuck Newcombe, revisits techniques from 1963 for testing the electrical bonds in a grounding system and compares them with today's tools and methods.

  • Leakage current measurement basics

    On circuits protected by GFCIs (Ground Fault Current Interrupters), leakage current can cause unnecessary and intermittent tripping. In extreme cases, it can cause a rise in voltage on accessible conductive parts.

  • Electrical automotive troubleshooting

    Voltage drop is one of the most common electrical problems showing up in automotive shops today. This article features the symptoms of voltage drop, basic procedures and grounding tests to keep you safe.

  • Case study: Electric utility plays it safe...

    The safety rated Fluke T+Pro gets field-tested by non-electricians. Larger buttons for gloved hands and a battery life indicator helped to make the transition from the old solenoid-based testers to the T+Pro much easier.

  • NIF Brings Star Power to Earth

    You could call this a factory, but you've never seen a plant like this before. The "manufacturing" process here relies on "shots" of laser energy focused on a target the size of a BB. The product: a nuclear reaction six times hotter than the core of the sun . . . and a growing understanding of fusion reactions that could one day free the planet from dependence on dwindling fossil fuels. "

  • Clamp meter readings: problems and solutions

    Since a small increase in current flow to a motor produces a proportionately larger amount of heat, motor amperage exceeding nameplate values should be carefully investigated as a possible cause. These overload trips, though often caused by motor loading issues, can also indicate bearing failure, insulation breakdown or voltage unbalance.

  • Dual impedance digital multimeters

    Find out what dual impedance and voltage detection are and why it's good to have them built into your multimeter. Find out about impedance basics, ghost voltages, non-contact voltage detection and the absence or presence of voltage testing.

  • Determining Load Horsepower, Wiring, and Breaker Size for Safe and Efficient Installations

    “Let's just oversize the motor and we can run it lightly loaded—that will save us some money and be easier on the motor.” This is a false belief among some who select and install motors. Properly sizing motors for a given load results in driving loads more efficiently, saving energy, and saving dollars. Motors typically are most efficient when they are 90 % to 95 % loaded. Just because a motor says “25 Hp” on the nameplate does not mean the motor is producing twenty-five horsepower as it operates.Clamp meter readings: Problems and Solutions

  • Fluke 289/FVF helps to develop high-voltage sources

    Founded in 1997, LIFETECH S.R.O. develops, designs and distributes equipment for water and air treatment and purification. The company also services its equipment, as well as equipment made by other manufacturers. Lifetech has about twenty employees overall, with five in the Development Department.

  • How robust is your handheld meter?

    In the world of handheld digital multimeters, maintenance professionals are being deluged with new models, new manufacturers, new functionality, claims about ruggedness, claims about water- and dust-resistance - the list goes on and on.

  • Facts about true-rms measurement

    Expert Chuck Newcombe compares digital multimeters of yesterday with today's DMMs with true-rms ac measurement capability. Get the facts about the subtle points you should know when making rms measurements.

  • Guide to signal conditioning

    Learn signal conditioning basics, types of signal conditioning and how they ensure signal measurement accuracy.

  • Under-utilized functions: How to use fast/peak min/max on your DMM

    Understand how to use under-utilized functions on your DMM such as Fast/Peak and Min/Max.

  • Tough Fluke tools

    Read harrowing true stories about extreme testing experiences with Fluke tools.

  • VFD troubleshooting at a water-quality plant

    A Florida county water utilities department uses Fluke tools to measure VFD output filtering, Min/Max frequency, phase-to-phase voltage imbalances and motor insultation resistance checks.

  • Case study: Wind park engineer goes sky high to troubleshoot

    A Canadian engineer keeps wind farm in New Brunswick up and running by using a Fluke multimeter.

  • Troubleshooting robotic equipment

    Troubleshooting robotic equipment with the Fluke 175 True RMS Digital Multimeter at Briggs & Stratton plant; manufactures small engines for generators, pumps, pressure washers

  • Testing your test leads

    Checking your test leads to make sure they are in good condition and rated for the job at hand is the best insurance for accuracy and safety

  • Case study: Fluke DMMs in Antarctica

    Astronomers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have been working in Antarctica's interior since 1996. In collaboration with astronomers from France, Italy and the United States, they're seeking the perfect location for the next generation of deep-space telescopes.

  • Beyond the basics: Electrical problems at a boat dock

    Among the many tools offered by Fluke for testing ac circuits is the model 360 AC Leakage Clamp Meter. This meter can measure up to 60 amps ac in normal use,

  • Checking grounding electrode impedance for commercial, industrial and residential buildings

    Most facilities have grounded electrical systems, so that in the event of a lightning strike or utility overvoltage, current will find a safe path to earth. A ground electrode provides the contact between the electrical system and the earth.

  • Part 2: Electrical testing safety

    If you find a circuit that shows voltage when there should be none, be careful what you do next. Creating an arc is unsafe and could get you fired or much worse. Be safe. Determine whether the voltage is induced by nearby, energized cables or if it is being backfed from an unknown source.

  • Troubleshooting and collaborating in real time

    Fluke Connect for real-time troubleshooting and collaboration; technicians and managers can view same measurement data on smart phones at same time from virtually anywhere.

  • Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer Software and Firmware

    PQ Analyze v1.9.4 (.zip)Includes latest product firmware. This software will also verify you have the lastest Firmware installed.Note: Download file is about 25MB.v1.9.4 Release Notes (.pdf)Firmware Prior to v1.3.17 (.pdf)Firmware Installation Instructions on devices with firmware prior to v1.3.17.GPL Offer

  • Fluke 373 True-RMS AC Clamp Meter

    Fluke 373 RMS AC Clamp Meter offers improved performance for any AC-only current measurement situations. Find out more about this tool's benefits today.

  • Fluke H80M Protective Holster with Magnetic Hanging Strap

    Now 80 Series owners can benefit from the Fluke Magnetic Hanging System. The easy-to-clean, snap-on holster absorbs shocks and protects your DMM, and is especially designed to hang from just about any metal surface.

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