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Found 114 results containing the words:products
  • I-V Curve Testing for PV Systems: Troubleshooting and Safety Tips

    As PV arrays age, there are many potential causes of system underperformance. Some may be expected, such as soiling losses or long-term array degradation. Some may be unexpected, such as bypass diode failure, cracked modules, and so forth. Because I-V curve tracers capture all the current and voltage operating points of a PV source, they are uniquely capable of identifying symptoms of underperformance in PV systems. Every module datasheet provides a model I-V curve that represents all the current...

  • PV Circuit Performance Best Practices

    You must know the plane of array irradiance and cell temperature to evaluate PV circuit performance, regardless of the test method. To ensure that you can interpret your I-V curves with accuracy, pay attention to environmental conditions, as rapid changes in the irradiance or cell temperature can introduce errors to your I-V curve tests. Proper sensor types and test methods, like the Fluke Solmetric PVA 1500 I-V curve tracer, should be used for reliable results. Measuring and analyzing PV circuit...

  • How to Analyze I-V Curves

    To analyze I-V curves in photovoltaic systems, use an I-V curve tracer to compare measured curves against standard or predicted ones, considering environmental influences like shading or temperature. The "PV Array Troubleshooting Flowchart" is a comprehensive guide developed from extensive field experience, reviews of PV module reliability literature, and expert input from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). I-V curve tracers, such as the Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500, offer detailed insights...

  • Fluke Thermal Imaging: The Key to Meeting NFPA 70B Standard

    The NFPA changed its recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance to a standard. This means that proper maintenance is now required to keep electrical systems safe and reliable for workers. The purpose of NFPA 70B is to safeguard persons, property, and processes from risks associated with electrical equipment malfunction or failure. Maintenance is crucial for achieving this goal. Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera is one of many Fluke thermal imagers available to help technicians comply...

  • How to trace electrical wires in walls

    A quality wire tracer saves time and gets more precise readings when tracing wiring and identifying breakers. This is how to set up a wire tracer to work properly and deliver accurate results.

  • Top 10 solar installation and maintenance tools

    Solar power is one of the world’s fastest growing sources of energy. The industry and those who support it through services and related hardware and software are improving and innovating at a rapid pace.

  • What is the future of industrial measurement?

    Whether you’re holding a Fluke meter or not, measurement is a part of everyday life. In many ways, precision measurement is more a part of our lives than we’re aware of. From atomic clocks and precision satellites communicating to offer reliable GPS in your car or on your phone, even down to the phone itself. The science of measurement keeps our every day running, but it also plays a large role in industrial measurement, asset maintenance, and the future of factories. Era of digital transformation...

  • Thank you for registering your product

    Please contact the Fluke Service Organization or the distributor in your country for instructions for the return of your ‘Affected Product’ for a free repair of your product. For contact details please visit this page: Please provide your own shipping container (packages that have hazardous material or dangerous goods warnings should not be used). Your repaired product will be returned to your shipping address. If you have more than 20 units, please fill...

  • ARTICLE : TenneT solve communication turbulence at Rotterdam The Hague Airport

    Operator: Roel van Hees, Operational Maintenance Engineer Company: TenneT TSO BV Application: Addressing corona discharge issues affecting rail clamps at a substation in the Netherlands that were causing communication issues at Rotterdam The Hague Airport Result: Communication between the airport control tower and pilots is now back to normal. Any potential safety issues were averted. When TenneT got a call from the Dutch Radiocommunication Agency to investigate an issue at one of its substations...

  • What Industrial Plants Can Learn From Hospitals: Compressed Gas Systems

    Compressed gases come with inherent risks no matter the industry, but for hospitals, the risks are even greater due to the nature of the business. Besides healing patients, healthcare facilities are constantly trying to mitigate risk. Learn how hospitals keep patients and employees safe around compressed gas systems. Same gases, different uses Gases distributed for human use (patient care) are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as pharmaceuticals, which means they require a...

  • The history of the multimeter

    Who invented the multimeter? From galvanometers and voltmeters to digital multimeters with thermal imaging and wireless functionality. Fluke multimeter model history.

  • Thanks For Your Interest

    .super-custom .fluke-icon { margin-right: 20px; font-size: 2.2rem; } .super-custom a { color: #212121; text-decoration: none; } The new product will be here soon, and you’ll be one of the first to know.   Join the Fluke Community You’ll get: Fluke discounts, promotions and the latest news Innovative tips on using Fluke products Exclusive product previews and more ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍

  • Case study: How to increase efficiency and savings with compressed air system leak testing in food manufacturing

    Compressed air is the food and beverage industry’s “fourth utility” after the big three of water, electricity, and natural gas. The reliability of this fourth utility depends on predictable air pressure, which means even small leaks can come at a high price. Here’s a look at air leaks commonly found in the food and beverage industry, along with best practices and technologies to address them. The Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager includes technology that adds a visual component to traditional...

  • What causes a transformer to fail?

    Symptoms of power quality issues include vibration, excessive buzzing or humming and overheating. Technicians should occasionally check the power of transformers that supply nonlinear loads, such as variable frequency drives (VFDs) or switching power supplies. Doing so ensures operation within acceptable limits. Transformers are deeply critical to the reliability of the grounding system. During your transformer inspection, use temperature as a guide to check for excessive radiant heat and stay alert...

  • Fluke 787 vs 789

    See the key differences between the Fluke 787 vs 789 as determined by Fluke engineers. What are the key feature and spec differences? See the comparison here.

  • How to use the power quality indicator on the 378 FC clamp meter

    Detect basic 3 phase power quality issues with the versatile Fluke 378 FC clamp meter for industrial electricians. Increase productivity and safety without test leads.

  • Building a Machine Health Monitoring Matrix

    Baseline and trend your machine health monitoring in one place to analyze and troubleshoot issues quickly and efficiently.

  • How to Verify Electrical Test Tool Operation with a Proving Unit

    A proving unit is a battery-powered portable device that serves as an electronic voltage source to safely verify the operation of an electrical test tools such as a digital multimeters (DMM), clamp meters or other electrical testers.   Proving units can be used to satisfy elements of the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E 110.4E, which states, "When test instruments are used for testing the absence of voltage on conductors or circuit parts operating at voltages equal to or greater than 50 volts, the...

  • 5 tips for a successful IIoT program

    By Brian Harrison According to a Fluke 2019 survey, roughly 50 percent of maintenance and reliability professionals were actively planning Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) initiatives. This survey preceded the challenges brought about by COVID-19. At the time, more than half of the teams interviewed found the IIoT process to be more complicated than anticipated because of an essential prerequisite—collaboration with other teams and departments. Despite the business disruption caused by the...

  • Why ruggedness matters in a clamp meter

    Fluke engineers its clamp meters to withstand a high degree of unconventional use—as a wedge, makeshift pliers, nutcracker, whatever a tech might dream up in a moment of need.

  • How to reach manufacturing excellence with OEE benchmarks

    Highly successful manufacturing plants rank high in availability, performance, and quality. A plant’s most substantial capital investments are in their facilities and equipment, and most manufacturing systems are built to meet a specific capacity level that meets demand. This is why capacity maintenance is critical to the success, and competitiveness, of manufacturing plants today. The more efficiently a company can produce a product, the more products it can produce at a lower cost which results...

  • How to calibrate a temperature sensor in the field

    Pairing a Fluke dry well with a handheld documenting calibrator allows for a complete field temperature sensor calibration solution.

  • Tank level measurement and inspections using thermal imaging

    Discover how to use a thermal camera for tank level measurement and inspection. See practical tips for getting the best thermal readings.

  • Easy-to-install Fluke sensors help you track conditional change

    Continuously monitoring asset health is critical to avoiding unplanned downtime. Fluke devices help you track conditional change 24/7 and are easy to install.

  • Fluke Connect Condition Monitoring Dashboard provides insight at a glance

    When you have insight into the overall health of your asset portfolio, you can determine how best to allocate your resources. In the past, gaining that insight was a process in and of itself. Now, the Fluke Connect™ Condition Monitoring (FCCM) Dashboard gives you a concise view on a single screen. Leveraging FCCM data, the dashboard provides a snapshot of facility trends, recent alarms and activities, and the status of individual vibration sensors and power monitoring sensors. You can gauge the...

  • How to find the root cause of intermittent production stops

    How to find the root cause of production line stoppage and reduce downtime in manufacturing.

  • Keep those motors running: electric motor maintenance preventing downtime

    Automotive customers have zero tolerance for bad parts and therefore, electric motor maintenance needs utmost care. One of our customers, CNP Myszkow, coats small parts for the automotive industry. After dip spin painting, they heat-treat the parts in a tunnel furnace. This is divided into several areas, each with different temperatures. An electric motor drives a fan in each area to ensure stable temperatures since temperature stability relates strongly to final product quality. Any changes from...

  • How to use a phasor diagram?

    When you perform an energy or power quality survey you need to measure days or weeks of data, imagine the disappointment if when you return to the logger after that time you discover that you have failed to capture the correct measurements. The support teams at Fluke all too often get calls from users who don’t understand the measurements they have logged, usually they think the instrument is at fault. Usually though the problem is due to the user making a connection error, this can be due to incorrect...

  • Voltage fluctuations, flicker and power quality

    Flickering lights can have an adverse effect on health, causing fatigue, lack of concentration, migraines and in some cases, epileptic shock. The severity of reaction and sensitivity varies from person to person. Some people can see a higher rate of flickering light than others. Fluorescent lamps can occasionally develop a fault that can cause them to have noticeable flicker. While health effects are a main concern, the production line of an industrial plant can also be affected. Workers can feel...

  • Your Fluke Energy Analyze Plus software can be accessed using the link below.

    .super-custom .button { color: #fff; background-color: #369; border: 1px solid #003b78; } .super-custom .fluke-icon { margin-right: 20px; font-size: 2.2rem; } .super-custom #social-media a { color: #212121; text-decoration: none; } Download Now » For additional details on Fluke Power Quality click here, or call Fluke with any questions about which Power Quality tool is right for you! 1-877-355-1839. Join the Fluke Community You’ll get: Fluke discounts, promotions and the latest news Innovative...

  • Arc flash vs arc blast

    Arc flash vs arc blast. When an arc fault occurs, the result is a massive electrical explosion. The light and heat emitted by the explosion is known as the arc flash, and the pressure wave is known as the arc blast.

  • Understanding the arc flash boundary

    The arc flash boundary is the minimum “safe” distance from exposed energized conductors or circuit parts that has the potential for an arc flash. The required arc-rated clothing and PPE increases rapidly as a worker approaches the potential source of an arc flash

  • Korean Consent to the Collection and Use of the Personal Information

    .top{ line-height:1.4; font-size: 1.1em } Fluke Korea Co., Ltd. collects and uses your personal information as below. Information to be Collected Product/Service Information Requests Required Items: First Name, Last Name, Company, E-mail address, Telephone Number, Country and Postal Code Product Registration Required Items: Purchased Product, Serial Number, Purchase Date, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, Telephone Number, Product Owned By, Company, Street Address, City,...

  • Five tips for taking quality thermal images

    The quality of a thermal image is much more than just aesthetics. It is critical to pinpointing specific areas of concern. A simple way to look at it is: IMAGE QUALITY = focus + optics + spatial resolution (pixels + field of view)

  • How to inspect a motor with a thermal imager

    Seeing a motor’s heat signature under normal operating conditions—with at least 40 % of design load—can tell you a lot about its condition.

  • Protect your purchase, buy only from authorized sources

    Protect your purchase, buy only from authorized sources

  • Top 3 solar PV safety hazards and how to avoid them

    Avoid these top 3 solar hazards and learn how to work safer when maintaining PV systems. You need to know the control measures to take and how to plan for a safe work environment.

  • What is true-RMS?

    The need for true-RMS meters has grown as the possibility of non-sinusoidal waves in circuits has greatly increased in recent years. Some examples include variable speed motor drives, electronic ballasts, computers, HVAC, and solid-state environments.

  • Fluke Tools + Future of Wind Power and Solar Energy

    Watch this video to how Fluke tools are supporting the future of solar energy, wind power and renewable energy.

  • Thanks For Your Interest!

    .super-custom .fluke-icon { margin-right: 20px; font-size: 2.2rem; } .super-custom a { color: #212121; text-decoration: none; } Thank you for contacting Fluke! We’ll contact you when CableHealth becomes available.   Join the Fluke Community You’ll get: Fluke discounts, promotions and the latest news Innovative tips on using Fluke products Exclusive product previews and more ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍

  • Case study: See how the 438-II Motor Analyzer is building an underwater fan club

    Watch the video to see how the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium uses the Fluke 438-ii power quality analyzer and motor analyzer to reduce water and energy use.

  • 9 Things You’ll Love About the Fluke T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester

    Why choose the Fluke T6 Electrical tester? Read 9 things to love about the first electrical tester that performs AC current, AC voltage and frequency up to 1000 V AC without test leads.

  • The 7 Best Tools for Electricians in 2024

    We recently asked electricians what they considered their top 5 essential tools—there were a few ties, so we’re sharing their top 7.

  • How to read a waveform on an oscilloscope

    Oscilloscopes sample signals as they change over time and then plot those signals on a display. The amplitude of the signal is plotted on the vertical axis and time is displayed on the horizontal.

  • What is the safest way to work in the danger zone? Don’t.

    According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Recommended Practices for Health and Safety Programs, a 50-person plant typically can increase productivity by 13% and save more than $265,000 in faulty products by implementing a rigorous safety and health program.

  • Case study: How air leak detection equipment prevents downtime

    Find out how air leak detection equipment prevents downtime for a 150,000 square foot plant that runs approximately 400 tools on compressed air, produced by a 200-horsepower compressor.

  • What is power factor? How to Calculate Power Factor Formula

    What is power factor and why is it important? Learn how to calculate the power factor formula, each component of the equation, and why it matters.

  • Best Non-Contact Voltage Tester

    A guide to choosing the best electrical and voltage tester from Fluke for your needs. Built for electricians, maintenance managers, facility technicians and homeowners, learn about which voltage detectors in the Fluke VoltAlert line are right for you.

  • Insulation tester vs megohmmeter

    What is the difference between an insulation tester and a megohmmeter? Compare insulation meters, testers, megohmmeters, and meggers to learn about what's best for your needs.

  • How Fluke thermal imaging helps dry ice plant maintain uptime

    How Continental Carbonics Products used a Fluke thermal camera and thermal multimeter to implement a reliability program at their dry ice plants.

  • The Power Of A Waveform: Expanded Troubleshooting Options With The Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter

    Electricians are discovering that the new Fluke 345 goes beyond simply monitoring voltage or current. It displays waveforms and harmonics, performs power measurements for power-factor evaluations, measures inrush current, and logs data over time for later analysis.

  • Case study: Inside a Wind Energy Tower Tech Community

    As the wind energy industry evolves, so does the wind technician community. Learn how a unique wind tech community shares troubleshooting and solutions online.

  • Understanding the practicality of graded asset health

    Identifying the severity of a problem by looking at data can be difficult. Color-coded, varying severity alarms enable maintenance managers to make better data-driven decisions.

  • Electrical safety standards

    To meet the demands of today’s high-energy, high-hazard workplace, quality manufacturers like Fluke continue to improve their test instruments to make them safer and more reliable.

  • Case study: Instant Power Replay Solves a Breaker Trip

    After experiencing some nuisance tripping of breakers in the subpanel feeding the second floor of this industrial building, we installed a Fluke 1750 Power Recorder at the subpanel to gather information about power usage.

  • Troubleshooting Power Harmonics: Basic Troubleshooting Using Multimeters and Current Clamps

    This application note details the procedures for using Fluke power quality analyzers for average watt measurements and converting those to watt-hours.

  • Top 5 benefits of vibration monitoring

    Screening is an economical way to monitor assets by automating data collection. Learn more about the benefits of implementing vibration monitoring in your plant.

  • 4 ways maintenance teams benefit from remote power monitoring

    Ensure that your team has the tools it needs to reduce unnecessary repairs and increase uptime by integrating power monitoring sensors into your maintenance program.

  • Power monitoring improves real-world maintenance programs

    Three organizations found cost and time savings after implementing the Fluke 3540 FC Three-Phase Power Monitor into their maintenance programs.

  • Multimeter glossary

    Common Terminology and Abbreviations for DMM Products

  • Best Infrared Cameras for Roof Inspection

    Infrared Inspection of Roofs

  • Important Voluntary Recall Information Regarding Fluke T110, T130 and T150 Two-Pole Voltage Testers

    Fluke Corporation has identified a safety issue affecting certain Fluke T110, T130, and T150 Two-Pole Voltage Testers ("T-Pole Testers"). As a precautionary measure, Fluke has decided to voluntarily recall all of these products and provide affected customers with new and improved equivalent replacement products.

  • A new control valve testing process

    Proportional smart control valves play critical roles in process industries. Accurately assessing valve performance, however, can be a cumbersome routine.

  • How to create intuitive thermal inspection reports

    Thermal imaging sets the stage for an effective preventative maintenance (PM) program, as an infrared camera can be used to view thermally a whole electro-magnetic system.

  • How to calibrate your Fluke infrared camera

    This video shows you how to perform a calibration on your Fluke thermal camera using co-workers and cups of water as reference points. Featured resources Best Fluke thermal imaging cameras Infrared inspections and thermography basics Thermal imaging resources and articles 10 things you need to know about thermal cameras

  • How to switch your infrared camera from manual to automatic

    Learn how to quickly switch from auto mode to manual mode on your Fluke Ti401, Ti300, and Ti200 infrared cameras.   The Fluke Ti300+ Thermal Camera and Ti401 PRO Thermal Camera have been discontinued. See the Fluke Ti75+ Thermal Camera or the Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera. Transcript: Auto Monitor Image Capture is another feature on the Fluke VT04 Visual IR Thermometer. To access it, hit MENU and find this icon. You hit SELECT down to enable it and the right arrow key to drop to the second level...

  • How to select a temperature range on a Fluke thermal imager

    This video teaches you how to select a temperature range on your Fluke infrared camera. Featured resources Best Fluke thermal imaging cameras Infrared inspections and thermography basics Thermal imaging resources and articles 10 things you need to know about thermal cameras

  • What you need to know about emissivity and infrared energy

    .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Using a Fluke infrared camera, it's important to understand the relevance of emissivity to temperature measurement calculation. Transcript: All objects radiate infrared energy. The quantity of energy radiated is based on the actual surface temperature...

  • What new California solar law means for workers

    As California approaches a state-wide mandate to add solar to all new residential construction, the skilled labor gap and solar installation expertise will be top of mind.

  • 10 things you need to know about thermal imagers

    Whether you choose a simple point-and-shoot model or a high-end thermal imager with all the bells and whistles, here are some key features and specs you should consider:

  • Case study: Fluke thermal imager provides temperature data for Yellowstone TV event

    National Geographic details geysers, other hydrothermal features in production

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  • Case study: How scientists use thermal imaging to forecast changes in volcanic activity

    Scientists collect a variety of critical information and data to better understand erupting volcanoes, including temperature measurements from handheld thermal imagers

  • How to find harmonics in electrical systems

    Power quality is an estimate of how stable the electrical system is, often this is described as “power quality health.” This is measured on three-phase electrical systems using instrumentation that considers several variables. Troubleshooting power quality issues will help your facility save money by optimizing energy use and protect equipment from future damage. The first step to evaluating power quality is to capture data from equipment, infrastructure, and the service panel. The primary effects...

  • What are voltage sags, dips, swells and transients?

    Electrical and electronic equipment is rated for operation at a specific voltage. Voltage dips, swells and transients can cause trouble with industrial controls as well as equipment such as computers. Surges are generally more damaging to equipment than dips, but both can harm industrial equipment and cause outages, failures and other power quality problems. What are voltage dips? Voltage dips (also known as “sags”) are a reduction of voltage of 10% or more below normal or recommended usage,...

  • Case study: How a free dental clinic used thermal imaging to open on time

    Benco Dental is the largest independent, family owned dental distributor in the United States, with more than 1,200 associates serving over 30,000 customers with locations across the U.S.

  • 3D Printing Turbocharges Rapid Prototyping

    Development of 3D printing and rapid prototyping at Fluke for new tools and for small part runs.

  • Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer captures measurements while unattended, freeing maintenance teams to focus on other issues

    Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer captures measurements while unattended, freeing maintenance teams to focus on other issues The new, rugged IR thermometer logs up to 99 data points eliminating the need to manually record measurements Everett, Wash., May 18, 2017 – Temperature events rarely occur while technicians are around to capture them, complicating the troubleshooting of electrical, HVAC, and industrial equipment. The new Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer features Auto Capture allowing technicians to...

  • Yuenglings toolbox

    What's in your toolbox? Yuengling Tampa Brewery

  • Case study: Life safety technician relies on Fluke test tools to verify installations

    Every building, whether it houses commercial, industrial, municipal, healthcare, or educational operations, must include life safety systems.

  • Leading facility solutions firm upgrades popular instrument with Fluke Connect model

    MacDonald-Miller standardized on the Fluke 902 Clamp Meter when it came out several years ago.

  • Case study: Circuit board hot spots

    Ensuring that a soon-to-be-launched prototype printer works without any hiccups when it reaches consumer hands is an already daunting task. But when you're doing this for the world's largest printer manufacturer, the task takes on an entirely different magnitude.

  • Thank you for registering your Fluke product

    Thank you for purchasing a Fluke product and taking time to register it online so that we may support you better. Your registration helps us improve existing products, develop new tools and keeps you in the loop with the latest product/software updates and promotions. Free online training As an added benefit to registering your product, you can now take advantage of several free online training courses, created for you by Fluke experts. Enjoy! Be part of the conversation Join the Fluke online community...

  • Fluke 707 Ex Intrinsically Safe mA Calibrators

    Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain 707Ex Intrinsically Safe mA Calibrators shipped between March 1, 2016 and November 30, 2016. The affected Fluke part numbers and serial numbers are listed in the table below.

  • Thank you for contacting Fluke

    .super-custom .fluke-icon { margin-right: 20px; font-size: 2.2rem; } .super-custom a { color: #212121; text-decoration: none; } We’ll be in touch within an hour Monday – Friday during regular business hours.   Join the Fluke Community You’ll get: Fluke discounts, promotions and the latest news Innovative tips on using Fluke products Exclusive product previews and more ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍

  • Fluke TiR110 Building Diagnostic Infrared Camera

    Save time & money with a TiR110 Infrared Camera & grow your business by offering customers more services.

  • Fluke Ti10 Infrared Camera

    Enhanced problem detection and analysis capabilities with IR-Fusion® Technology.

  • Fluke VT04 visual IR thermometer maintenance combo kit

    The VT04 Visual IR Thermometer Maintenance Kit includes the VT04 and 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester – two products that are ideal for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.

  • Fluke VT04 visual IR thermometer electrical combo kit

    The VT04 Visual IR Thermometer Maintenance Kit includes the VT04 and 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester – two products that are ideal for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.

  • Troubleshooting and collaborating in real time

    Fluke Connect for real-time troubleshooting and collaboration; technicians and managers can view same measurement data on smart phones at same time from virtually anywhere.

  • Fluke BC1735/EELV Power Adapter Recall

    Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain BC1735/EELV Power Adapters which are used with the Fluke 1735 Power Logger.

  • Fluke 28 II Ex Digital Multimeter Recall

    Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeters that were manufactured between July 1, 2012 and November 30, 2012.

  • Using Non-Contact Tools to Stay Out of Harm's Way

    Limiting workers’ exposure to electrical hazards like arc flash or electrocution is a solid foundation for any electrical safety program. Combine that mindset with the right non-contact tools and more electrical workers will be kept out of harm’s way.

  • How TwistGuard multimeter test leads keep you safe

    Fluke TwistGuard™ Test Leads:safer, tougher, more versatile

  • Back to basics: Pre-emptive troubleshooting and testing of class 2 and 3 alarm circuits

    HSI Security Systems installs, maintains and monitors electronic life-safety systems throughout Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington. We're an electrical contractor that specializes in low voltage systems and rudimentary electrical controls.

  • How to choose the best insulation resistance tester

    Examine six areas when deciding on the best insulation resistance tester for the application. Consider the equipment to be tested, test voltage requirements, the testing environment, other possible uses, the experience level.

  • Maintaining a solid ground

    Properly grounding a facility's electrical system ensures a low impedance connection from the electrical system to the earth. However, the effectiveness of the earth ground depends on several factors.

  • Assessing control valves and their performance

    When assessing control valves and their performance, you need to understand the different types of valves and what they can be tested for.

  • Electrical automotive troubleshooting

    Voltage drop is one of the most common electrical problems showing up in automotive shops today. This article features the symptoms of voltage drop, basic procedures and grounding tests to keep you safe.
